Newfag from Sup Forums wanting the gestalt on Bendis

My friend is always making jokes about some Brian Michael Bendis guy, can someone give me the rundown on why he's so funny?

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there is nothing really funny about him, its more disappointment and frustration as while the man helped marvel quite a bit is also a complete hack.

He just plain blows

also out of curiosity what kind of jokes does he make about him?

He's not funny. That's the problem. He writes dialogue in a bizarre way with this constant back-and-forth patter between his characters.

Think Seinfeld, but less funny and WAY more repetitive. It could kind of work if two funny actors are speaking it aloud, but in comic format it's just jarring.

Also he has a roster of characters that he likes, and if a character is outside of that roster, he'll usually fuck them up. Sometimes beyond repair.

Also he doesn't bother to do any research on the characters he DOES write, usually ignoring or outright contradicting the work of other writers for no good reason.

Overall, his books tend to be messy and go nowhere.

Okay, imagine a writer who had potential with a few stories, that he was hired to take over the main line. But instead of embracing all of Marvel, he played favorites. His first course of action on the Avengers? Kill off the "Lame Avengers", such as Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Vision, etc. From there he made his own team with Spider-Man and Wolverine, a move that launched his books to stardom for a solid decade, as well as his personal favorites like Spider-Woman and Luke Cage.

Now, we reach the core issue of Bendis, HE DOESN'T RESEARCH! He doesn't even read his other writer's works. He just takes ideas from TV, Movies, and the occasional popular series and then turns it into his own trend of one off jokes. He makes stories that flat out contradict other people's work. He even contradicts his own work, he cares that little, cause he knows he will still sell.

He'll flat out kill teams like Alpha Flight just cause he doesn't like them. Hell, he made Hawkeye kill the Hulk cause he doesn't like either of them. But his pet characters? You better believe they get a push! Look how he moves Kitty Pryde onto multiple books he works on. Watch how every character that disagrees with his heroes ends up villains.

But the worst part of all of this? He's fucking lazy. He makes these stories well in advance, and makes minor template changes to fit the narrative of the MCU. Like how he's making Sharon Carter act like Maria Hill now. Or all of his Civil War II, where he kills off War Machine cause he thought he would die in the Civil War film.

Bendis is that guy who plays Star Wars Battlefront and hasn't seen Star Wars, yet is given the keys to write the next Star Wars movies from what he thought was cool from the game.

both of this, also does bendis still sell well? i figure that after the shit he has put out in the last few years people would have walked away.

He does sell well, because he keeps being put on event books (which always sell the best), and his comics are full of shock value stuff like killing off long-standing characters.

Bendis is starting to lose his power. I think it's because Civil War II was such a flat out disaster that fans are starting to wise up. Then again, he has Miles and Riri, so that gives people the "diversity angle". Not to mention, retards think the only bad thing about CWII was that Carol was the villain and not, you know, the whole thing.

I haven't read that many of his comics since I don't really read a lot of Marvel but have this.

Okay, see this OP? Now imagine that Bendis always gets the best artists at Marvel JUST to draw scenes like this.

> I want you to spoonfeed me

outside of a few books i don't read to much marvel or capes in general, is event fatigue a real thing yet?

Dude has written some amazing stories, so Marvel promoted him to now having power over almost every character.
And the people at Sup Forums who complain about stories they haven't read yet now have a figurehead to aim all their rage and hatred at.

Guess what happened next?

Of course, he's also a big Jewish guy who adopted a black kid so Sup Forums got into the fray early and often.

So now pretty much half the stuff posted about him is an outright lie.

Among people who regularly read comics, its been a thing for over a decade now.

But then there's the casual readers who pretty much ONLY pick up events like Civil War or AvX. They don't really notice or care.

Take a look at some of these OP:

while i agree with most of the shit you say, you have to admit he is or has become a lazy fuck.

We just had a Bendis thread that is perfect for you to look at

Dude, his current job doesn't require him to hands-on produce like his last job did.
All the stuff he personally makes today is extra effort he doesn't actually need to do.

Brian Michael Bendis? The comic book writer? That Brian Michael Bendis?

OP, since you say you're from Sup Forums, did you ever see this video?

He's basically a professional Tim Buckley

Visual aids

Bendis revolutionized comics in the early 2000's, in a way nothing did since Watchmen, by having characters speak in a "realistic" way influenced by movies like Pulp Fiction and by being extremely gritty, with heroes and villains being self-deprecating about their "silly" costumes and names and long convoluted histories.

His success on Daredevil lead to him getting his own mature readers book with his own original character, Jessica Jones, Alias. It's far and away the most Bendis book ever created, so if you want to know what the style Bendis popularized is like, read Alias. It's about a former superhero who has instead become a washed up private detective who drinks herself sick every night, bangs has-been (at the time) characters like Luke Cage and Scott Lang and is tormented by a former joke villain turned rapist Purple Man.

Bendis was then picked as a main writer on Marvel's Gritty Reboot: The Universe also known as Ultimate Marvel, where he reimagined the original Silver Age Spider-Man tales in a new, more mature and "grounded" universe. Many aspects of the post-2000's superhero films, especially the MCU, come from things he did on Ultimate Spider-Man.

Marvel then decided it would be a genius idea to give the guy known for his gritty realistic crime stories the keys to the entire Marvel universe, where he wrote Avengers Disassembled, a comic so fucking horrendous we're still paying the price for it today. Since you're from Sup Forums I guess you could call it equivalent to maybe Modern Warfare 2, where it's shitty garbage but it set the world on fire and all of its bad design and shady business decisions were copied and became the industry standard.

Since then Bendis has continued as a premiere architect of the Marvel universe. He's known for his decompressed stories (that take maybe two or three issues worth of story and stretch it out twice as long through meandering dialogue and just slow pacing), his complete disregard for anything anyone other than (cont)

Sup Forums fella listen here.
You know how Snake tends to repeat everything they say to him? Well the memes around bendis circle around that because he tends to write dialogue in a similar way, with a lot of repetition in order to simulate real life dialogue

himself is writing, his manchild like attachment to and vendettas against certain characters to the point of ridiculousness (he notably shoves The Thing, Luke Cage, and/or Kitty Pryde into everything he does, and during events he will kill off characters he doesn't like or that he doesn't care about or worse will character assassinate them like The Wasp and Scarlet Witch).

After the GotG movie was announced and began to build up some hype, Bendis was either assigned or demanded to be put on the team's rebirth after its dissolution years ago when Star Lord and Nova were trapped in another universe. Bendis, the fan favorite that he is, proceeded to not read anything the team had ever appeared in and made a comic book that tried to ape the tone shown in the trailers for the movie, and also shoved Iron Man in it. Reportedly James Gunn told his cast not to read any of these comics. Then when the movie came out and was a hit, Bendis predictably turned to just copy the movie, and also since he now liked the team he shoved The Thing and Kitty Pryde in there too.

>And the people at Sup Forums who complain about stories they haven't read yet now have a figurehead to aim all their rage and hatred at.
>Guess what happened next?
>Of course, he's also a big Jewish guy who adopted a black kid so Sup Forums got into the fray early and often.

quit projecting, i read his work and he fucking sucks there are times i think oh maybe this time he will be good like daredevil and UMS, and its the worse thing i ever read

pretty much all you need to know OP

also this:
Is he the biggest hack in marvel right now?

Oh for fuck sakes.

YES, Ultimate Spider-Man is great. YES, his Daredevil was good. But beyond that, Bendis is pretty atrocious with cheap storytelling tactics.

Okay. I just gotta know. Who's in the wrong on this page?

>Ultimate Spider-Man is great.
No. It's overrated and painfully bland and mediocre.

The Avengers, because they are mentally torturing someone innocent. The Avengers were assholes to Hand the whole series and then she dies and they just go "Oh...well that sucks"

He does better than most, but he's not a guy who can support a franchise only based on his name. Marvel certainly treats him like he's one of those though.

I can tell that they're definitely being assholes in those pages, but were they acting "wrongfully", as in, without a contrived reason made up by the writer to put them in the right?