You think Ms America and the Champions are bad Sup Forums? then you havent seen this

you think Ms America and the Champions are bad Sup Forums? then you havent seen this.

(w) Matteo Pizzolo
(a) Amancay Nahuelpan
(ca) Amancay Nahuelpan
32 pages
UPC: 045778026647
>Synopsis: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Zora and Jamil are faced with some harsh choices, a few roid raging Neo-Nazis, & not much water... but Disneyland has churro ice cream sandwiches so it’s kinda all worth it. California Über Alles.

Discuss Sup Forums next favorite comic.

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Black Mask puts out a lot of surprisingly great and underrated comics, so I might actually check this out.

>Ask me about my feminist agenda

Oh you!

>Useful Idiots: The Comic

How's this any different from Liberality for All?

>black mask studios

colour me surprised

Its not.
the 'young' creators of today grew up on second wave cyberpunk and dystopia without reading any Bradbury or Heinlein or Asimov. Or fuck, even any P.K. Dick.
Expect to see rehashing of concepts already overdone by better authors.

>but Disneyland has churro ice cream sandwiches so it’s kinda all worth it.
Is this serious? This is like a parody of what people think of California, and Americans in general.

>Black woman with an artificial leg
>Holding a rifle like she can actually use it

Has there been any storytimes of the first issue? This looks like solid gold.

Yeah, I don't understand how middle America doesn't despise the fuck out of California.

What makes this worse is that so far Black Mask has a flawless track record.

Don't worry, we do.

>Yeah, I don't understand how middle America doesn't despise the fuck out of California.
Everyone who's not California despises California.

>middle america
You mean the flyover states? Fuck 'em, what have they've done for me lately?

>Black Mask has a flawless track record

Come on, i know most of Sup Forums hates Black Mask, but i really do cringe at their attempt to appeal to urban upper-class hipsters. They're hardly any better than, say, Valiant comics in the 90s. It has been hit-and-miss for a while

>then you havent seen this.
but this looks great.

>Has there been any storytimes of the first issue?
if it hasn't, it definitely should be.

most likely
>provided you power
>provided you crops
>provided you water
>provided you certain minerals like coal, lithium, trona, salt and more.

>talks about fighting nazis
>has the gall to say California Über Alles

This is satire, right? They can't actually be this retarded?

>provide you power
>provide you crops
>provide you water

>i know most of Sup Forums hates Black Mask
What? Most of Sup Forums has either never heard of Black Mask or generally likes their output. I've never seen any negative comments about them. Just a mix of "literally who" and genuine enjoyment.

>seventh largest economy in the world
>cultural and media impact surpasses Jew York
>multi racial and religious population
>Military tradition to rival any state in the union
I sup on your fat inbred tears.
Stay jelly.

>coal provide 33% of the energy to the US and is also the biggest provider
>America is the biggest producer of corn in the world

I liked it better when it was called DMZ and about how all the sides were shit.

How would calexit even work wouldn't they die of thirst?

First issue doesn't come out for another 2 months.

they provide Southern California with water, though it's really only Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona, who supply the water.

>I sup on your fat inbred tears.
I'd be mad but you can't get water anywhere else so I consider it a charity.

>biggest homeless population
>has to deal with hispanic gangs on the daily basis
>no water

nah, no offence but you must be new. Every time i made a thread to discuss Black Mask i got responses about how "artsy" and "new-york aesthetic" and "pretentious" they are. Kinda hyperbole but true

>Everyone trying to rip off brexit name

How about fuck off?

I get my corn locally and generally avoid things that has high-fructose corn syrup in it.

lmao, call me when they become the biggest provider of natural gas, solar, and nuclear power.

Fuck California

You and I have different experiences with discussing Black Mask Studios on Sup Forums then. Probably a timezones things.

i read that as "fook ouf"

>lmao, call me when they become the biggest provider of natural gas, solar, and nuclear power.

It is

>Major energy sources and percent share of total U.S. electricity generation in 2015:"

Coal = 33%
Natural gas = 33%
Nuclear = 20%
Hydropower = 6%
Other renewables = 7%
Biomass = 1.6%
Geothermal = 0.4%
Solar = 0.6%
Wind = 4.7%
Petroleum = 1%
Other gases =

You're not even in the top ten for natural gas you stupid fuck.

you must have missed that one poorly-disguised Sup Forums thread about their comic (can't remember the name) where black people have superpowers and are therefore hunted by police
Basically an X-men concept

And if you missed the "we can never go back" storytime, some people in Sup Forums even like to say it was there favorite comic in 2015

Oh, Liberals. If only they could understand how they're the real modern Orwellian Nightmare. Even Big Brother's boys didn't really buy into their own kool-aid.

But user, I'm from PA

this looks like a shitty zine you'd see at the public library

probably did

Enjoy your Holy Menstruation comics. And your Spider-Woman and your Squirrel Girls.

oh god, Sup Forums is here already. All that California hate did make me suspicious

Every time I see anti-Trump or pro-left media promoting a revolutions I remember this meme

I'm a dumb Sup Forumstard and I forgot the meme.

That's a legendary punk rock song.

Nah, man. Leftists are putting on their brownshirts and red armbands as they gather up weaponry. Because it's okay when they do it, apparently.

Nevada and Arizona supplying water to another state?

Aren't those states going to run out of water themselves?

This. The only people that defend it live there.

You're confusing true leftists with liberals. Neoliberalism and its supporters (the Democrat and Republican parties both) is a poison, and political extremism Left & Right are manifestations of its death knell.

Black Mask is probably the best comic publisher around today so I trust them with this.

Those are air gun, some /k/ommando already confirmed

>Its not.
>the 'young' creators of today grew up on second wave cyberpunk and dystopia without reading any Bradbury or Heinlein or Asimov.

Jesus. "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" was my favorite book growing up in the 60's and 70's.

How could you not read that as a nerdy kid these days?

I mean, Foundation is kinda dull, but TMIAHM?

Tanstaafl, line marriages, The Authority, Mort the Wart, Wyoming Knott, The Professor, Manny, and of course, Mike.

Who could not love Mike?

>Black mask
>No Dark horse
>No Titan

Pleb detected

>>Black woman with an artificial leg
>>Holding a rifle like she can actually use it

God, don't show this to /k/, they would LOSE THEIR EVER-LOVIN' MINDS over her.

>muh trigger discipline....

>no Avatar

are you even trying?

So what would actually happen in the event California seceded? Don't they have a lot of issues with drought and earthquakes and shit?

I've never even heard of that before

Maybe supplying was the wrong word, "vying for" might have been better. From what i understand we compete with Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado for water coming from the Colorado river. We've got a few water projects like the California aqueduct and the Carlsbad Desalination that helps reduce our reliance on out of state water, but the majority of our water still comes from the Colorado river.

>Avatar Press

they are meh at best, the only good things they have produced is Uber, and some Crossed stories.

Titan and DH are the definition of pleb, they pump out shitty licensed comics while Black Mask puts out aesthetic arthouse comics that don't adhere to typical tropes that infest the modern comic landscape. They're basically Image if Image had quality control.

> (OP)
>How would calexit even work wouldn't they die of thirst?

It would be Civil War 2, only way shorter.

Turns out, having a huge economy based on tech means diddly shit when plain old-fashioned bullets become a factor. Cut off the electricity, cut off the water, end of conflict.

Your mighty I-Phone isn't helping you there.

>Black Mask puts out aesthetic arthouse comics that don't adhere to typical tropes that infest the modern comic landscape

>Dissing Foundation


Is that how she lost her leg?

>Fuck California

I'm honestly surprised at how common this sentiment is. Californian's all seem to think their fair state is the promised land, but you couldn't PAY ME to go back that shit hole.

California absolutely would not secede, at least in this situation. IMO the biggest problem with the current administration in California is the removal of state funded healthcare, so it would be completely backwards to want leave the union in order to get government funded healthcare.

I like avatar. Like how they used to be some generic softcore porn comic publisher until they decided to start giving complete creative freedom to Moore, Ellis, Gillen, etc. Their quality is debateable but they got balls. It's the sort of thing i would do if i had a publishing company

>>>>>>A E S T H E T I C S

>>>>>> A R T H O U S E

it's just funnybooks for chrissakes

I will be honest if they didnt had to kickstart their new comics i feel they would be able to produce more interesting stuff, like the stories in Cinema Purgatorio.

>I've never even heard of that before

This makes me very sad.

Go read "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein.

If you like it, get really political and read "Starship Troopers".

Im californian and I despise the ever living fuck of california, because of this fucking state I went from 'peace and love lol weed gunz r bad, democrats r gr8.' to fucking 'gas the hippys on my fucking lawn, nuke the west coast'.

You are the reason why comics don't get respect.

Why are you giving coverage and legitimacy to this stupid comic supporting an even stupider political movement.

t. liberal californian

>>Holding a rifle like she can actually use it
Oh hell fuck no. I don't know a damm thing about comic books, and I can smell the nogunz on the author from here.

Pick any spot in california. Two thirds of california hates that part of california as well.

They would get Dornered before they could even have enough time to get thirsty.

There actually ARE armed, violent leftists in america. But those fuckers aren't it. And open carry is banned in California, excepting some federal wildlands.

I can feel knife hands intensifying already.

Comics are for kids, you know. Do you honestly want to be seen in public reading the latest issue of ,say, DC Flintstones (an arguably excellent comic i tried recommending to all my normie friends at the risk of getting laughed at)?

Keep in mind this is the same site that mindlessly supports Trump and thinks that the holocaust was simultaneously justified and didn't happen.It's no wonder they would hate California no matter what they do.

Would you be embarrassed being seen reading this in public? It's also a comic

Comics haven't been for kids since the sixties. Even then they weren't exclusively for kids.

considering the NSFW content i wouldn't be reading it in public in the first place

Soft porn doesn't count

I love how Sup Forums owns this board now

It's like
We didn't even want it and you gave it to us anyway

>dude commiefornia lmao
>meanwhile the states with the highest dependency on federal aid are red states
>California contributes the largest portion of the United States GDP
>California puts out more in taxes toward the federal government than it gets back in funds
>highest percentage of population that requires social, housing, and nutritional aid are states like Mississippi
>California not only has the tech capital (Palo Alto/Silicon Valley) of the United States, it also has its cultural impact on the world (Hollywood), and is the bread basket for the west coast.
>largest percentage of small business owners compared to places like Florida that simply has a lot of millionaires

If California tried to secede an entire generAtion of leftists would be dead in a weekend.

In other words, go for it!

what does this even mean, how would an entire generation just die out

>dependency on federal aid are red states
You're only looking at half the picture, they also have higher black population

Imagine what would happen when you get the US military, add to that a militia formed by Californians that never wanted to secede, versus the lefties that think seceding is a good idea.

and? its still those states that require federal aid, not California which is one of the states that obviously require the least aid since it has a negative return on its federal taxes/economic output

Its also not like those black people just appeared out of nowhere. They are the remnants of slavery which is whose fault? They aren't there illegally unlike the so-called strain on federal funds that illegal mexicans in California are.

>They are the remnants of slavery which is whose fault?

I don't know, whose fault is it?

also consider that Maryland, which has the 4th largest population of black people is actually the 20th most federally dependent state while South Carolina is 6th and Alabama is 4th both with a lower black population. Maryland is a deep blue state which means more taxes and more aid right?

California's got plenty of black people too, believe me.

Question. What shit have the authors made before, and was it any good?

I would bet it never even got that far. The mainstrea left in the state wants big federal government programs, which obviously require a big federal government. They would get shut down like protestors at disneyland.

obviously if California fucking left the nation, it wouldn't require a big federal government because there would be no state/federal seperation

Love watching flyovers try to justify their shitty existences in their states by shitting on the best state.

It just fucking rained for almost a montj so much it took California out of a drought.

i get people with autism dont differentiate between reality and fiction but really? targeting them is a new low

Neglecting them is one of the reasons Trump won

If you "own the board" refute this post
You dumb faggot

Oh good. Someone beat me to it.

and East Coast for the win.

So if California actually seceded, how much of it would actually go? Would the state in its entirety break off, or would it divide itself along geopolitical lines? Does this comic imagine an ideal scenario where the whole state is on board with it, or only places like San Fran?