Redpill me on this dude

redpill me on this dude

Murnau outclassed him and outdid him

dora winnifred griffiths directed the sound of music and Pan's Labrynth, and then he died

He's no Godard, that's for sure. Godard understood that film was worthless compared to other form of art like, say, literature, which is why he toyed with it. But the kind of people who appreciate Griffith approach Godard with sincerity, and then become utterly dismayed when their God is exposed for a fraud. Because film is inherently inauthentic. But they undergo such severe cognitive dissonance that they blame Godard, and never realize the truth.

Murnau was 6'4
Griffith was 5'10


sounds like you take this shit pretty serious senpai

who name their kid wark?

Talentless hack


There is one major problem that persists in Murnau's work, a prolem that has carried its influence decades later into the garbage that pigs are exposed to today. The tradition Murnau represents is that of the director who decides how much of the world will be revealed to his audience. The aesthetic of camera movement over montage implies the continuousness of a visual field outside the frame of a film. What we see on the screen is what the director has chosen to show us. He could have shown us more or less or something else, but he chose to show us what he has shown us for a specific purpose. These whimsically emotive camera movements can most often be as overexplanatory as a heady intertitle. Griffith was wise enough to abstract from such flauntingly overexpressive technique, and opted instead for the functional and the thought-provoking unmotivated


>try to watch Birth of a Nation
>get bored and turn it off in 5 minutes

Good post


>Good post
Godard didn't do a single thing new. Even he, same as Welles, admits it and tells in interviews that there they both get unwarranted praise

>this was all real


Overdose revisionist soyboy

Ignorance of God is the first step to self-destruction.

Murnau is a gay lanklet. Appeals to the same crowd as him.

It is about time that D.W. Griffith was rescued from the false pedestal of an outmoded pioneer. The cinema of Griffith is no more outmoded, after all, than the drama of Aeschylus. When one observes in the bird-in-a-cage telephone-booth image in Hitchcock’s The Birds a derivation of a similarly objective viewpoint in Griffith’s Broken Blossoms, the alleged antiquity of Griffith becomes more dubious than ever. Only in film history is half a century treated as a millennium. This is particularly true of the liberal, technological, or Marxist historians who have embraced a theory of Progress in contradistinction to all other arts. By their standards, the cinema does not rise or fall, as do all other arts, in relation to the artists involved. Instead, the cinema is subject to a certain mystical process of evolution by which Griffith’s Babylonian crane shots are on the bottom rung of a ladder that mounts to Eisenstein’s Odessa Steps. Conversely, the fallacious assumption that the cinema rose progressively from Griffith to Murnau to Eisenstein in the period from 1915 to 1928 implies that the cinema was betrayed from 1929 onward. The fact remains that Griffith, Murnau, and Eisenstein had differing visions of the world, and their technical “contributions” can never be divorced from their personalities. The recent rediscovery of Griffith in New York and Paris centered not on the relatively familiar landmarks, The Birth of a Nation and Intolerance, but on such underrated masterpieces as Broken Blossoms, True Heart Susie, Way Down East, Dream Street, and Orphans of the Storm.

Was it autism?

Boredom is a symptom of low attention span, low attention span is a symptom of infantilism, infantilism is a symptom of bad genes, bad genes are a symptom of delayed evolution.

Griffith is the only one to TRULY have probed man's folly in the conquest of truth. In his works, he imparts the futility of man's virtue, the hypocrisy of mankind.
If you don't believe, just look at the parallels between Birth of a Nation, and the Obama administration.

>James Joyce stole from Griffith
How is being influenced akin to stealing? If an auteur wouldn't want their film to have an impact, they wouldn't release it to the public, and wouldn't make work that relies, at least partially, on an audience. Griffith stole too, then, because he was undoubtedly influenced in all aspects of his life like every person is.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You will not be coddled

Shut the fuck up

Ulysses is an inferior version of Intolerance.

Your lashing out is rather niggerly behavior. The only good nigger is a slave. The only great one is dead.

Suicide is an imperative

God. The Birth is history written by lightning, a message from God, the shifting of tectonic plates