We need to bring back the status quo with Spider-Man! Quick, make Clone Saga

>We need to bring back the status quo with Spider-Man! Quick, make Clone Saga

>Universally hated.

>We need to bring back the status quo with Spider-Man! Quick, make One More Day

>Universally hated

Can Marvel just fucking stop?

Other urls found in this thread:


>make character wich's biggest appeal was the constantly changing status quo and advancing story
>do everything in your power to reset things constantly

This. Jesus Christ. Just let the character grow.

And for Christ sake, kill off Aunt May, bring back the marriage, and actually being up the fact that Peter's child died.

Is it time for another Spider-Bantz thread?

I would love to considering I was the guy who did it but I have an paper due in a few hours.

>Just let the character grow.

Comic writers want the character to stay the same as when they were growing up.

>We need to bring back the status quo with Spider-Man! Quick, make Clone Conspiracy?

So, has this most recent attempt been met with a better reception?

Threadly reminder
>Marvel management considers RNYV a successful

Kek, fuck no.

Ben Reilly tried to start a zombie apocalypse and everything just ended by Parker going.

"Why, I know what the cure for the zombie outbreak it! sound!" So he blew up every Webware on Earth. The end.

Holy fuck

This, plus it would take actual writing talent to pull off.

I want to believe.

Read the interview where they say diversity doesn't sell. They give RNYV and Venom as examples of things readers want

Spider-Man shouldn't be part of the Big 2.

Actually, every character there would be better out of it.

A lot of people loved clone saga, they just didn't like the bullshit that came with it being dragged otu because it was so popular. It also gave real Pete time to be a dad to mayday (who later got kileld or something) and Ben to be the brohter he never had (who later got killed) .

You are a retard and have no idea what you are talking about

> I'm a stupid faggot so I'll result to ad hominem that'll show him!

You did it congrats, now go fall on a bed of knives.

>being this mad because he got called out on being a retard

el o el

I'll settle with just killing Aunt May.
Bitch shoulda been dead 30 years ago.

>Comic readers just don't understand diversity and they HATE comics that aren't big events! They also don't want Spider-Man to grow up.
>Most successful female led title is a noncanon story about Peter's daughter

Face it, OP. The people running Marvel are nostalgic manchildren. They don't care what you think, they want to please themselves.

The one thing they did right in the clone saga was the story where Aunt May died.

Mayday wasn't even born.

>It was the old things coming back in that time period, three books in particular, Spider-Man Renew Your Vows, that had Spider-Man and Mary Jane married, that worked. The Venom book worked and the Thanos book worked. You can take what you want out of who might be enjoying those three books, but it is definitely a specific type of comic book reader, comic book collector that really liked those three series.

>Spider-Man Renew Your Vows, that had Spider-Man and Mary Jane married, that worked.

Wow. Who knew giving your audience want they want could be a winning concept.


It's unclear whether or not she was a stillborn or Norman killed her shortly after she was born.

Hence that whole story where Peter thinks Norman has his baby.

user's acting as if Peter got to be an actual dad instead of an expecting father.


Didn't they stop?

Isn't Peter Parker rich now?

Or was that retconned too?

You forgot

>We need to bring back the status quo with Spider-Man! Quick, kill Mary Jane and make Peter poor again

>Universally hated.

It's probably the lowest selling Spider-Man event since Superior started.

I don't even give a fuck about spiderman's status quo, just please for the love of god get someone other than Slott to write Amazing Spider-Man.
Peter Parker is far and away my favorite Sup Forums character and I can't even read his book because it's so fucking garbage.


Does anybody even like the new Venom book? First there was that edgy faggot Lee Price and then they undid all of Eddie Brock's character development to make him Venom again.

What people wanted was Flash Venom and Mania adventures

>What people wanted was Flash Venom and Mania adventures

Considering people are buying it, you're wrong


People actually LIKED Lee Price and Eddie going back to Venom?

Shocking, right? I feel the same way about people liking Flash Venom

I can understand people not liking Flash Venom.

What I don't get is how Lee and Eddie Venom's return are somehow popular