100 Bullets Storytime

It's late, I'm high, and the whole world is going to Hell. Let's read 100 Bullets

That's a big storytime.




Also Secret Wars is still on, just need a break from Marvel after the Generations news.





Sorry if I'm quiet, I've never read this before



















how many issues you planning on doing?


Oh well, you are in for a treat for ~the first two thirds. For me personally, I lost interest in it when it shifts away from the procedural stuff.

If you do get farther in, you will recognize the girl at the end of certain comic rips

Tonight? Book One which is #1-19. If I have time tomorrow and Saturday I want to knock out two more books, if not I'll do it Sunday.

Good to hear, Az is very hit or miss for me.































This is actually really good








I was just thinking the other day how I've never seen this storytimed here.

A lot of people love to shit on Azarrello but this is honestly one of my favourite comics. The pay off in this series is very rewarding.



I was debating between this, Scalped, Hellblazer, or Locke & Key
























