Take some rest; these borders are well protected

>Take some rest; these borders are well protected.

Holy fuck is Aragorn actually implying that borders make a country safer or better? That's fucking bullshit, borders only make other people hate you and make you LESS safe.

The movie is OK but pushing this kind of message is just cringey and dumb.

Fuck having borders and laws and shit

Inb4 a bunch of insightful comments about how the orcs are a minority horde



You tried.

Who knows though? Maybe if there weren't any borders in the first place orcs and elves wouldn't be hostile towards each other?

They could have developed trade and learned to understand each other.

but elves are xenophobic af and have strict entry visas

You prob won't get in if you've been in contact with wild animals or short

They have to protect their native ecosystem. No foods or vegetables, please

Was Denethor an allegory for Trump?

Denethor is a do-nothing pussy. If Trump were in his shoes he would slaughter the orcs in a year and Make Gondor Great Again

Nigga, the orcs evil. Created in spawn pits by the Dark Lord himself.

What about the ones created by saruman

The Uruk-Hai have human blood. They are irredeemable and only prove that race-mixing is bad.

I personally think it's disgusting that elves didn't breed with the other races.

Seriously problematic. If there weren't different races there wouldn't have been war.... checkmate racists.

>There are people who unironically think this.

>Time Magazine's 2017 Person of the Year: The Orc


fuck it's good to see Sup Forums is redpilled these days. there were phases where this was faggy lib land


This is the kind of kids that Aragorn wanted his borders "protected" from
makes me sick

>foods and vegetables
What? Why would you have to single out vegetables? You don't consider vegetables food? Amerilards are so fat they don't even recognize healthy things as food?

Such vibrant youths would enrich any community

Tolkien himself said that everyone, even the lowliest Orc, has a chance at redemption, because he was a Catholic.

Not sure about that. Tolkien stated that the orcs themselves know that they're wretched, and even hate themselves for it.