The Post

>Directed by Steven Spielberg
>Stars Tom Hanks
>Stars Meryl Streep
>Period piece drama
>Involves feminism
>Involves Republican bashing
>Praises the media
>Released in December

Find a bigger Oscarbait.
Protip: you can't.

I hate Colin Hanks

i don't know him!

La La Land

>Political propaganda made by elites VS. movie simply about Hollywood
You're retarded.

>Republican bashing
>Doesn't know the pentagon papers exposed LBJ and Kennedy administrations
This is why the school days need to be longer

Saw this advertised on tv.

During the same week that the media shit itself with a few different fake news stories.

That's clearly not what the critics care about brosef

>Speilberg please we need people to start taking us seriously but we don't want to release serious articles!
>please make a movie reminding everyone of that one honest piece of journalism we did 50 years ago!

where's the blacks
where's the gays
where's the jews

lucky you

hanks really sucks balls now.

which one

Here's what I don't understand though. Who actually pays money to watch these movies? The Baby Boomers are all now too old and geriatric to walk up the stairs to the theater from the parking lot...they can't sit 3 hours in a row without diapers...and now that prices keep on going up, they simply can't afford it.

No one under the age of 65 would go and see who is this being made for?

Everyone knows that this is THE biggest oscarbait ever created.

Haven't seen. Was it released during a time when "le nazis" were gaining clout?

The Post has the Oscarbait edge since now everyone wants to stroke the media off because the President hates them (rightfully so).

This was unironically good and the nazi woman was portrayed in a sympathetic way in spite of the evil shit she did.

That isn't Crash

>Republican bashing

Wow, maybe they wouldn't be bashed if they weren't on the wrong side of history.

Pretty big one, but competition for Oscarbaitiness that year was fierce.

sez you