/doag/ - Dumbing of Age - Girl Grumps Edition

In tonight's awful artwork, we have Amber being shitty because she's Amber, and Sal showing up for god knows what reason.

Why is Amber such an awful character? She started her existence by being one of the good parts of Shortpacked!, so how did we get here?

Is she the worst character in DoA right now?

Other urls found in this thread:


what the hell is that wire?

Because Willis will leave nothing good in this world. He is a terrible voracious plauge upon our people, and will not stop until he has consumed all that is good and wonderful in the world and leave us with only terrible lesbians. Then, like a horde of locusts having fattened themselves on our fields, he will move on to a new place and begin the same story over again.

Competition between Amber and Becky for worst character is pretty fierce. The obvious answer is "whichever one is currently featured in the strip."

>She started her existence by being one of the good parts of Shortpacked!, so how did we get here?

Transuniversal Sexually Transmitted Mike.

I seriously wonder how Sal still has no idea who Amber is all this time considering how Amber put a freaking knife through her hand all those years ago.

Some sort of WiFi antenna I'm sure. Not sure why chairs would block a signal, though. I get my WiFi through two floors and a few walls.

You know, Amber would be top tier waifu material if she didn't have that "split personality/coping mechanism" thing going on...

It's hardly just the multiple personality horseshit at this point. She collects mental disorders like Willis collects Transformers.

>I'm stacking up all the chairs and refusing to listen to anyone who might want one
>What the fuck how dare someone intrude on my internet connection

How can anyone be this shitty? She could've at least had earphones in so she'd have a n excuse for not hearing the knocks, but this bitch just ignored someone and then instantly started going in on them. Choosing to put the earphones in would also be a bad move, but at least it would explain the surprise/angry/shocked reaction.

>Someone being a dick
>In retaliation personal property is messed with
Did Sal just want to study?

She's clearly trying to drive Carla to suicide.

All your questions can be answered with: Willis is a hack

>Some sort of WiFi antenna I'm sure. Not sure why chairs would block a signal, though.
It wouldn't block wifi at all, unless they had metal in them. Yet another thing Willis writes about that he doesn't understand. Remember Carla's blowtorch welder thing?

Why is the border of the chair on center, it should be on the outside.
That means that one external side is open and that there's a separator betwren her and turbofag.

Hah! Took me a second to figure out what you were saying, but you're totally right. That's a pretty significant art error.

I'm confused, what exactly did Sal yank?

I can't figure it out for sure. I know Amber is all about dat DS, so I googled "3DS WiFi Antenna" and came up with pic related.

Looks similar, right? That's probably what Willis did, and he thought it was like the old radio antennas that were literally just a braided copper wire that you moved around to try to get better reception.

Except he probably didn't click on any links to figure out that the wire is completely internal when installed.

That's my guess, anyway.

Why would anyone need such a thing? The 3DS's wifi isn't that bad is it?

Is there any reason why is Sal suddenly in the lounge, other than a complete ass-pull to trigger Amber?

Same reasons why anyone else would be in the dorm lounge?

But you can't smoke cigarettes, fuck teachers, or ride a motorcycle in the dorm lounge, so why is Sal there?

Isn't that literally all she's done in the entire run of DoA?

She's got into several fights.

Walky doesn't get enough appreciation for being absolutely annoying. Fuck that retarded child.

Well, that might be what ends up happening here, so you've got me there. Guess she came into the lounge for a good ol' fashioned lounge scrap.

Maybe she'll get a matching scar on her other hand when Amber jams her DS stylus straight through it.

In a shocking swerve, Ethan will take Amber hostage and Sal will stab him in the hand.

Funny how we often talk about how her glasses are becoming part of her face, and it only gets worse.

So here's a comment chain from today's comic on the main site (the copy comic).

I'm trying to figure out what the fuck Pablo was trying to say. I ran it through Google translate, and the Spanish translation gave me nothing. Couldn't find a Bullshit translation setting.

I have read Cerb's and Pablo's comment like ten times. I actually cannot make heads or tails of what the fuck they're trying to communicate. It reads like an alien trying to mimic English.

Straight white male messes up: "white men, amirite?"
Anyone else messes up: "HOW DARE YOU, YOU ARE A SHAME TO YOUR _____"

I think that's the gist of it.

So even ignoring the fact that the majority of political sex scandals revolve around cis, white men, I still don't see how what they wrote makes sense.

Do they want their special classes of people to call each other out on bullshit, or no? It almost reads to me like the old "minorities can't be whatever-ist" argument, but more poorly worded.

Cerb is saying that an ally wouldn't have as severe a backlash as an LGBT person for sleeping with an anti-gay politician. Pablo seems to be saying that blame is spread among all allies when one fucks up but is individualized when a minority does it. However, the way Pablo is stating it makes it seem like blame is finite and by spreading it around allies get off easy. Which doesn't make much sense as group culpability for individual actions is textbook bigotry.

Cerb's comment makes perfect sense, especially if you've dealt some of the more obvious virtue signalers. Pablo's statement is all over the place.

Translations (I do not hold the beliefs of what is being said--just translating it into what makes more sense for people here):

>Is this happening because of the media circus or the crush? Would a man with a crush be talked about like this? At least Leslie knows how her co-workers feel.

Fart Captor:
>Leslie's crush was not a secret. The photo of her and Robin came out around the same time as Ryan's picture. Ryan is associated with Robin, so it looks bad for Leslie to have a crush on Robin.

>I don't know why a man would be mocked for the same crush Leslie has. He would be called a caveman.

>If a man had a crush on Robin and Robin was revealed to be associated with Rapin' Ryan, he would be called a hypocrite and a sellout.

>I think a man with a crush on Robin would not be talked about so harshly in this context. Straight allies are rarely actual allies. Anyone not straight is used to straight allies disappointing them. A straight ally sleeping with an anti-gay politician is less shocking than a lesbian sleeping with an anti-gay politician. A lesbian sleeping with an anti-gay politician would be perceived as selling out lesbians and gay people everywhere.

>When a white male ally messes up, everyone says it's because he's a white male. If someone (like a black lesbian) in the LGBT+ umbrella messes up, everyone says that the individual is at fault and that it is not the fault of the group they're in (black people and lesbians, in the example given). This isn't always true, but it happens a lot.

>I'm angry that minorities have more expectations placed upon them. Example: A white man can mess up at work, and no one will care. A black man messes up at work, and everyone says it's an example of black people being bad at their jobs.

>By saying "Ah, it's because he's a white guy," you don't hold them accountable for what they've done. It's their race/gender/whatever's fault. It's difficult to discuss this without insulting.

>A black man messes up at work, and everyone says it's an example of black people being bad at their jobs.

Pablo states the exact opposite.

>oh man, I just made two copy/paste strips in a row
>I'd better show some effort for the people paying me thousands of dollars every month in the next one

>lol, nvm, I'll just draw one character on a copy/paste background for four panels

I can't...fathom what point Pablo's trying to make.

The problem is that he states both. Minorities are expected to be perfect when interacting with straight, white people.

But in the minority communities, white people are bad as a group, while minorities are just one person when they're bad.

the 3ds's wifi is pretty terrible, but it's nothing to do with the reception and the wireless format it uses. (it uses wireless b which is the most basic and terrible wifi there is)

so yeah willis is a hack what else is new

I forget. Does Sal know that Amber is Amazi-Girl?

No, but I think she is growing closer to that conclusion.

Pretty sure she doesn't.

Amazi-Girl is Willis's Batman analogue, so people will remain oblivious to her true identity even when clear evidence is mashed into their faces repeatedly.

Did she just have an orgasm in the 4th panel?

That was my first impression

Struggling with her emotions. She hated Sal for years, now she's become sort of an ally.

That doesn't explan the sudden blushing.

It's just a visual tell, Amber always has blushies along with half of the female cast ; Amazi-Girl doesn't.

It does, because in the wacky world of Willy, Amazi-Girl never has blush, and the totally different person, Amber, always does.

I find myself wondering what would've happened if anyone else had happened to do this. Would Amber have just bullied them into fucking off? She's really aggressive coming out of that chair.

Anyway, have knife edit.

No, she's completely freaking out


You forgot to mention "somehow this is bigotry against the other groups rather than the one where everyone is blamed for anyone's actions"

So Amber's creates a literal Safe Space out of the privacy chairs and has just been hiding there for hours?

Or is this later from the last time we saw her, and this is just her usual study hall Thing?

Either way, she's about to have a super freakout from being in this close proximity to Sal.

yeah, Amber seems like she was gonna flip the fuck out on someone, despite her clearly hoarding chairs for no reason

her reason was that she was tired of people being attracted to her smell of freshly baked bread and wanted some alone time, without distraction or interruption.

She clearly can't get that in the dorm rooms, though.

"There are always ways to be offended"

wasn't there just recently a 3 day timeskip? So have they been in there for 3 days? Or did I read strips out of order

>Remember Carla's blowtorch welder thing?

Amber is the absolute fucking worst character. What all has she done?
Stabbed someone even after they were apprehended
Broke Danny's heart for no reason
and now she hoards shit and snaps when people ask her to be neighborly.

What else has she done?

No, this is just a future strip released on his Kickstarter for hitting $45K

It's the strip for June 5th

haha the time skip hasn't happened yet, but them just sitting in their fort for three days is an incredibly amusing idea.

If this somehow leads to a Danny fucking Ethen confirmation or something I'm gonna be so mad.

It's like the only relationship that would be good, user. They should fuck and then transfer to a different school where people are less terrible.

>Amber, please, it's been three days. We need to get out of here; we're pooping in a hole we dug in the cushions and I'm starting to get a rash from not showering.
>Don't be silly, it's nice and cozy in here. Just you and me. Pressed together in the darkness with nothing between us.
>Oh look, someone on that Transformers forum you love so much posted an opinion that is objectively wrong and it looks like people might start agreeing with her- I mean, him.
>What? Hold on, I gotta fix this.
>That's a good boy.

seems like something Amber would do

So if Ethan is still in the box, will he go to comfort Amber, wonder why she's having a panic attack and finally realize that Sal is the gas station girl?

has Ethan never seen Sal in college yet? and Amber never mentioned it?

Does everyone in the cast even know eachother at this point?

Ethan has met Sal at Joyce's party, he thinks she looks familiar because he's met Walky before.

Amber as Amazi-Girl told Ethan that the robber was at the school very early on, but this was before she knew her name or anything like that. He didn't hold a grudge, and said that everyone in that incident is probably very different by now.

It seems like he got over it, but I'd like to see them interact with that knowledge on the table. I don't want him to get really pissed about it either, as if he was just pretending when talking to Amber. I just wanna see the awkwardness.

>he thinks she looks familiar because he's met Walky before
Or rather this was the explanation used to avoid dealing with it at the time. I dunno if Ethan bought it, but Willis didn't show them interacting at all afterwards.

Is Ethen's obsession of proving his point about anything Transformers and telling everyone else they're wrong a self insert for Willis?

Yes, and? I'm in total agreement with you. I'm just giving you the reason why. She is being a greedy, obnoxious cunt, but the dorm rooms have been proven to not be a place for study or alone time.

Willis better get a move on on redeeming Amber as a character. Otherwise ship her outta here instead of Billie at this point.

I know right. She's been such a raging cunt for a year now. You think he'd want to start having her be less crazy.

You know I'm trying my best to like Amber probably because of the THICC-ness but Willis just makes her borderline autistic and tries to pass it off as "lul fucking NERDS amIright?

Found it

>Mary drinks her soda transphobically

>Get mad at Carla for being an obnoxious asshole
>Make a crass reference to her being trans to shut her up/get her to leave
>Ruth gets mad at this

Is Mary really in the wrong during that scene?

Can't they both be terrible?

In addition to what they said about how Amber has the blushes and Amazi-Girl doesn't:

Around 2011 or so, Willis decided to add blushes to nearly everyone.

That sounds like a good horror movie idea.

Pic related.

>Amber as Amazi-Girl told Ethan that the robber was at the school very early on, but this was before she knew her name or anything like that. He didn't hold a grudge, and said that everyone in that incident is probably very different by now.
>It seems like he got over it
This is about the extent of what I know for sure. It's possible she told him sometime after that.

Willis officially said that Ethan represents his interactions with fandoms.


No, Mary did nothing wrong.

I guess I don't know everything about Transformers, but is it true that Willis considers himself the defacto expert on everything transformers?

Well yeah, but we knew Ruth was terrible way before this. Mary.... not so much material showing her awfulness I guess?

He absolutely thinks that. He runs one of the Transformers Wikis because he scared everyone off, in terms of mods.

He uses most of his Tumblr space to talk about Transformers. He 100% thinks he knows more than anyone else about Transformers.

I never thought this would come in handy, but we actually did some math regarding Mary and Carla being terrible people. I went through all their appearances and listed all the times they were mean/rude/awful, etc.

>As of the end of June 2016:

>Mary appears 63 times but doesn't speak much until later.


>And Carla has appeared in 60 strips.

>Mary is mean in 30 of her 63 appearances, which puts 47.6% of her appearances as negative ones.
>Carla is mean in 26 of her 60 appearances, which puts 43.3% of her appearances as negative ones.

>Mary speaks in 39 strips out of 63.
>Carla speaks in 51 strips out of 60.
>so based on those numbers, marys final percentage would be 76.9% and carlas is 50.9%

I bet he goes on rampant tangents online and incognito on /toy/ on how Gen1 Transformers is trash and almost ruined the entire universe/franchise somehow.

This nigger is still going on with this? Stopped reading this like 3-4 years ago because of how much of a fallacious, liberal douche he was and how locked down and hiveminded his following was.

>how much of a fallacious, liberal douche he (Willis) was and how locked down and hiveminded his following was.

Which is why we watch and discuss from here to berate his average strip and cult following.

>Danny in Roomies! was not me, but my father

something i've always wondered: what is Willis's relationship with his dad like? i know his mom's a terrible judgmental bitch (according to him anyway), but i can't remember him ever really talking about his dad.

From what I gathered in these threads it seems he didn't like his father too much.

He's come to terms with his relationship with his dad. He's fine with him now. He didn't when he was younger, though.

I hope Amber fucking dies soon.

Has she had a single line of dialogue that wasn't being an asshole since, shit I can't even remember.

Amber, like the kitten, will never die.

Jesus Christ Amber has had the same reactions to Sal for FOUR YEARS now. When the fuck is this storyline going to fucking end.

I'm still waiting for Sal to put two and two together and realize Amber's the person who put a knife through her freaking arm. I'm sure she still has the scar to.

Meant to say "hand."


Hahaha, I forgot about this one. Classic Yoto

Now that you mention it, that has never ever been brought up by her. She's talked about the crime and her time at boarding school, but never the assault she received.

I kinda wish it was set up as a thing where she always knew her but just acted as though she didn't. But that wouldn't really fit with how their interactions have been presented, where Sal has been oblivious.

Any exploration of interactions between Sal and Ethan or Amber about the incident would interest me more than pretty much anything else going on.

And this would be the perfect opportunity now to bring this up since all 3 are going to be in a this scene probably. But will Willis actually do it now?

I think at this point he actually gets off to Amber having PTSD. It gives him an excuse to put her in fetish outfits.

I was so sure Joyce's party was gonna lead into that. Amber was on her way, Sal and Ethan were right next to each other. It felt like any second she'd freak out off panel and the next would be her at the doorway leaping at Sal. Instead, Sal left early to do Sal things, Amber showed up later, and nothing came of it.

>You will never experience fucking a hand

Pretty sure most of the people on here are intimately familiar with that.