R8 this

This good or wot?




Started off great, but Marvel catching on the hype by shoving her into 3 teams and involving her in all these crossover events fucked it up irreparably.

It's good. I would give it a 10 out of 10.

Her original run wasn't too bad. Of all the legacy characters, I'd put this one as second-best, under the first Ghost Rider run with Robbie.

It's good. A pretty solid start for a new character.

Her ongoing was only part of CWII and the quality never lapsed much.

one of the few new characters that was actually good

only to then have her ruined

Yes it's quite good.

Starts off interesting then takes a nosedive after Secret Wars.

It's actually pretty solid as long as you're not an moron who wants to read everything with her in it, her story gets slightly derailed for about 3 or 4 issues thanks to Civil War 2, but it picks itself back into the story it was telling before hand.

Most complaints I hear about this book are like this here, when actually none of the team books ( ANAD Avengers, Champions) haven't even been mentioned in the solo. I'd give it a good 8/10, the artwork goes very great with the story presented, and keep your eyes opens for a ton of little background visual gags, the artist loves to toss that shit in.

Started out good, derailed badly during CW2, dunno if it got back on track because I took a break from the book at that point.

It wasn't that bad.

She's a cute spunky quirky fight the power girl.
She's one of those characters that either you love or don't.
Check out her first volume. If you like it, keep reading. If you don't, move on.

It was bad.
>We didn't know if he would use that stolen tank to hurt people! Who knows what he could have done!
It was dumb. CW2 was the dumbest event and it made everyone dumb.

Mediocre, Kamala's supporting cast is more interesting than her. Despite all the complaints about tie ins there are few. The real crap is that Kamala's transformation got dumbed hulk hands. Her solution to most fights is either grow really big or get small for a sneak attack. All of her villains are either non threatening joke villains or real villains that are too incompetent to accomplish anything. Street level doesn't have to mean kid gloves. People bitch about the team book and events when none of that actually touches her book and has zero effect on its quality.

It's getting better now, even if the references are dated as fuck.

It's okay. Not terrible but not great.

Yes. It's generally on a good track until a crossover event comes and tries its damndest to knock it off.

I mean, to play devil's advocate, he could have sold the tank, or maybe there was some convoluted superhero-esque situation where stealing the tank was actually the right thing to do.

If you're only problem was that one character from that one issue then no it wasn't that bad.

naw, it was superbad

you know what, that really isn't the events fault. willow just fucked a basic pre-crime plot. I daton't see how she couldn't see how wrong that statement was. To make it worse she had them fake a bomb thing in attempt to prove that it can be wrong, and the guy still blew some shit up invalidating the entire thing.