I'm getting words that one of the Marvel's artist is inserting subliminal propaganda through his/her works on X-Men...

I'm getting words that one of the Marvel's artist is inserting subliminal propaganda through his/her works on X-Men Gold #1

The 212 on the background is supposedly referencing a religious rally happened on Jakarta back on 2 December. bbc.com/news/world-asia-38178764

Other urls found in this thread:


What 212?

Wrong pic, but still relevant.
The shirt Colossus wearing has QS 5:51, literally referencing Quran surah 5:51 (Almaedah verse 51) which is being used as a "weapon" to topple a government official back on said rally.

I checked, and the issue is drawn by an Indonesian artist (Ardian Syaf).

I don't see how that's wrong since your president openly supports muslims.

A colleague sent me a link to artist's profile promoting the book issue.
facebook ArdianSyafComicArt/photos/a.385763738127429.79134.326751577361979/1276918589011935/?type=3
His comments actually saying that he supports the rally.

Forgot pic.

Actually no, the newest president is quite secular.
jakartaglobe.id /news/dont-confuse-religious-values-with-political-interests-jokowi/

what do we do about it?

>212 and 551?
>Yes, I drew this after the rally
the man isn't even hiding it

as I'm speaking, triggered Indonesians are trying to contact Marvel.

Its not subliminal when the intended audience is oblivious to the context of the """references""" you speak of

but why should I care. How is this not any different from Segovia referencing Chowking and other local fast food joints when he's drawing Superman?

If only Sup Forums isn't so occupied worshiping Trump right now...

Of course not. But it's not quite right when an outsourced artist hides his own radical thoughts within a artpiece he's commissioned to do.

It won't be such a problem if the event in question is a long past events.

I know you meant hidden message. But it would be funny if every time you looked at the clock your subconscious was interpreting a bible verse.

Well, of course.
But not when the bible verse referenced is being weaponised in a real life coup.

I noticed the QS verse on his shirt right off when I read a storytime of the issue. I figured Marvel was just being progressive again and gave no fucks - it's not like I buy their comics anyway.

ANAD Ghost Rider 1-12 was the last mags I spent money on with them.

Islam is a shit religion but why should I care? It's not like anybody knows what it is since your 3rd world jungle country isn't relevant even within Asia itself.

>The shirt Colossus wearing has QS 5:51, literally referencing Quran surah 5:51 (Almaedah verse 51)

Oh man, good thing I have the Quran memorized to pick up and be influenced by this so easily.


>Not using powers in a game of X-ball
Why is he at all surprised? Even in games that start with a no power rule it always ends up a free for all.

Fuck you. I only care because there is an artist's job on the line here.

considering how fucked up disney actresses usually turn out, this doesn't surprise me

So apparently it's a Koran verse that the protesters claim says Muslims should not live under non-Muslim rule? This is a big deal. Basically advocating for Muslim leaders to rule over us in any nation Muslims are present. This pig should never work in the industry again.

man i was hoping for a modern version of ethan van sciver's infamous new x-men book that got him fired from marvel.

also, x-men playing baseball. guggenheim really is going full claremont with this run... how original

Rich, are you listening?

there will be no fucks given..

for the majority of people who read American comics, 212 is New York City's area code

That verse requires historical context which you can review here:


they're still ball washing that dude, even after this syria shit showing him for the snake oil salesman he is?

I can accept that the verse may have a context behind it that makes it less bad than it seems, but the point is the protesters are using it as a justification for being upset at the fact that this governor is a Christian and not a Muslim. And this artist apparently used the verse in solidarity with the protesters. It's disgusting and the guy should be driven out of the industry.

Does subliminal messaging actually work if you dont know what the fuck the message is?

Like seriously, you can wave a QS 5:51 message in my face 24/7 and I'd probably think its a quicksilver youtube video stopped at 5:51

that's clever placement then, still fucked up though. especially putting it on a russian.

>he didn't turn into an ISIS supporter after seeing QS 5:51
Fucking pleb

look at all the whores who grew up loving disney princess movies. they were loaded with subliminals

Can we all agree that OP used the wrong word when he said subliminal and drop that angle? The point is that it's fucked up that he's winking at theocratic douchebags.

in Indonesia it would be called "cocoklogi"

Who would even pick up on this? I doubt even muslims know by heart verse 51 of whatever, unless they're really, really autistic and can recite the whole Quran.

For non-muslims it's even more irrelevant.

How's that tinfoil hat of yours?

Because using powers means that whichever team has nightcrawler or a telepathic player has a really unfair advantage

Go back and stay there.

Sure is Sup Forums in here today...

>getting words



Until colossus hits a ball hard enough to reach escape velocity, teleporting in front of it would be a bad, bad idea.

There are two X-traditions are play here:

1) using powers during a game
2) bitching about using powers during a game

Both are omnipresent.