Hey, here's your pizza Mr. Sup Forums

Hey, here's your pizza Mr. Sup Forums

You're late. I'm not paying for that.

Is this pepperoni?

Hey, great!
...Where's my drink?

Riddle me this: Do you really think I am going to pay for that?


It's Peppa-Justice

Better riddle
How does a man throw another man over his head for 30 yards?

i love how this was in every possible way a spider-man show with the batman label

Pizza time!

>Mr. Sup Forums
>not just Sup Forums
>or user at least

I was just watching this episode. Eerie.


Batman Beyond was literally "What if Spider-Man was Batman". Terry was quipy, but he was BATMAN at the end of the day.

I think it's because Mrs. /ck/ sent it

Why would Shriev let some random pizza delivery boy into his workshop to hang out, especially with a line like, "Extra-Large, too big for one person."

Sounds like a line from a porno. Was Shriev looking to get laid or what?

Wasn't Shriev gay?

That's the impression I got from the scene. They never said explicitly in the show of course, and I wasn't aware if they had in any other ancillary material.

At any rate, still not a smart move to let somebody into your villain lab.

Yes. It is literally that Shriev was looking to get laid, and thought he was being hit on. It worked because who wouldn't want to get with that if they love the dick?

And Ollie just screamed junky fuckboi. They probably met on the BBverse future version of Grindr or something.

I ordered an EXTRA THICC crust, and you gave me stuffed crust instead. And I just wanted pepperoni, why did you give me meat lovers? Are you sure you're at the right house?

It better be

>ill suck your dick for some Ancient Mana Crystals
