Black Mirror

Every episode have identical plots: "tech is evil" "we should destroy tech"
Someone can explain why Black Mirror is popular?

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Kazcynski was right.
>Someone can explain why Black Mirror is popular?
Somewhere deep down in their mind, the common man senses that Kazcynski was right.

because it really makes you think

Maybe you should break a mirror and open your throat with a shard you contrarion clown

>what is satire

That's the point, it's not The Twilight Zone.

>Anthology series about the danger of tech
"Why is every episode about the danger of tech?"

Be glad someone is making some well written drama you ungrateful fuck

it's entry level "society subversion" for people that like rick mort and game of thrones



charlie brooker is all about satire. "everything is shit, you're shit, i'm shit, let's just end the fucking world now" type satire. if you've watched his shows you'll 'get' black mirror completely.

broken clock

even a broken clock is right twice a day, but does fuck all the other 23 hours and 58 minutes

>show about potential ways technology could be exploited or go wrong
>user complains that the show has a central theme and isnt just 'lol random'

The absolute STATE of Sup Forums

Basically artsy leftist types hate tech because tech industry is meritocratic (and leftists can't survive in meritocratic environments) and it empowers nerds (people who should have the lowest status according to leftist values).

you think charlie brooker is a lefty?


>well written

>he thinks he lives in a meritocracy


Every film have identical plots: "tech is evil" "we should go back to Jesus"
Someone can explain why Tarkovsky is so popular?

>tech industry is meritocratic

First season was kino. I stopped enjoying it after that.

>Implying everyone in the tech industry is not a lib

i fucking love charlie brookers screenwipe/newswipe/gameswipe. i'm not sure americans actually understand satire.

Tell me why you think it isn't. What do you consider good writing then?


...and this.

Ignore the silent majority at your peril.

The more I consider the fates of near every character in the Xmas episode the more terrifying it seems

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

What would be advanced level "society subversion"?

You might understand when you get older.

Release date when?

December 29th


>plots are tech is evil
brainlet the post

its how frail society and people can be when exposed. Tech is just a useful plot tool

because it's interesting.

There was a thread about this the other day.
Long story short, if you think any episode is about "technology is evil" you're a fucking dumbass.

The humans are the villains in every episode. The tech just exists.

This show is clearly two smart for you. Stick to Bazinga and Friends.

It's not "tech is evil". It's the potential that technology of the future has in enabling the yet unseen darkness of humanity. What black mirror explores is new tragedies beyond what we're used to.

Right. It's the idea of abandoned morality that can come with such technological progress.


Because it makes you think you're thinking.

good episode but dumb ending


Confirmed for not working in tech. Customer support and HR aren't part of tech.

>not liking Black mirror is being contrarian
wew lad

Best episode was the pedophile one, everything else was trash.


Except it does make you think.

But technology IS evil and we SHOULD destroy it.

he is

Why can't Ameriburgers understand Black Mirror?

Are they literally just not intelligent enough?

>Someone can explain why Black Mirror is popular?
normies love racemixing

>hurr durr it's a prison for the poor and a theme park for the rich
i hate this show

That's not what it's saying you retard. Tech is powerful and can be misused. It's an exaggeration of specific pieces of technology in specific circumstances that could never happen. You're thinking too hard.

Is Black Mirror truly the most reddit show ever made?

If you live in America or any first world country you actually live in a meritocratic society.
Cant say the same about 3rd world tho, theyre really fucked by fate and cant do much to get a better life other than drug dealing.

I generally like Black Mirror, but the show has some problems.

Episodes tend to be either good or bad, no middle. I also think the show doesn't reward rewatches.

this show is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Rank em.

White Christmas
San Junipero

Hated in the Nation
Entire history of you

National Anthem
Fifteen million merits
Be Right Back

Men Against fire
Shut up and Dance
The Waldo moment

White Bear


The United States is not a meritocracy.

There is a large gap between those who live in what the idea of America is, and those that live in a 3rd world country of minimal opportunity.

t.American in this fucked up shithole

this is what 100 Sup Forums users thought about series 3 just after it came out

>episode that literally ends with le troll face is loved by Sup Forums

why am I surprised

White Bear was the only episode that felt organic. A twist that came about strong and naturally. Shut Up And Dance is a good watch. I know the kid's a little crybaby but the camerawork and everything kept me excited and entertained the whole way through. Nosedive was predictable. Fifteen Million Mertis was interesting but unsatisfying. All the others have blended together and I don't feel like watching them again. I remember that Men Against Fire was really, really bad though. Haven't seen San Junipero and I can't say that I want to.

Dude i guarantee you anyone with a IQ above 100 from 3rd world countries could get to a 100k salary in a matter of years.
Because of HOW EASY it is to advance in life in America. You dont know how good you have it.

fun fact 3rd world country means a county that didn't pick a side during the Cold War. Switzerland is a 3rd world country.

fun fact: youre stupid and prolly very annoying at parties

Because its extremely progressive and left-leaning so the media tell everyone it is brilliant and that they must watch and adore it.

that would be stranger things or westworld

Twilight Zone for Soyboys.

So what's the twist here? It's all a never ending simulation by the captain and he kills anyone that doesn't fall in line?

What frat did these thirdies pledge at that they automatically get 100K jobs?

For one, I just think it's a really well directed drama, and as someone who likes dramas, I like it.

Further, I think it's less about "tech is evil" and more just an excercise in looking at human societies from an outside perspective. To draw parallels between the fiction and reality so that you might think about your relationship with technology more objectively.

Something that comes across as normie shit but has an almost imperceptibly subversive text that only works on a subconscious level, I'd assume.

>not terrible
pick one

San Junipero could have been the best in the series if the black woman actually abandoned the girl. You know, because the show is dark. But no, instead we get a happy ending because gay propaganda. I can tolerate the race mixing (except in Nosedive, what the hell was that) but fuck them for that one.

>San Junipero is a good episode

Girl on the left was already in a past episode.

It just an exaggeration of how creepy and weird our tech world is. And it is creepy and spooky if you really look at it. Almost magic like.
Star Trek or Orville is what you want for positive tech shows.

>Dude le technology is ebil
>Redditor goes hmmmm so deep
>Dude half-baked dystopian sci-fi concepts
>Redditor goes wow I am so smart

Shut Up and Dance is pure kino