What a strong, independent girl

What a strong, independent girl.





What an ungrateful faggot.

>Fair maiden

No it doesn't you fucking dipshit. Stop trying to make everything racist.

>killing people
>because you think theyre dumb

It also means beautiful. Get a dictionary you stupid cunt.

Stupid author try to write someone clever. It's a classic. Have you seen how in Moon Girls the titular character correct the teacher that's explaining the theory of gravity by saying that gravity is not a theory?

>Jeremy Whitley

So the writer is just latching to whatever ideas makes a strong girl he comes across online.

Please post it.

if i remember she supposed to based off of his adopted daughter who he adopted just for the sake of having a black kid

I was mistaken, it's actually Evolution, not Gravity.

This is satire, right?

Dear god the writer is retarded. All they know is the common definition of theory and not the scientific one.

why isn't there a WHITE history month amirite fellas?

Sorry man, I'm at my little of shitty threads to act offended at today.

u wot m8

Women's idea of strength is being a mouthy bitch that can get away with anything. So it is kinda accurate.

K, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Nah that's a nazi feminist idea of strength.

All of women's. They're all dumb whores.

Sounds like you got some personal issues.

The funny thing is that gravity would have worked better as a lead-in to the Moon Girl taunt, since gravity and the Moon are conceptually interlinked. Interlocked? Whatever.

So what i'm getting out of this is that a vicious psychopath has been locked away before she murders someone, but the land below her prison has become the hunting ground for a horrible monster. For her jollies she likes to distract passers-by and guests with questionable logic until the monster can sneak up and eat them.
Truly a hero for our age.

It would be hilarious if that actually was the point of this and she was ultimately treated as the villain she is.

Fucking awful. Literally all they needed to do was google the fucking definition of theory. Hell, just having a basic understanding of the scientific method would have prevented this. This is just as embarrassing as when people use the word gender when they mean to say sex.

That's what happens when the "i fucking love science" crowd tries to write anything scientific.

First wave is also directly responsible for prohibition.

No, this is Marvel.

It wasn't just women. Just religious revivalism nutcases in general who thought alcohol was satans no-no juice.

> a few middle-class Protestant women spoke out on the blight of liquor: drink, they said, was the supreme threat to the happy home, because the saloon lured men away from it and too often made them abusive toward their wives and children on their return.

Well they weren't wrong.

It's even more stupid in a comic with a message that girls can do STEM.

To be honest if even half the things I have heard about pre-prohibitionism era America are true a certain level of restraint was sincerely needed. On the other hand a lot of those seems like exactly what religious nutcases would fabricate to justify prohibitionism.

Like for example, it's true people grew up to be alcoholic because Whiskey was a common solution to crying kids?

>it's true people grew up to be alcoholic because Whiskey was a common solution to crying kids?

Oh fuck off. Fuck right off.

I'm so glad these people will never reproduce.

It is ONE of the meanings for fair. As in fair headed or fair skinned. However, it also means beautiful.

In this context she's bitching about it being use for fair maiden. A fair maiden is a pure untouched beautiful woman.

I guess for her a more accurate call would be a tainted dirty dumb bitch.

Fair meaning beautiful also has older origins, the word originally meant that along with things like "fair skies" doesn't mean the skies were white, but generally good. Later fair also came to meant light colored, fair skin, fair hair, etc.

Even if the guy was wrong. Which he clearly isn't. He was still trying to compliment her by calling her beautiful. Why does she have to be an asshole to someone who was only trying to say something nice to her?

Is this a webcomic?

The guy who wrote it to inspire his daughter, he reproduced.

>Why does she have to be an asshole to someone who was only trying to say something nice to her?
Because the writer thinks this is what makes a strong independent girl.

Isn't his daughter adopted?

Nope, an actual comic that was published by Action Lab Comics.

They have a warped view of what injustice looks like. How men's lives are worth so little their murder just a throw away joke here.

>Action Lab Comics
That explains why it's shit.
>inb4 Tomboyniggers pretending their shit comic is good


Well men are more expendable than women, in general.

This is what flaming arrows were invented for, just fire a volley of them through that window and let the cleansing flames do their work.

And it kind of worked. Even after prohibition ended there was less drunkenness than before it.

Whatever happened to equality?

Christ, what a cunt.

No such thing.

what is this called?

You couldn't fit everything useful whites did for the lesser races of the Earth into a single month.

wait a minute that horse.

No. Women are worthless whores.
>muh reproduction
Can't wait for artificial wombs to be made so we could put females in gas chambers

"Fine, thou cunt."

>neither writer nor editor nor anyone else on staff know what a scientific theory is
>neither writer nor editor nor anyone else on staff bothered to google what a scientific theory is
It's just sad.

In evolutionary biology there is a saying that eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap.

Speaking solely from a reproductive stand point men are more expendable.


I don't think she has any control over the dragon.

I normally dislike this type of stuff, but a user needs to draw a piece of art with a ballista bolt on the dragon's skull and Princess Bitch serving as a incentive for the brave soldiers, like true medieval times(but with dragons)

>hey, let me be anal about language by being wrong about it

What a bitch. She's supposed to be the person we root for?

noun: fair; plural noun: fairs
a beautiful woman.

It means white NOW. In the time this comic seems to take place, it would've meant beautiful.

Two seconds of google and I found this out.

When did writers forget that there's a way to write female characters that doesn't revolve around turning them into massive thundercunts?

Don't you know it?
A complete cunt = strong female character.

Let's see you try writing a realistic female character that doesn't use that stuff I'll wait

Fucking shame

Just write a normal person. It's not that hard.
Have any of you fuckers actually left your basement?

Just have a character that doesn't constantly says things like
"I'm black/gay/have a vagina"

All right. I've got to know.
What IS this abomination?

>tfw all the strong female characters I know are just females with male personalities/mannerisms


Raven and Starfire are bitchy or manly then?

It's reverse image search, seriously, it took me less time than it took you to ask[/spoilers]


bitchy isn't generally a male personality/mannerism???

but those are two that are actually exceptions, now that I think about it. Sure, there are female superheroes that are known, but whether they're """""""""""""strong"""""""""""" or not is a different matter.

You can't MAKE me not be lazy.

...except for this one time.

The smartest marvel character everyone
I guess pseudo intellectual Starbucks employees need a character to relate to

Actually there has always been a Marxist radical side to the feminist movement, hell one of the creators claim it was originally just a movement to provide shelters to victims of violence but it was cool opted by upper middle class women looking to take the donation money and since anyone could be a feminist and any feminist could vote they marched in and voted themselves into power
Anyways the radical side known for placing bombs in public places ended up getting too much control and that's what we see now, it's not new people and it's not new ideology it's just the most radical feminists becoming the mainstream feminists

Exactly, that's why I mentioned them. They are strong female characters without being bitchy like those "independent wymin" or tomboyish


No, fuck off

That's why they're a male fantasy and not REAL strong women.

Why did women get forced to marry and have children at a young age in an ear of 70% mortality rates among mother's during childbirth?

I don't buy REAL strong women tho. Fantasy is fantasy, bo prob with that

Characters can only be as smart as the person writing them.

Prince lexss?

Yeah. I'm sure the less was supposed to go over an crossing of the "ss" part of princess. But they could have conveyed that better

I mean, the difference between a theory and a law is a reasonable distinction to make.

yeah there we go that makes more sense, people not understanding that theory doesn't mean what they think it means

Now I know who's opinions to disregard and who's work I should avoid like the plague.

Were there even non white royal families anywhere in what I'm guessing was Europe? Why didn't she use her independent unruly brain to manipulate the dragon to free herself from the tower? At least she could try to escape captivity or at least death would be better, right?

Written by a white man, of course.

too lazy to read. In the comic we see its legit complaint but in a bigger stories there is usually a distinction between the authors voice and the characters voice, meaning a character can be an idiot.
satire has become some sliding scale, everything that was satire 5-10 years ago is now reality.

If you badmouth Unstoppable Wasp on Twitter the writer (who also wrote this) will find your tweet and argue with you about it.

all history is white history you shitlord.
if womens fiction is anything to go by then no, regular women like that too.

This is as far as I got.

With the abolition of colorism within whiteness among cultural thought the answer is no. Going by historical definitions of whiteness then you've got most of Southern and Eastern Europe.

And doesn't use fully half their lines ranting about how offensive everything is.