This is a boy

>this is a boy

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Well yeah no shit, he doesn't have eyelashes.

He has a masculine vagina.


Gorgonzola > Ceviche > Chowder

it's a tough tie between gorgonzola and ceviche for me. They should have shown grown up Ceviche in the last episode.

A pile of hot garbage is better than Chowder. I don't know if it's a great or horrible thing when the main character is the worst character in your show.

i think he's better than stephan multiverse at least
Gazpacho was the real best boy


I'm sorry my man but you married endive


No it isn't -- it's some sort of gazelle-monster.

Maybe a goat-thing.

Please. Chowder's everything Sup Forums thinks Steven is.

Why would they do this to me?

how many kuds are gonna grow up thinking he was a girl

looks like a fag

chowder doesn't cry a lot like a bitch, so you're incorrect

I thought chowder and Flapjack were girls for a while

Chowder doesn't cry, he weeps!!!

Chowder cried like a little bitch whenever Mung didn't let him have what he wanted, so you're incorrect.

Looks like a male Fluttershy.

anyone know where to watch japanese dubbed western cartoons?

Maybe look them up on Youtube?

If you can find CN's original Japanese channel on youtube they have full episodes of old shows in runes

>>this is a boy
I'd like to stick my dick in

>this video is not available in your country
I know you can use a vpn to get around it but that's just plain annoying.

Good job.

Wasn't there an episode specifically about how Flapjack looks like a girl?

This is a boy.

To be fair there is a guy with purple hair and a guy with tits at one of my college classes

Ceviche is delicious

Yeah but a little kid crying when he can't have something is normal
Steven is...

Chowder was bratty so you couldn't even sympathize with him for whenever he cried.

I don't think you're even supposed to sympathize with chowder, his emotional overreactions are an (unfunny) gag. Whereas with Steven they actually try and make it seem as if his crying is serious most of the time.

He has the belly of a pregnant woman. Disgraceful.


it really isn't.