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Just watched it. The directing and cinematography were very tight and impeccable. The acting was good. The story interesting though kind of superficial when you get the references. Overall I liked it. Did it receive so much hate because of religious people and confused retards? Marketing failure?

Lots of idiots that don't understand it and would rather watch Fast & Furious instead

>why it wasn't well received
Two hours of the Main Character being nagged by retards
It was never going to be a popular movie

good god why do people find her attractive. She's the most basic bitch looking bitch, the American Emma Watson.

What the fuck was his endgame?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mother!. The allegory is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theology and philosophy most of the authors message will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Aronofsky's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterizations- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Greenpeace infomercials for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this movie, to realise that they’re not just kino- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mother! truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the subtlety of J.Laws motherly breasts which themselves are a cryptic reference to nature's nurturing plentifulness. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Darren Aronofsky’s genius symbolism unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Mother! tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

Love to be loved

was this originally MoS copypasta?

Hello r*ddit

It didn't seem like he had one. He was addicted to being loved by and then losing his submissive wives, and he didn't want it to stop.

>lots of idiots don't understand it

It's the most superficial "allegorical" movie i've ever seen. The only thing it got going for it was the baby eating scene and i've seen worse on Liveleak, like that one wild boar running around with a human fetus.

Saw the small image and for half a second in the catalog and thought it was Melancholia, so I was getting ready to agree with you. It's a shame. Also,

He was in essence god.. and God fell hard for the worship he recieved.. hard enough to do it all over again at the end. His character name was "Him" with a capital H for a reason. Hell, even the name of the movie was "mother!".. notice its not capped? there is a reason only his name was capped.

Fuck you this was an incredible movie that told a story. There was nothing superficial about it. It's honestly the best movie i'v ever seen in a theatre. I left the theatre feeling like I as just ran over by a truck.

85% of people (95% on movie/music/lit Sup Forums boards (and I assume Reddit as well) who say people just "don't understand" whatever it is they're defending, are referring to music and narratives which are annoyingly in-your-face with their symbolism and use of allegory. Some people actually believe that you need a strong intellect to grasp shit like this. I'm sure there are plenty of things with those devices that use them perfectly and subtly, but this one does not.

Yeah I got that. That was what was unsettling about the movie. There were essentially no consequences that he had to suffer for doing this over and over again (and who knows how many iterations there have been, in the movie we know of two but there could have been thousands or millions or billions), yet everything that he created suffered every time. And he enjoyed it because they loved him anyway.

the pretentious poster itself is enough to make me not to watch it. just like with baby driver.

Ah, a fellow Zack Snyder fan, I presume.

I'll be honest. I watched the first three minutes where JLaw was walking around the empty house looking for her husband then I scrubbed ahead and it was more shots of her looking confused as fuck walking around the empty house, doing nothing, then I skipped to the middle and it was more of the same except now there's Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer she's also staring at in addition to Javier Bardem, so I skipped all the way to the end and saw that the whole movie was more of the same.
Then I read the wikipedia summary and decided it was pretentious tripe and deleted it from my HDD.

>like that one wild boar running around with a human fetus.
Wait what..



Should have been a musical

>I choose not to watch good movies



Newfag bitch

people who like this movie are fucking retards

>wild boar running around with a human fetus.
How did a boar get a human fetus?

Rick and Morty

How can you criticise biblical chracter types and stories if you dont even understand them? Its as if Afronsky read a synopsis on wikipedia and wrote a fan-fiction.

Mother! The Religious Opera

Do you understand life? Do you?

>jennifer lawrence


Best review coming through:



>11 minute review
>spends 8 minutes describing the plot
Interesting viewpoint tho