With Guardians of the Galaxy out in less than a month; what changes do you think the movies will cause in the comics?

With Guardians of the Galaxy out in less than a month; what changes do you think the movies will cause in the comics?


Ego will get an humanoid avatar.

Jayson will tell Peter, he's not his real father.

Ayesha, Mantis, and Ego probably get more comic book appearances.

Ego's the easiest. Bonus points if he somehow reverts to his human form.

This and obvi Baby Groot

So much has changed since 2014. The state of comics is different. They will do very little, because the hype of GotG has died down a bit.

Can we stop saying the movies affect the comics? Brevoort has said over and over the movies have no affect on the comics.

He's used avatars before, although sparingly
Baby Groot is getting his own stealth mini

I would honestly be okay with this. Jason was, at best, an inoffensive and minor part of one of the better classic Star-Lord stories. Nothing awful, but nothing to write home about either. Bit of a disappointing followup to the mystery of Quill's birth.

J'Son is an absolute shitstain of a character as far as the modern stuff goes. I honestly don't recall if Bendis created him or if he first appeared in that Inhumans miniseries in the early 2000s but either way he's predominantly a Bendis/Humphries character and sucks cosmic flarkin ass.

Ego is a much more inspired choice for Quill's father and at least a little more in line with Englehart's bizarre ideas on the conception of the character, without going full "lol god did it."

Mantis' character will be retconned into a retard. She'll join the Guardians.

Not the first time it'd have happened, but yes, it probably will.

>when casuals act like they read comics

>they reveal The Master of the Sun was Ego all along


It's a DC-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear their comics.

That was Ego Prime. Separate character.

DC does it aswell.

I don't think the Master of the Sun is ever coming back in 616. If he does, I expect it would be as a Badoon (ie Ariguan) farce ala the Moench stories. But even then he was mentioned, what, a single time in that Conquest mini? Easier for Marvel just to ignore him.

Will she be Asian, though?

He was never in 616 was he? Didn't the old Star-Lord stories take place in the future?

Wishful thinking from my part indeed, but making Ego be the Master of the Sun would be a good way to relate him to Peter and the Guardians without going through the retcon process. But, like you said, everyone in Marvel forgot about it, they are exclusively following Bendis' cosmic continuity.

She's already Asian, retard.

Classic Star-Lord is an alt version now, which doesn't makes sense since classic SL is foundation of his entire character in Annihilation/Conquest.

The difference of course is that DC has always taken from other material so it's more natural. See: Harley, Superman flying, kryptonite, etc

I meant change her skin color, dick

They Introduced Black Deadshot. Spoilers floyd killed him.


Then learn to words, retard.

>He was never in 616 was he?

He never appeared directly but I swear Quill namedrops him in AC: Star-Lord when he's giving his little retrospective.

>Didn't the old Star-Lord stories take place in the future?

Yeah, the far-flung future of the 1990s. Pre-Bendis it was assumed that some version of the Classic stuff happened and at approximately the same dates given Quill's age and experience.

Well it was also just never that important to begin with. In 616 nothing more than a wink-wink-nudge-nudge to the classic stories and Quill's heroic past.

Someone working some serious continuity magic could probably fix the apparent disrepancies between Giffen, Bendis, and Humprhies' origins, but I doubt it would come out looking all that much like the Classic stories.

I like movie Quill a lot and I figured Marvel would at least ape his style, but goddamn, I did not think they would make such a fucking mess of the character in the process.

I'm not even shitting on it dude, chill out. I just found funny he called it a "DC funded lie" when they also do the synergy themselves.

>What they do best
Get caught?
Because what all of these guys to best is consistently get apprehended.
It's the very reason she's able to assemble them in the first place.
None of them are particularly great at anything, and Batman's understudies could destroy the lot of them.

So...back to how she looked in the 70s?

I figured you'd be able to pick up what I meant, but I guess you're just too fucking stupid.
We're talking about upcoming synergy. I thought it would be clear enough.

>Someone working some serious continuity magic could probably fix the apparent disrepancies
This is the sole reason I wanted Ewing in Guardians, but they went and put him in Shithumans. Fuck. I mean is not really important to detail his Star-Lord career pre-Guardians, but my autism wants a semi-coherent backstory for him after Humphries rehashed the movie's.

>With Guardians of the Galaxy out in less than a month;

Wait, what?

Yeah, that seems about as likely as purple cape and boots Drax.

See You're the autismo who can't properly communicate like a person. Also see . Mantis' been already white, you're still a fucking retard.

May 4th?

It comes out the 28 in my country and I think earlier in others. I'm getting tickets tomorrow.

That's just half-Vietnamese Mantis with caucasian skin color.
She's always been at least half Asian.

Exactly my point.

>no slipnot, the man who can climb anything.

If you say so.

I do, and you can't prove the contrary.

Based Slipknot climbed his way out of synergy.

>mantis isn't green because Gunn's autism