It's out

It's out.

youtube may as well be a cable station at this point

>Only recognized Philly D

love how pewdiepie wasn't in it yet the paul brothers were

that's what it's trying to be

this stinks

It's cringy every year.

We just don't understand what's cool anymore.

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

Shit felt like nickelodeon

> demonetization
> Kekistan birth and death
> alt media rise
> no H3H3

Sup Forums wins again.

> teenage softcore porn
> pedo in the comments

They aren't meant to be cool, they're made so drooling retards can point guffaw and pat themselves on the back for recognizing shit from literally less than a year ago.

A literal who's who of literally who ?

Only managed to recognise 2-3 people in the whole video.

>so drooling retards can point guffaw and pat themselves on the back for recognizing shit

Isn't that what 99% of this place is?

Garbage tier , and people want to make fun of let's plays but they'll watch this garbage , react channel.

You tub wants to clean the slate and are only recognizing nobodys.

Wasn't youtube just a video-tinder?

How do these get worse and worse every year?

Old ass memes and terrible millennial acting, soyface and stupid cringe everywhere.

Fuck i wish someone would drop a temporal nuke on this generation.

Yes but we're self aware so it's COMPLETELY different

wheres the alt right squad.

>How do these get worse and worse every year?

Because YouTube gets worse every year.

Why no sneed videos? wtf

what in the living fuck is this

>wants to clean the slate
i'll believe it when pewds eventually gets banned

I had to pause the video every minute and listen to bulgarian chants to get my autism levels back to normal.

youtube's shift from videos to "youtubers" themselves is what led to this cancer

Youtube won't have their credibility back until they stop having their tantrum over Pewdiepie and embrace him as their poster boy again.

You're just getting on with your years, pop-pop. Its only going to get worst. It's been 10 years, but I've finally accepted this year that smart phones are strange and weird, but are probably not going away anytime soon.

>no h3h3

and this is bad thing because....?

poppy is a dumb normie trying to be edgy

it is whats trending, and trending is basically the same thing as cool for normies

This desu
Shapiro and other conservative voices being In tons of views and revenue

So where are they, kikes?

Good lord that song, Puerto Rico should be hit with a hurricane or something.

where's reviewbrah?

Sup Forums once again being allowed free reign over Sup Forums

He's not a woman. Or an attractive "children's entertainer" IE pedophile

He's associated with the wrong people.
he goes against youtubes agenda

There's more trannies in this video than there are actual youtubers.

none of those youtubers are Sup Forums related