But Adam! I don't want the government to force my daughter into the interracial breeding grounds

>But Adam! I don't want the government to force my daughter into the interracial breeding grounds.
>Okay, now let me tell you why you SHOULD!

I was all for net neutrality, but then this faggot a ton of anti-white liberals came out to defend net neutrality, really makes me want to do more research into the matter. Maybe we are better with out it?

>But Adam, sneaking hormone blockers and soy into my son's breakfast every morning is a bad thing!

>I was all for breathing, but then this faggot a ton of anti-white liberals came out to defend breathing, really makes me want to do more research into the matter. Maybe we are better with out it?

as best i can tell, most of the people in favor of net neutrality are shills for companies like google which could face future expense increases when they have to pay comcast or charter for super high speed access.

they're not actually against censorship, because they all cheered when google fucked over the daily stormer and got them pretty much banned from the internet. say what you want about the daily stormer, but they shouldn't be censored for unsavory opinions.

This but unironically

This fucker.
Why are people so easy to manipulate buy this garbage tier propaganda?
If it helps his narrative, his standard is low.
If it's against his narrative, he sets the standard impossibly high. So it's just Politifact the TV Show.

This really is where we're at right now

Maybe there isn't a bias and conservatives tend to be liars?

Don't forget that the conumers will end up paying more as well


>transgender girls aren't boys

I like things the way they are. Things have been working pretty well so far.

That info graphic is totally wrong.

For example the very first one: Ted Cruzes statement is totally factual based on the 4th circuit case where the 4th circuit demanded that a transgender girl be allowed to change and shower with the boys and that gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms violated her constitutional rights.

This was all based on title 9 which was created by congress in the 1960's whom the 4th circuit said demanded boys and girls shower together.

(This is all actually true as insane as it sounds please read the case)

They were literally forcing boys and girls to shower together.

So please fuck off. The truth is we are operating in an information vacuum. And that is done on purpose. Even the AAA media is totally biased and basically fake news on every level.

But what if they aren't?

>Numbers are valid, comparison is questionable
>Mostly False

This is the only one that really pissed me off.

They aren't, and they should kill themselves.

What difference would it make if we keep it? Google was just in the news for blocking YouTube access to Amazon devices over what amounted to a petty argument. What does it matter if the internet is "free" if it's controlled by four massive entities?

What we should do is go back to the Wild West era of the internet, but that's impossible now. Too much money to be made in datamining and thought-policing.

>But A D A M! I don't think a 10 year old child can consent
>UH. A C T U A L L Y

The picture filename was politifarce. Your outrage is misdirected.

The majority of politicians are liars

I'm waiting for the episode of Adam Ruins Everything where he ruins Adam Ruins Everything

Then he commits suicide at the end of the episode.

Where he points out the times he was misleading people? Like with their episode on immigration.

I know a lower class libtard who started dressing like this guy after he became a thing. Felt bad for him

It's called the first episode.
Unless you mean Emily.