What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Memes and autism and dyke shipping.

Rebecca Sugar

Writers went wrong. Fire and ice. I will say though that in retrospect breezy until finn got his arm back was fine, it was showing him unsatisfied and looking for something or someone to replace fp.

Even now though im not sure about fire and ice. All i can definitely say that caused a decline was the writers. Fortunately it looks like they've hit their stride again with these recent miniseries

They worshiped at the shrine of status quo, while also attempting to create a long running storyline.

Funn should never have broken up with FP. It went downnhill from there, to the point it became depressing to watch it and i stopped.


Didnt it go down hill because she left though

no it was Natasha Allegri.

>They didn't know how to handle being at the top
>Pendleton Ward is a hack
>Rebecca attracted "them"
>They feared commitement
>when they commited they couldn't handle it
>shit writting in general

At least it's getting somewhat decent now, I guess, I just hope they don't out-do themselves or CN will be asking for a reboot in 3 years.


Finn should never have got together with FP. She was a shallow character and contributed little to the series outside a catalyst for Finn's "character development" which has since faltered in her absence.

>making this thread on the show's 7th birthday
bit disrespectful in't it

Today is AT's birthday?

That feels weird.

Dyke shipping means no more adventures between Finn and Marceline.

A shift in the "tone" of the series. It has a weird mesh of episodic episodes and "plot" episodes.

mid-series slump

Everything's coming to a close, though, so I'm happy that the writing is becoming more and more focused with satisfying resolutions.


This is my actual biggest complaint with the show. Marceline being a lesbo and having sad backstory killed interaction between her and Finn for whatever reason. Been years since they've actually hung out (Stakes barely counts for me, they had so little dialogue together).

Not even sure what their interaction would look like nowadays since Marceline is no longer a dickish prankster and Finn isn't a naive child anymore.

Nope. Hell given how SU is now the show would have turned out worse if she had stayed

They're going to hang out again in a season 9 episode, along with Hunson (Marcy's dad)

It was always shit


The worst art style I've ever seen in a "popular" cartoon. And it was supposed to be innovative!

I don't think so, Sugar probably would have been fine if she stayed working on this thing. She would have kept pushing her personal plotlines that may have turned out better than what we got in the show then later left in another 2 or 3 years like others have.

Giving her her own show is what let her make everything about crying, feelings, and lesbians. Those things were there in her AT work but they were reigned in because she was a smaller part of a bigger whole, I think if she stayed she would have made decent enough work.

That will be nice but one episode doesn't make up for 4+ years of a nonexistent relationship

Mid-series dip, it's solid up through season 3 then lulls with the dumb FP stuff, picks back up again pretty well once they split. Last two seasons have been stellar.

Everyone forgot about it existing, even CN

>I think if she stayed she would have made decent enough work.
Yeah no. Rebecca is the cancer of the industry. Everything related to her is cancer.

Sure man

Who even thought that would be a good idea? It's like they forgot to write any reasoning for them falling in love even though they donĀ“t know each other or have anything in common.

it's a meme series taylor made for reddit

>Who even thought that would be a good idea?

It didn't know whether it wanted to be a Flapjack-style wacky comedy or a serious, deep, lore-filled series. It was uncomfortable how the show's tone was all over the place.

Season 4 was a clear sign of that, and I haven't come back to the show since.

Rebecca and Pen. They ditched Fubblegum in favor of a completely new character who had no personality and was hated when she was introduced.

And then Xayaphone decided to kill the pairing with his shitty writing, rendering this entire decision meaningless.

And I fucking hope that they don't do the same mistake with Huntress Wizard, since the show is hinting that she's going to hook up with Finn.

Fuck off that's Reddit and Memety


What kind of fucking name is that?

Finn x Bubblegum never happening.

Like fuck, I was at least hoping some decent story telling where she rejects him then warms up later instead of completely cutting him out of her love life.

Y'know? Something like "forgetting what love is because she's old af" heck I would've taken Tsundere than this implied lesbian bullshittery. I never dwelled on it much before but now I realize how perfect and imperfect Bubblefinn would've been and it pains me so to see her become something like an irrelevant background character along with Marceline.

>And then Xayaphone decided to kill the pairing with his shitty writing, rendering this entire decision meaningless.
frost and fire along with everything that followed was such a terrible way to undo the relationship

why do people still yearn for the most boring archetype of a relationship possible, Finn/PB is just snore inducing. I respect AT just a little that they so thoroughly subverted what seemed to be an obvious endgame from the start. even then it took them a long fucking time to have Finn finally get over her but still.

>show called Advanture Time
>adventure is in the title
>lets start making the show about the melodrama
>remember how that one episode got an award?
>lets do that episode again and again but shittier
>huh who is Finn and Jake?

At least there's decent fan art. I tend to like the art more than the show. havent watched since Finn lost the blood sword.

No idea.

I wouoldn't be surprised if he completely made it up.

Dude is just fucking odd all around.

>even then it took them a long fucking time to have Finn finally get over her but still
Except Finn isn't over her. He still has feelings for her which is why its really painful watching them interact with each other after all that's happened.

Better than lesbians

Dogshit is better than lesbians so who cares

It felt like after Season 2 all the people working on the show got depressed or something cuz it went from this quirky show about his adventure-loving kid to like everyone in the show acting depressed all the time

You can interpret things that way but I am pretty sure he's over her romantically. He still wants her respect and affection but it feels to me like he realized she ain't ever gonna reciprocate, and thank fucking goodness for that.

this is him

It was Rebecca Sugar. Everything is about crying for her. Just look at SU

Sugar is great. The problem with SU is that she is too much of a pussy to give her storyboard artists rules they need to follow.

What in the holiest of fucks

I don't know where the Sugar is a hack meme came from, she generally does good stuff as long as you aren't repulsed by the touchy feeliness of it
people are just too pissy about SU

romance and muh deepest lore
it stopped being about fun and quirky adventures

>deepest lore

This wasn't a problem until they made the same mistake Twin Peaks did and solved the mystery too early


After the reveal that Bubblegum is a direct ( long lived ) descendant of one of the first ( friendly ) creatures to roam Ooo along with her cold calculating personality would lead me to believe complication. She has a lot more potential for backstory than any other character besides Ice king. ( who we first thought was just a wacky goofy villain )

She owns a kingdom and from what we saw in a few episodes

>sending Candy stuff into outer space to ensure survivability of candy race
>that one long look into the future with a super Gumball guardian/stasis pod mobile fortress. Bubblegum can modify her age so she's most likely still alive.
>somehow liking science despite being a magical being herself

Those are just the ones off the top of my head that left an impact.

And did I forget to mention again that she is old as balls. In those hundreds of years, she seriously did not encounter anything interesting? One quote I remember from her which for some reason gives me chills was when they were fighting those slime mutants and she said
>Creatures from a different time.

I don't know, just the way she says it makes it give out feeling of sadness.

If anything, out of all the parings in the series ( certainly not flame princess ) she would've have been the most interesting fitting very nicely with Finn's human ancestry. All those wasted backstory potential just because it felt ""somehow"" unrealistic, but complication would've made a hell lot more fun.

>In those hundreds of years, she seriously did not encounter anything interesting?
She spends all of her time locked up inside a castle surrounded by a bunch of drooling retards user, she never gets the chance to see anything new.

I fucking hate this faggot's name and I hate what he does to Finn. He should not be allowed to write anything episodes involving him.

I might also add that Flame princess was where they really fucked up. They could've made it better but instead smear shit and piss over the already dirty wound. A literal who gets introduced despite an already interesting character ( bubblegum ) existing and to add even more insult to injury lets Finn get cucked by cinnamon bun. The way I see it with Huntress Wizard is just now an attempt to not let Finn's romantic life die a painful death.

In theory Flame Princess was a good idea. They were already shying away from Bubblegum because she was "too old," so coming up with a new feisty gal who was the same age as Finn would have allowed a romantic subplot to still exist in the show even if Bubblegum wasn't interested.
And it would have been really cool to have such a difference in Finn's ladies, goes from pretty pink morally righteous princess to naive, volatile tsundere fire princess. A world of potential there.

They just fucked it up because "Oops we forgot to give Flame Princess personality" and she and Finn never fucking hung out. The idea was solid and could have been awesome though, I'm convinced anyone who says FP was shit from the start is just a shipper who was pissed Bubblegum didn't win Finnbowl.

>Blame the woman who helped some of their best songs and best episodes
If this is bait I'm biting cause that's bullshit and ya know it, user.

Yes. And that's what I mean by wasted potential. I would argue that she WOULDN'T stay in a castle given her very curious scientific nature. You can only learn so much by books ( which she probably made herself ) cooped up in a room.

And like one user said here, they should've spent more time on the pre-apocalypse human civilization reveal.

If I was the writer, that would've been the perfect time to flesh out FB's character and time for Finn's relationship to develop. He gets rejected, still harbors feelings, they do some bonding, FB does end up opening up more and the relationship blossoms.

>I don't know where the Sugar is a hack meme came from
It's not a meme, retard. She ruined Marceline and Finn. She ruined Adventure Time tone. Gif very related

She made a good chunk of the best episodes of the show, people are just fucking stupid and hate shipping and characters ever shedding tears so they act like she was bad.

Finn cried basically twice, both in times of great frustration and distress, he was not reduced to a pathetic pussy at all by Sugar. Marceline I'll give you but even then, she isn't the one who made Bubbline and sad Simon backstories take over the entire character, everyone else did that.

Sugar was a very good AT boarder but I guess I can't stop people if they want to exclusively focus on the not great stuff she did and ignore all the amazing parts of her work.

>he was not reduced to a pathetic pussy at all by Sugar.
Rebeccafags are really delusional

You're not wrong about me being salty calling FP shit because Bubblegum wasn't picked. I would've liked it, really, since there's still a large contrast of personality between Finn and FP to make it interesting, but I can't expect God-tier work from mere mortals.

Which really sucks, because this show is unique with it's cutesy artwork but strangely morbid dark background lore.

Any shows with those two combinations replicated in the future would just seem like poor imitation. Which is why I'm upset as I am cause they had only one shot and screwed it up.

Somehow I'm glad they are finally wrapping this up with finishing what happened to the humans, but still salty that they fucked up as they did.

Status Quo.
They would introduce a plot or thing and the return quickly to status quo. They've gotten better but only because they know they are ending.

Literally tell me what is wrong with a teenager being sad that the girl he had a crush on wasn't interested in him? He was bummed out, I can get not liking how overdramatic it was but that is in no way ruining a character. Reminder that as soon as those two episodes were done Finn was back to kicking ass all through Sugar leaving the show.

Agreed, I really love AT despite all its faults and a better executed, more tightly written version of the show that avoided the numerous missteps the series took would be amazing.

Still, I gotta be happy with what we got. Even though there are so many decisions they made that made me salty as hell.

>Marceline never appears throughout the Martin arc with advice on how to handle shitty dads
>all over PB when she appears now


Sugar hate be strong.

It wasn't.
It was just so simple it worked, leading others to copy it.

Do people want to hate fuck Sugar or something?

go into SU threads and you'll have your answer

Are you really implying that that kind of reaction is normal? Yes, feeling bumed out it's normal, but being a pathetic slob and crying while sniffing a woman's hair is too much, not even teenagers are that much pussy.

bless your hearts

>enjoying songs from a cartoon

Teenagers are totally overdramatic when it comes to relationships. One of neighbors in college was on the phone cry-arguing with his girlfriend every other day. What Finn did was totally natural, sometimes young people are pussies when it comes to relationships.

Even then, if lasted two episodes. Hell, in Hot to the Touch he didn't even cry that long, only shed tears for like 20 seconds. Wasn't a big deal.

*One of my

Really? I went to a rich people college and not even those people were that bitchy.

Millenials, I guess.

Can we agree that Sugar ruined this show?
I want to fuck her up.

Sugar only ruined SU
she improved AT while she was working on it, then the show suffered a decent bit after she left because of the ideas she had that they were stuck with, then over time the show got over those obstacles and is still in a decent place

Some people are just sissies like that my man.

Who's gonna lose their virginity first boys? Finn or Fern?

She ruined AT.
SU was shit to begin with.

Finn already got lumpy date raped and I doubt Fern has working sex organs
nigga can't even eat food

she didn't ruin AT though

>ruined SU
That would imply SU was good to begin with.

Sounds Indonesian

Sup Forums's fanbase primarily consists of waifufags who won't shut the fuck up about shipping despite dramatic episodes taking up only a miniscule fraction of each season, save for the recent miniseries.
In essence the only thing that went wrong is that Sup Forums never grew the fuck up.
Eat shit Sup Forums.

careful with those inflammatory comments there, son.

He can grow a grass dick. And his semen would be..i don't know treesap? or green ink

she was a great team member as long as she wasn't allowed to do whatever she wanted. not really her fault.

episodes like The Real You and Power Animal are some of the best ever made.

No they weren't.
You're just an SU fanboy.

Or Mortal Folly
or Chamber of Frozen Blades
or Susan Strong
or Morituri te Salutamus

fags like completely block those out of their mind and think every one of her episodes was a genderswap lesbian orgy about deepest lore when Sucrose was often great.

Even standalone episodes got worse for a while, anyone with even the slightiest resemblance of taste can realize that.

>think every one of her episodes was a genderswap lesbian orgy about deepest lore when Sucrose was often great.
Once again, the delusions of the SU fandom.

It's not like AT doesn't have plenty of feelings and lesbians now anyway. But it doesn't have the crying, so it's in this weird limbo zone where characters get depressed and angsty but all they can do is talk philosophy.

m-m muh SU boogeyman bloobloobloo
fuck off nerd

>she was good when she couldn't do whatever she wanted
>SU is the result of her doing whatever she wants
SU isn't good. As much as I wanted it to be. It's held back too much by being a show for kids. Sugar needs to make a cartoon for adults. She loves romance and erotic themes so much, it's the only way.

I feel like the crying still happens when the lesbians show up, but basically only then. Pretty sure PB cried in both Varmints and parts of Stakes.

Otherwise most we get is Finn tearing up sometimes. I wonder if they toned his emotions down specifically, Pen did get into an argument with Sugar about Finn's big waterfalls during the FP twoparter. Maybe they made a note to never have him do that again.

For being fair the lesbians in AT feel better and less shit than SU

Susan and whatshername was a genuinely well written pairing, sometimes I feel Sup Forums hates on lesbians for no other reason than they being lesbians.