What are some other movies like this?

what are some other movies like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel like I'm the only person who thought Hugo was a good movie


Definitely underrated

People watch this?

It's so weird knowing this is 115 years old. It feels so innocent and hopeful

I liked it.

U wot?


The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

It was good.

That's not a movie, user. That's a Smashing Pumpkins music video.

I liked Hugo

i'd say it replicated the feel pretty well

Well damn you're right


Good movie. Saw it in my German film class in college.

There was another film I saw in that class but I can't fucking remember it's name and I have only a very vague notion of the plot. It was an East/West Berlin story.. some people escaped from East Berlin but the story progresses to where the police in West Berlin are almost as bad as the Stasi.

Very vague I know.. you can just ignore this post.


His work in general it's brilliant.

Unironically Scorsese's best movie, let's hope it remains a relatively unheard of gem lest buzzfeed does an article about it.

one of my all-time favourites

Goddamn I love the turn of the century aesthetic. Its part of what Titanic so kino.

I feel like I'm the only person who thought Hugo was a shit movie

Never mind I was mixing up two different films:
1) Die verlorene Ehre der Katarina Blum
2) Das Versprechen (1995)

I'm working on a screenplay for a steampunk film based on this and Metropolis. It's based on how people in the late Victorian would have imagined 1932.

sounds interesting user. you can share some stuff if you'd like

I thought it was neat