Zack Snyder (Justice League) LEAKED EMAIL


Well it couldn't have been worse than it is in its current incarnation.

Snyder director's cut when?

Superman as a bad guy is a horrible idea.

Even when he is brought back to life and confused. The fact that he is evil by default doesn't sit well because it means that he's choosing to be good and isn't really who he is.

What's amusing is he's confused enough to be evil but still remembers batman and his trailer quip.

Having Superman be evil till the end of the movie would have been way worse.

Actually Superman was in a white suit and went by the name "Gene" for the first half. I know this because my dad works at Zack Snyder's personal harem of little chinese boys.

This isn't your daddys superman, soyboy. He's an alpha chad and yes he chooses to be good but he needs to make fucking sure that everyone knows he could snap their necks whenever he felt like it.

If Justice League was 100% Snyder it would have been as amazing as BvS if not better

It's amazing how Snyder TRIPLES DOWN on his mistakes about Superman.

They should have skip all the frankenstein revival of superman and cliche hero fight,just make it as his body disappear from his tomb(3days after lol) when cyborg and flash go for it, make superman pull a Metroman or something until the end,Lois and his mom convince him to go.

we all must choose to be good or evil, no one is one or the other by default

Then you're missing the entire point of Superman.

Superman is the symbol of a good person should be like. He's not supposed to be a real person with moral dilemmas. He's a good guy doing good things and giving hope to the people that he's got their back.

The simplicity of the character is the reason why he has remained so iconic over the years.

That's just your take on him, no one actually cares.

So fucking booring

>because it means that he's choosing to be good and isn't really who he is.
you really are a soyboy, huh? Real men make their own decisions.

The point of snyder's movies isn't that good and evil are indeterminate or some individuals are predisposed to make bad decisions - it's the opposite. Snyder stresses that individual decisions shape a person's life. The entire point of MoS (and superman) was laid out in the dialogues.
>"The first natural birth in centuries"
>"A man who could decide his own fate instead of society telling him what to do"(not a direct quote)

you haven't seen the movies you idiot, stop memeing "not muh supermaaaaaaaannnnnn"

>Choosing to be good is bad
Christfags, everyone.

Ebry mobie snake sneeder makes is kinkos! Is always da stoodio and never his fult da mobie bad

in your shitty opinion

But the bible says that everyone is inherently sinful and must try to do good despite that.

>Superman as a bad guy is a horrible idea.

Snyder don't learn the lesson from MOS and BVS

I agree. This is why Snyder entirely missed the point of Superman.

He is there to prove that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely' isn't always the case. His conflict is always about how to win against that corruption, both physically and mentally.

The 'they will join you in the sun' speech was supposed to clear up the reason to why he is on Earth. Yet Sneeder kept playing with unnecessary emotional conflicts and wrote him as a Sneeder self-insert and not Clark Kent. The result was there for all to see. He made Superman a ticking time bomb, an unstable individual with godlike power.

And if snyderfags and dcucks say "not muh superman", they should realize that this is not the comics where you have so many incarnations of him, that you can choose whichever you like. This is all they've got on the big screen and sadly it's not the right one.

Wrong guy in the chair
We know that since Watchmen
