Literally who was in the wrong here?

Literally who was in the wrong here?

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The cop was an asshole, but Rambo could have solved all his problems if he spoke one coherent sentence directly. He reminds me of a lot of people I know irl who have the communicative abilities of a potato

Or if he just kept going when the sheriff drove him out of town. He had no business there, and considering he proved to be unstable, the sheriff was right about him.

>land of the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""free""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>no bussiness there
>on public property

they drew first blood, not me

As someone who has deal with shiftless fucking homeless constantly, I sympathize with the Sheriff. Homeless people suck and they can ruin communities.

Having his guys harass him and fuck with him in the jail was too much, though. Either boot him the fuck out of town or just lock him up.

>that scene where rambo breaks down
>I can't get it out of my head. A dream of seven years. Everyday I have this. And sometimes I wake up and I don't know where I am. I don't talk to anybody. Sometimes a day - a week. I can't put it out of my mind.

wat do with PTSD'd vets tho?

I’m also a vet, and most of those guys you see are full of shit. There are tons of programs already in place to help vets with issues. They don’t want real help and just want handouts/drugs. Cop just got really unlucky in who his guys fucked with.

My cat hasn't been drinking water for two days. What should I do??

Both. Neither. I was on the sheriff's side to be honest, until they started fucking torturing him in jail

How do u know? My cat drinks from weird shit all the time. That nigga love the bathtub.

Bullying is part of being in jail though. If there's no physical harm involved then what's the difference between jail and a hotel?

Give it an IV

The choice of being there

You chose to end up in jail when you chose to rob that bank, strangled your wife or in this case, opposing an officer of the law.

Nope, you choose to commit the crime and take the risk, you end up in jail only if you get caught


Ramboy was wearing the official meth lab uniform

Except vagrancy is against the law in that town. The movie makes that clear. Rambo should have just kept going considering he was just passing through. Instead, he decides to be a cunt about it.

Ain't a crime if you aren't convicted.

>you have been found guilty of first degree murder and as punishment for your crime you shall get a full paid meal McDonalds against your will whether you want it or not!!

WOOOW such punishment

Cops always harassin da nig-

That's not how the law works

I didin't make the system

You have been found guilty.
Your pubishment, you get to rape and bully young boys as they enter prison for the first time.

The cop should have let him have a bite to eat, and then invited him to live at his house, help him find some under the table work and a place to live, like a true California liberal

the cop. Just let him pass through it's not like he was some nigger

how long until we get gender neutral prisons??

were you in 'nam?

Both of them

But Rambo was worse

if its fur seems dry and feels rough to touch, could mean cat is dehydrated. will probably need to see a vet to know why cat isn't drinking water

but yeah, checc that cat isn't just drinking water from places other than the bowl

>A plot point that was present in the novel but absent from the film was the primary reason behind Teasle's resentment and contempt towards Rambo, which was that Rambo was a veteran of the Vietnam War, which gained a lot of attention, whereas Teasle was a veteran of the Korean War; a war which most people had all-but-completely-forgotten at this point in time.

>Rambo should have just kept going considering he was just passing through. Instead, he decides to be a cunt about it.
Pretty much this. Rambo was looking for a fight; it's pretty direct in the book, and the movie hints at it pretty strongly, too. He missed war, resented his civilian life, and was looking for an opportunity to lash out and get into another conflict.

Teasle was actually being pretty polite (especially to a person he thought was a homeless drifter trying to shit up his town), and Rambo acted like an asshole the entire time.

muh war > ur war gtfo muh town


Who touched you, user?

good thing they cut that out

Both, but mostly the cop.

So the cut ending where he was gunned down was truer to his state of mind than the one we actually saw?

both, read the book, it´s almost more confusing.

Cop, he was a control freak, while not bad as the mustache freak he was still tried acting like that town was his castle and he gets to decide who gets to stay.

How can anyone forget the korean war when it had such colorful characters??

Ah the good old days.
When you wore lady clothes to prove you were unfit for military duty.

Wasn't Rambo going there to visit a friend from the army only to find out he was dead? It's been a while since I watched it.

Yeah and afterwards he decided to get something to eat instead of leaving

Modern remake of Rambo with a black MC instead of a war veteran? Yes? No?

Why can't he be black and a war veteran?

America won the Gulf War though, veteran of what?>

In the movie you actually do see medals displayed behind Teasle's desk, it is strange the movie didn't delve into it more

Yes. In the book, Rambo is semi-suicidal and happy that he gets to die fighting. The movie tries to make him a little more reasonable, but he still does shit like mounting an assault on the town when he could have easily just left.

Iraq and Afghanistan. Can't say you won anything if you're already there.

a buddy of mine spent years demanding someone film this with Michael Jai White playing an Afghan war veteran Rambo.

Michael Jai White has kinda aged out of the range for it at this point though. Still a good idea. Movie would just print fucking money given the demographic appeal in the US right now for something like this.

it was a bad time for everyone

>guy just wants a hot meal after finding out one of the few friends he had left died
>cop starts fucking with him just because
>gets to jail starts having flashbacks
>only one cop actually wanted to do the right thing
>Rambo breaks out because they didn't go through proper procedure just beat the shit out of him even though he's clearly not well
>Rambo offers to turn himself in because retard fell off the helicopter but nope just shoot him
>goes completely insane setting up pungi sticks to defend himself like he did when he was on the run in nam

Other than throwing a rock at a helicopter he really didn't do anything wrong because the guy was trying to kill him. If Rambo did try to explain his situation to the sheriff maybe he would have sympathized but he was acting like a prick soon as he met him so would have fell on deaf ears.

His friend was dead, he had no business staying in town. Cop even offered to drive him to the next rest stop for a meal

What's wrong with letting him get a quick bit to eat and then leaving? Its not like he was doing anything wrong.

Oh I'm sure this obviously homeless asshole who has no respect for the police will just eat his meal, pay, and leave. That seems likely.

Cop should know dead friend in small town

He showed no belligerence to the lolice until the cop started to deliberately hassle him.

>cop wants him to stop

He was obviously trouble. Plus you forget that he ended up blowing up the fucking town so the cop was right

Only after said cop and his crew made life hell for him and triggering flashbacks to nam. All of this could have been avoided if that cop didn't feel like being a dick to Rambo.

We don't like your kind 'round these parts stranger, best you hit the road

Apparently the cop was a Korean War vet and a lot of Korean War vets didn’t respect Vietnam kids

>beat up a prisoner
>prisoner goes full on Apocalypse Now on your entire town in retaliation
>still goes out of his way not to kill anyone

Pig had a power boner he just didn't wanna lose.

Throwing the rock wasn't wrong, dude in the chopper was trying to kill him. If he didn't throw it he would be dead.

Dude in the chopper was a cop though. It's not up to you to decide if his attempts to kill you is justified, that's up to the judge later.

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

but what if it's six hot chicks?

Throwing a roc at a helicopter is really no big deal, that thing crashing was entirely that pilot's own ineptitude.

>get arrested

amerimutts everyone, no wonder everyone is fat there when you can LITERALLY get arrested for just walking.

The pig of course. The entire saga should have been about Rambo slaughtering bully cops.

He wasn't arrested for walking though, he was arrested, and rightfully so, because he looked like some creepy homeless bum

>arrested for looking funny
Amerifats everyone

>Cop can rightfully arrest you just because he doesn't like the way you look
I'm sorry, I thought this was America.

yeah I'm sure you'd be alright with some creep who looks like he hasn't had a shower for a week hang around your children because hey he's probably not a serial rapist just because he looks like one

Why would I let him hang around my children?

You wouldn't, because it's your job to protect them.

Just like it was the cop's job to protect the town

Because according to you he's free to do whatever the hell he wants without anyone interfering

Can you quote me saying that?

>passing through a town on foot
what a fucking monster

Get a fucking haircut and take a bath! You won't get hassled so much!

Unbathed hobos are a public health hazard.

The bottom twitter post should be in black and white

>muuuh feelings
>think of the children!

>police! police! there's a man dressed in gimp gear chasing my child around with a giant kitchen knife!!! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!!
>"i'm awfully sorry ma'am, he hasn't technically committed a crime yet. We can't do anything until he actually kills and rapes your daughter but feel free to call us again when he does and we'll take care of him."

is THIS the kind of soy boy society you want to live in??

I think the initial manner in which the cop dealt with him was what ground most peoples gears.

He sensed John Rambo was dangerous, which turned out to be absolutely true. Sheriff was a dick yeah, but his instincts were spot on and he was right to try and make sure Rambo left town quickly. It's not his job to be nice, it's to keep people safe from killers like JR.

>who was in the wrong here?
The cop. He showed he has poor moral values and a grudge with Nam vets.
Cop should've let him eat and then let him be on his way.
Darn, he was dealing with a down on his luck vet, he should have bought him the meal and saw he left town safely and responsibly.

The scene was really well handled.
Cop was established as an asshole for his dick move.

everyone missing the point about rambo being a product of amerian imperialism, comgin from another unjustified war, being spat on by the public, realising all of his friend are dead and he is now nothing as a person, have no purpose, decide to eat a sandwhich all depressed and utterly fucked about the war, get shit again for no reason.

considering all of this it's logic that he went rampage.

7/10 kino

I disagree and I'm not doing it to play devil's advocate. Bums totally fuck up an area, especially when it is a small community. And they are like pigeons or something, especially in mild climates like that. You give one a little leeway, and literally within a few months your town is overrun by them. If you aren't going to arrest drifters, the next best thing to protect your town is run them out as fast as possible.

If Rambo was a serial killer and only the audience knew, everyone would really like the sheriff. He sensed something "off/dangerous" about Rambo, and tried to get him out of their town.

The last guy in his unit, which I interpreted as inciting his suicidal depression and aggression.

Rambo. The cop did nothing wrong, his instincts were spot on, although he made a tactical error in how he handled it initially, he should have been more tactful to contain the situation and dropped Rambo off in another town or at a bus station or something.

Rambo killed dozens of cops and committed multiple terrorist acts against an entire town just because he didn't like being told to move along. The fucking snowflake couldn't handle the fact people dont want unemployed drifters with mental instabilities and a deadly skill set roaming around their quiet town. Motherfucker thought 'muh service' meant he deserved to be treated like a god.

>lose a war
>return home
>people treat you like shit

not sure what he expected.

This. Rambo did nothing wrong.

>if the movie was completely different the character's actions would be right
Nice logic there

If he didn't kill homeless fucks out of his town as quickly as possible it would be a matter of time before it became a tent city HIV/hepatitis infested shithole. In fact, the reason why california is a shithole riddled with diseases is because of police not hassling the disgusting bums and in instead letting them shit up their towns and cities with their camps.

This exaclty. At the end he whimpers about being able to drive tanks and operating million dollar pieces of equipment like that was suppose to mean that everyone has to kiss his ass because he was a professional gook killer. If he loved it so much why did he stop? Instead he decided to play bum and destroy an entire town because a sheriff hurt his fee fees.

I mean kick not kill... but maybe?

>all these bootlickers actually defending the cops
good goyim