Just started watching this. Episodes 1 and 2 were slow as fuck. Does it get any better?

Just started watching this. Episodes 1 and 2 were slow as fuck. Does it get any better?

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No, might as well just stop while you're ahead.
The show is bum.


please promise me you'll power through - season 2 & 3 are legit two of the best seasons of anything ever

No. Horrible show I was forced to watch. Nothing of value or any knowledge gain from it.

I think ep 3 is the one with the priest. Watch that one if you don't think it's one of the greatest episodes in television then you're just unironically a pleb.


3rd season is next level shit

If you like sophomoric forced melodrama, then you'll call it the best show ever if you keep watching.

>tfw "A Most Powerful Adversary" & "International Assassin"
Literally the peak of television. Kevin's suffering is poetry.
Sadly, I haven't met anyone who knows about this show.

Mark-Lynn Baker makes the show

>its slow
>therefore its bad

Fucking pleb ass bitch get the fuck off my board hefore I fucking shove my thick five inch dick down your inviting throat.

The fact it's goes nowhere is what makes it bad.

Can anyone recommend me any other shows like this and The OA?
Dramas with mix of 'science' and spirituality?

It's hard to get into, but it really does pay off -- took me a couple of times to get hooked.

damon lindelof is a hack.

Maybe you should watch more than 2 episodes.

>it need to go places or else its bad

One more warning you stupid ass little tiny bitch. I swear to god on all that is holy I will rain down my fists like the gavel of zeus all over your tight petite ass. Just fucking watch, watch!

Show is OK, has some problems with pacing, especially in the final season
Carrie Coon is my eternal waifu though, I'd drag my cock through a mile of broken glass just to smell her perfume

It's the best show OAT. Just a little slow at first

t. brainlet

Opinions are polarized as fuck OP. I legit think it's one of the best shows I've seen.

You have to leave your house to meet people.
The Leftovers is not an obscure show.

The second and final season has less that a million views per episode.

That is extremely low for an HBO show, any show for that matter.

>. Episodes 1 and 2 were slow as fuck. Does it get any better?

God you kids are garbage.

>I need explosions and memes to keep me interested

there was nothing wrong with pacing. You are just pleb with short attention span

i enjoyed it but i think it kind of fell off at the end

Nah. A good story is enough to keep me interested. This series didn't have one. And if the story isn't good in the first two episodes why in the world would I keep watching it?

>And if the story isn't good in the first two episodes why

Jesus kid.

Do you know how many great shows take a while to get going?

Seriously, you're a joke.

>he actually considers the pilot an episode

Pilots tend to be the worst episodes ever, they have lower budget, they have kinks, and need to flesh out all the characters.

I dont want you watching the show, shitting up threads, so go watch your big bang theory.

So let me get this straight.
You routinely start watching new shows, and even if you personally find them to be shit, you'll continue watching to see if it improves?
How many episodes, oh great oracle of kino, should I give a new show that I believe to be shit before I tune out because I don't enjoy it?

This is the other reason I didn't give the show any more than two episodes to grab me. The fucking fans are insufferable. I just made it my mission in life to spray diarrhea in every Leftovers thread I see from now until the end of fucking time.

>So let me get this straight.

How short is your attention span kid?

That's the question but I think we already know the answer.

Sup Forums cancer

Episode 3 is kino, episode 4 is literally the weakest episode of the show but is not skipeable, episode 5 onwards its when it gets good but if after this you are not hooked then the show is not for you.

It's mediocre
I wouldn't recommend it

Am I wrong if I liked Season 1 better than Season 2? Everywhere I've looked online says that 2 was better, but I liked the mood/setting in 1 a lot better, though I will concede that International Assassin was one of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen

Season 1 >= 2 > 3

no, it just gets worse. season 1 is tolerable though, season 2 and 3 are absolute dogshit.

i've been shitting in leftovers threads for a long time mostly because the fans are such faggots. you have to be unbelievably stupid to actually think this is a well written show.

You're not answering my question. How long should I focus my attention on something that I am not enjoying? I need some sort of baseline so I don't fuck up next time. See, you're much smarter than me. So I'm trying to learn.

random twists just for the sake to try to be epic: the series

What I'm really enjoying is how shocked and personally hurt these faggots seem to be that even one person wouldn't like this drivel. Rarely have I seen this level of screeching just because one guy said "I didn't like it."

seasons 1 and 2 are amazing. 3 is alright
you have to be a massive fucking pleb to not like this show

The Season 2 episode of The X-Files that features Satanic worshipers in New Hampshire stars Norma (the demon Azazel).

third episode is literally some of the best television ever.

Anyway you may not like to hear it but I didn't completely get the first season. In the second season the show is more obvious to what it's doing, so when I came to rewatch the first season I got it

Only watch the Eleceston episodes. Otherwise if you continue to watch this show, you'll only end up disappointed by Lindelhack

>mysterious event happens
>violin music starts playing
>characters react to random event
>dude accept the mystery
>odd unexplained situation
>characters react to odd unexplained situation
>violin music starts playing
>dude accept the mystery

that's what this retarded show is in a nutshell

that's what this show is, over and over.

The leftovers is that show with BS melodrama, stupid lazy writing techniques, thin characters, abandoned plotlines

that manages to still be pretty good.

>that was the guy I was telling you about!

>that manages to still be pretty good.

Season 2 has a terrible overarching story compared to season 1 or 3.

Episode 3 is the first Matt-centric episode and instantly elevates the series. After that it's one of the most watchable shows ever.

I mean can you name five better television shows from last year? I got The Young Pope.

What kinda telekino you watching that's better then the leftovers other than TYP?

It's not TYP, Sopranos or Mad Men (the only good serialized television ever) but its good enough to watch if you aren't a redditor.
good to know I've wasted my time.

quarry, the americans

just because there aren't many good tv shows doesn't mean the leftovers is automatically good

DeY didun esplane misteryy!

nawt enuf plawt

I dun git it

Legit one of the best shows of all-time. Right up there with Sopranos and Mad Men for me.

dude kevin is jesus LMAO

>but my reaction image and nigger attitude automatically means its bad
>those shows
good to know I've wasted my time.

The series is "dude bad/depressing things happen lmao." Matt being Job from book of Job isn't anything new. Just eccleston is the only decent actor on the show, as he's capable of displaying more than one emotion.

the americans is a solid show that doesn't have to use forced mysterious bullshit like the leftovers
quarry is basically the best written drama from the past couple years

get taste

y ken et bee more liek my subaheeewhoas

I couldn't make it through the first five minutes o the americans it offended me on every level.

I haven't heard of quarry because I leave my house chubby.
Now that I realize I'm talking to a fatty it all makes sense. The fat blocks your logic receptors most likely

taste less.

>I haven't heard of quarry because I leave my house chubby.

what a pleb

I've never seen the leftovers but I come into threads to shit on it

As a sequence of melodramatic vignettes, its simply not compelling, as once the tone is understood each "dramatic" moment can be anticipated in advance, thus robbing them of all impact.

Then when there's no ultimate purpose or point for any of the events the writers chose to write, what the hell is the point of watching at all?

>Then when there's no ultimate purpose or point for any of the events the writers chose to write, what the hell is the point of watching at all?


The leftovers is an amazing show. You either love or hate it. Season one is tough but season two and three are pretty much 10/10 shows next to the wire and the sopranos. If you get bored with the first season than you're a fucking idiot.

>I couldn't make it through the first five minutes o the americans it offended me on every level.

Care to elaborate on this? I need a laugh.


Wasn't there like a gunfight around ep 2 when cops raid giganiggas waifu hideout? What else do you want, faggot?

You'll find I not only have accepted the mystery, I've realized doing so means there's no purpose to anything, much less watching a show that beats you over the head with that for 28 (lol) hours.

A reason to give a shit is what's lacking for most people.

It's the most overrated show on Sup Forums in many years.

If someone tells you it's "great" that should be a huge flag about them for you.

season 1 is the only season that is worth a shit. s2 and s3 are for idiots to gawk at the screen while saying things like "omg i dont know whats going on omg this is so kino omg"

That finale...

was Nora telling the truth?
Or more importantly;
Did Kevin truly believe her or was he just willing to accept anything to be with her again?

stop asking questions and accept the mystery

Watch this instead.
It has a better plot, is more emotionally engaging, and utilizes the only memorable part of the Leftovers score in a far superior way than the Leftovers ever did, all while only wasting 2 and half minutes of your life rather than multiple hours.


I bet Nora fucking pussied out she's terrible

who fucking cares, it was obviously written specifically to get people to ask that question.

Ah, yes. That's what I really want in a TV series. To slog through 3 seasons and come out with no resolution at all. True "kino" my bros.

Anyone who says Leftovers is good should be set on fire.