What would a superhero be like if he fought for truth, justice, and the Aztec way?

What would a superhero be like if he fought for truth, justice, and the Aztec way?

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I think that would be a supervillain, I mean blood sacrifice would be pretty hard to sell. Maybe an anti-hero if he really needs to appease those gods to protect the world or something.


A Tezcatlipoca themed superhero who then sacrifices himself at a huge dramatic climax, saving the day, and is soon another person takes up the mantle, and the hero is figuratively reincarnated.

I wish I knew more about aztec culture to make a story based on it.



>Maybe an anti-hero if he really needs to appease those gods to protect the world or something.

The funny thing is Marvel already has a superhero like this. And she is the most chipper, downright uplifting hero ever...

... except when her scary old self/previous life/underlying god soul (Huitzilopochtli) doesn't take over.


Annoying because Mexicans are annoying


He'd be a Pillar Man

Probably Wham


And also, from what I have garnered in talks here, the Aztec aspects of her story seem pretty faithful to the real mythology and culture.

The impression is the author really put thought and made his homework researching this stuff before creating her.

It's actually impressive.


>Barely involves any vaguely Aztec visual elements aside from being "sun-themed"
Thanks, Morrison.

how about an alternative history scenario? where the aztecs are never conquered and they manage to drive off the spanish, which causes other countries in europe to come together to fight the aztecs who quickly adopt new technologies like steel swords and cannons.
The aztecs would end up falling because they would try to conquer their enemies on the rest of the continent, and this allows the enemy to come in and destroy their civilization.

see, annoying


The Pyumaymin!

Kill people drinking alcohol before the age of sixty
Kill people who have sex without being married twice

Light punishment would include rubbing pepperspray into people's faces until they at least start puking and can't see for a couple of days.

Though honestly? An Aztec Superhero would have good reasons to take evil guys hostage and have intimate relationships with them. He'd still eventually flay them and wear the skin, mind you.

he flies like a moron

Able to leap tall walls in a single bound.


Someone who's okay with sacrificing people for the sun to come up

Already exists and it's great


>take evil guys hostage and have intimate relationships with them
Sounds like justice been served to me.

Not if you only get power by blood. Not through blood of a dead or hearth.

Well the blood sacrifice is to save the world from being destroyed (again). More popular things have gotten away with similar premises

That's literally he reason the Aztecs did it. They didn't sacrifice people for entertainment. They were just terrified of one of their gods eating the sun if they didn't give sufficient sacrifices.

Aracely is cute
does kaine get to fuck her?

maybe have villains who are so unapologetic in their evil that all the flaying/sacrificing becomes fine
something like killing the sun or something

Wow, that sounds really interesting


A little surprised nobody posted this one-off wonder.


Nut Muh Captain