I actually really liked the football block/move he did to save that guy

I actually really liked the football block/move he did to save that guy.

And when he said
>you should probably move
He pretty much sold me.

He sounds and acts like I picture Cyborg.

Cyborg has had many different looks in the comics.

>like I picture Cyborg
Really? Weird.

I never imagined anyone would give a shit about Cyborg, let alone picture him in their mind.

Johns' TT was my first real exposure to him as a kid.
He was much more interesting in that than in recent JL comics/his solo.

All I really want to see is him saying "booyah."

Also because "When I say Friday, you say party." is too improbable right now.

we need a comics only board

Yeah, I know, Sup Forums threads aren't slow enough, we need to make them slower.


Is he gonna hit them showers do you think?

Booyah is his catchphrase across all media, user

He says it almost once an issue at this point, He says it in Injustice, He probably says it in JLAction

>Booyah is his catchphrase across all media, user
because of cartoonfags

So? What's done is done.

Faster than a speeding bullet didn't start on the page either

It means that a comic adaptation doesn't and shouldn't care about cartoons.

Cartoon Network TT cyborg is best cyborg.

read a comic

>Oh no, his best interpretation across every form of media is influencing things!

>his best interpretation across every form of media

I have now found documented evidence of autism on Sup Forums.

Are you gonna pretend anyone gave a shit about Cyborg before or after Teen Titans?

Please explain how i'm wrong/autistic.

Why are you so sycophantic about a kids cartoon?

What took you so long?

Injustice 1 and 2 had better designed Cyborgs

This is the worst and most patethic attempt of shilling that I ever saw.

Kill yourself Sup Forums cancer.

Agreed. I like how they incorporated his football background into his heroics.

He's always been the one I've been lookign forward to most. I couldn't be more excited. By the end of this year, Vic is gonna be huge.

Feels good mang

So hating it isn't shilling but liking it is shilling?

>Injustice 2
Sup Forums hypes trash costumes too much

Thank God for gear.

yes because only a shill can like DC

been that way for decades

ok bud

Yes, when you are praising shit.

This is how I know you are a falseflaging snydercuck.

>Yes, when you are praising shit.
But in my opinion it isn't shit. So again, why is only the opinion YOU agree with the non shill opinion?


He sounds like I'd think Cyborg from Flashpoint does.

True, he's got a nice superhero voice

>a comic adaptation doesn't and shouldn't care about cartoons

You WANT to attract casuals?

>posting Shortpacked
>posting David "hates mom and dad" Willis
consider suicide my homosexuality inclined friend

Gee I wish there were a way to cater to people who like the cartoons, maybe make a comic based on that universe. Oh wait, there is. But webcomic meme man didn't know about it because then he wouldn't be able to make his criticism! Golly, I wish I was as cool as him.


dumb phoneposter

Dumb phone poster


Why is his face the only part of him that's human?

>only a shill can like DC
Something a mouse would say




>Give me a source for your opinion!
I agree TT booyah Cyborg is slightly better than his older comic representation.
Regardless, recognizable machinery Cyborg would have fit much better into this dark, gritty DC cinematic universe than sleek futuristic transformers Cyborg.

DC got the rights to use Deathlock? Interesting

>And when he said
>>you should probably move
I actually really liked his delivery myself. I like that he sounds more like a middle/upper middle-class black guy from the '70s or something. It gives him an aura of respectability and responsibility. I didn't realize how much I wanted a black superhero to sound like that until now.

Stil dislike his design and the fact that he's even in the movie, though.

His head looks good but his body looks like crumpled aluminum.


He looks like tay zonday

Will he say booyah and eat pie just like in my cartoons?!

>01010111 01100101 00100000 01010111 01110101 01111010 00100000 01000011 01111001 01100010 01101111 01110010 01100111 01110011

Holy fucking shit Cyborg was a mistake.

Years and years from now, people will look back on this slurry, muddy abortion of a film and they'll identify Cyborg as a key component of the failure, a chunk of corn in the shit.

Why did they include him? No one cares about him, no one gives a shit about him. What was the point? We don't care. No one cares.

I actually like Cyborg on the team. It gives them a tech guy that has legitimate access to all technology without having to fall back on the cliche "Batman did it cause he Batman".

waiting for "booya"

Would it have been kind of cool if he starts out as CyTwink, and as they make their way through the Parademon base. Each time they come across a mother box, Cyborg absorbs it and gets tankier? or too much work?

it's weird and the desing needs a lot of rework