So, was he /ourguy/ all along?

So, was he /ourguy/ all along?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, only rebbitors would deny

That's pretty disturbing. That he believes in hell.

Reddit BTFO

>faggots being fags in a children's toy store

Lunch off, bro. Me and you.

Degeneracy is the new norm user. Grab your fiddle and play to the burning Rome.

>believing in skydaddy
>[the current year]

>says this unironically while posting on a chinese cartoon board created by a 13 year old boy


>burning Rome.
West Rome fell due to rampant corruption, a military not only bloated but stretched thin across the known world. Nomadic tribes raiding settlements and mass immigration on scales we've never seen. Add to that plagues and food shortages however East Rome did pretty well But you ignorant assholes love to leave that out.

no one gives a shit about east rome




>one of the actors Sup Forums hates the most will become their favorite overnight
wtf I love Chris Pratt now! Guardians 3 and JW2 WHEN


Isn't he Jamaican or spent a lot of time there? Jamaicans are very homophobic but NOT conservative at all.

So much faggotry in this world, sometimes I think my heart is just going to explode.

>implying children play with toys anymore


2020 and 2018

>Chriss Pratt fired from Jurassic World and Marvel
>digitally replaced in all the MCU films by James Franco

How long until Pratt gets to join these gents at The Table?

Chris was right
fags PDAing should be made illegal

Nigga that saying is a reference to the Great Fire of Rome, completely different event

>Seth Rogen introduced as a wacky side character that spends all his time drinking and smoking space weed
>farts loudly in every scene
>at the end of the movie they use his special alien farts and pump them through the vents into the bad guy's HQ then they ignite it

Gays were a mistake.
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men account for 70% of new HIV infections in the United States.

Making out in a toystore? Even if it was a straight couple, thats fucking stupid.


didn't that christfag cheat on his wife with the broad who costarred with him in the spaceship movie?

What's wrong with pedobear in that image?

>not caring about true Rome

>people here honestly believe blind items
>think every sexual assault allegation is made up
So what if there was a rape allegation listed in a blind item? What would happen then?

You think that's bad? I once asked him for a picture and he yelled "NIGGER" right in my face, I'm not black

>they were there for their pedophila

Because blind items are usually about stupid crap like Chris Evans farting in a meeting or Julia Roberts making her assistants shower her using bottled Fiji water from behind a curtain.

The blind items that are actually about serious stuff are generally ignored.

He's hugely religious so this shouldn't really surprise anyone.

what did vaughn do

Aids could be cured in a week. Just gas all the fags and junkies.

Blind items are literally just gossip queers making up stories with tiny tidbits of fact.

For example, they know Chris Pratt is Christian, so they make a story that other queers will believe about him being a homophobe. Then all the queers pat eachother on the back about sticking it to those homophobic Christians.

Reposting their bullshit just makes you a part of the buttfuck parade of garbage.

true detective season 2

Here he is thanking Jesus at the Teen Choice awards

and archived:

he hates gays so much because he had to get pounded in the ass to get where he is

this guy keeps oscillating between being reddit and literally /ourguy/

sizeable if factual. Based Pratt

Caspere knows

>Being a fag
>current year
Works both ways sodomite


what site is this one?

Still hoping for this one. The global fallout would be catastrophic.

Dude they have been spot on lately. They were right about Danny masterson

Here you go

It's really alarming. I feel like they've got a new source really high up that's just feeding them all this info

Where do these come from, how would someone be getting all this information?


Lots of sauces. They have been doing this for two decades now and have always turned out to be right.

in 5 years he wont have any hair left

That's when he plays young Captain Picard in the Star Trek reboot, after he's grown into playing more serious roles.

Why would Chris Pratt and two gay men be in line at a toy store?

Chris Pine's gay as fuck tho.

You literally cannot deny anyone service now without being hauled in front of federal court. I work at a toy store in San Francisco and we have gay men come in butt naked warring nothing but cock rings and buying minions figurines. The children have been driven away luckily.

>always right

not true

there's more than one way to skin a cat ray, but i'm surround by dogs and i've only got a fucking spoon


I really wish this was true, holy shit

The vast majority come from a middle-aged probate lawyer who identifies as "Entertainment Lawyer" (he's not). He writes 5,000+ blind items a year and is a proven liar.

People on this site post his shit because they're literal retards.

Chris Pratt is a classic American Republican. Loves God, Guns, and Israel

>no Bush or Obama

it's why the sexual harassment narrative has avoided pedophilia

Accidentally caught a shota instead.

LE 56% FACE!

didn't he cheat on and abandon his wife/fiance/partner? how can you be a christian, god-fearing person and be such a philandering fuckwit?

Will this be their last shot at getting rid of trump? Only way it seems they will succeed is if they expose this but at the same time sacrificing Obama and the other guys.

After the supreme Court ruling, you'll be able to tell those fags to stick the minions up their ass and get the hell out of here.

he was 15/16
we're the same age

and what have you done?
that's right, fuck off kiddo

I wasnt the person you replied to initially, dumb cunt who can't see who is a new IP to the thread.

Nice shitpost.

Does this officially mean that Pratt is not a soyboy?

Friendly reminder that fags regularly engage in predatory relationships with children and underaged teenagers

Better go ahead and ban me this time you faggot mod, that warning was a waste

tfw u prob shitpost with pratt on tradtwitter and he calls you a sodomite-tolerator

Jamaicans are 'conservative' in the sense that makes sense and most conservatives retardedly strive towards: sex should be kept as a dirty thing because it's the coolest way to fuck

there's nothing more sexless than a aging hippie telling you sex its natural, like a doctor saying 'genitalia'

He will have a heart attack and be wheelchair-bound from all the roids he did by then.


That's not how Roids work you retarded soyboy

wtf ilove chris pratt now

this is fucking hilarious
>then horror
like clockwork of the mainstream media here in america too

here too**
for context (even though the articles were in australia)

He didn't cheat


This, but unironically.
One would expect him to be above such low IQ nonsense

Pedo mod can’t be stopped

Fucking morons. Hawking and Pinker attended science conferences at a venue on the island. Odds are it's what the politicians were there for too.

That another location there is also the favoured getaway destination choice for pedos looking for younger kids than they can get away with in the US is just unfortunate.

Blind gossip items have been around since Hollywood first started - they used to run in the newspapers and magazines during the 50s before migrating to the web.

There was probably people printing and selling pamphlets back in Shakespeare's day to push the salacious rumours around.

Just remember the basic rules about BIs:

- a lot are just plain false/clickbait
- often it's just minor things blown up out of all proportion
- some times it's their own agents/marketing types hoping to raise their clients' profiles
- a lot are spread with malicious intent, by rivals wanting to defame the target
- some are just outright fanfic that got loose in the wild
- a few result from the easily confused mistaking fiction for reality (eg., Emma Thompson/Stephen Fry)
- some might actually be true

all PDA should be made illegal

what site is this?

>faggots making out in a toy store
unless its a store for sex toys then its completely inappropriate.

No. You homophobic assholes don't speak for everyone. Kys

can I see a breakdown somewhere of his proven lies? a lot of these BIs seem pretty tasty

Not being cool with the gay is worse than not being cool with the jew in Hollywood.
I wonder what kind of Mel Gibson flagellation he'll have to go through to get back to scoring roles. Chris Pratt in homosex romance movie with full frontal nudity coming to theaters near you 2020.

i've heard the little boy's videos are hot as fuck. he deserves a child porn oscar.

Pratts a staunch christian of course he hates fags
