Ayo Sup Forums, my gf just broke up with me, give me some core macho getting over shit movies

Ayo Sup Forums, my gf just broke up with me, give me some core macho getting over shit movies

Predator might help.
Swingers is also pretty great.

I Stand Alone

Predator is always good

you should go hang with friends or go to bed user. wait between 2-3 weeks and go find a tinder whore and pull the trigger. I wouldn't wait longer your mind will start becoming deranged and you'll develop a complex. This is a sensitive window where you can free yourself from her. She dumped you, she doesn't love you anymore, that's a grave insult to you. 2-3 weeks and then go get some pussy like you'll die if you don't

I dont plan to wait 2-3 weeks, I mean I've never had a problem in that department, but you know I just want her to come back, idk, ain't been this messed up n a long time

Kramer vs Kramer

You are clearly overcompensating homos in the closet. This boasting about liking a movie is always cringey and tryhard but this religious devotion to taking pride in watching Predator is on a whole new level.

Go to the gym instead of watching manly men

leaving las vegas
it's a real picker-upper

Why did she walk out? If you know that much, it might be easier to move on.


500 days of summer

Well, she said it's because I'm always gloomy and never really smile or show excitment. She did not want to be the one thing making me happy and I'm really just hoping that she is gonna come back around

i wasn't implying you can't get laid lol, i'm saying so you don't feel guilty and you mourn the loss of the relationship and you don't get caught in a spiral with her trying to get you back and then you having fucked a girl in the interim period and her trying to use that as an excuse to go on a fuck-spree and so on. Mourning is good, wait a while to fuck another chick. Not long, just a week or so. Don't give her ammunition or burden your conscience.

At least you had a girlfriend faggot

I see. How long were the two of you together?

Also, beyond watching some films with your bros, what do you plan to do if she doesn't come back?

The fuck do you care you dumb beta


welp I plan to get shitfaced and fuck my way halfway through the nation, untill I feel better

>Ayo Sup Forums,
Fuck off nigger

You're so normal.

Fuck off normalfag nigger

>Go to the gym
Which part of the 90s were you born in.

Best of luck to ya, OP.

There was a poster who would mentioned having a little bit of a grieving period, And I think he was probably right.

If a post-breakup bender is your way of coping more power to you but they always just left me feeling kind of empty and almost more aware of what I'd lost.