Dies off screen

Dies off screen.

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Did she seriously die offscreen?


No her memory got wiped and she was found tattooed in a dufflebag in midtown NYC.

She's still out there, and will fight the Kree alongside the Son of Coul. #IWantToBelieve

*Die on screen*

got kicked off for showing her HAIRY VAGINA at a kids film premiere!

Unironically the best part of the Asgardian subplot of Ragnarok was all of these side-characters getting bitched out in moments by Hela.

The movie was fun, but I wish they'd just not done anything on Asgard.

so she's not dead and she just got banished by Loki (disguised as Odin) before the movie even started?


What a tweest

Pics or it didn't happen.

Lady Sif last appeared on Agents of Shield two seasons back.

Fuck I wish I was there and I wish she would have let me get a good whiff of it

Jamie Alexander is a poor actress.

really didn't like how they killed them off. well, the asian one got somewhat of a decent death. but the other two appeared for mere seconds, no dialogue and poof they die.

why would she do that for you?

cause I have a gun

and a whiff is all you ask.. hah

*Comic relief*

Hela was going to her undead army to take over Earth, right? Well good luck with that when her soldiers can easily be killed by regular firearms. Bullets bounce off living Asgardians skin.

I suppose he couldn't modded them with some sort of asgardian technology

In the comics she ends up fucking Beta Ray Bill, right?
What are the chances she gets HORSED in the MCU?

I assume hela wanted to fuck him to make heirs to the throne

That's a fine enough explanation, but she's not in the next two Avengers movies so she might as well be dead.