"2001: A Space Odyssey is phony on many points, even for specialists. For a true work of art...

>"2001: A Space Odyssey is phony on many points, even for specialists. For a true work of art, the fake must be eliminated. I would like to shoot Solaris in a way that the viewer would be unaware of any exoticism. Of course, I’m referring to the exoticism of technology."
>"For example, if one shoots a scene of passengers boarding a trolley, which, let’s say, we’d never seen before or known anything about, then we’d get something like Kubrick’s moon landing scene. On the other hand, if one were to shoot a moon landing like a common trolley stop in a modern film, then everything would be as it should. That means to create psychologically, not an exotic but a real, everyday environment that would be conveyed to the viewer through the perception of the film’s characters.
>"That’s why a detailed ‘examination’ of the technological processes of the future transforms the emotional foundation of a film, as a work of art, into a lifeless schema with only pretensions to truth."

What did he mean by this?

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He is trying to shit on Kubrick when he's obviously jealous of his skills and knows deep down he was never as good at making kino as him.

Nolan movies would probably be better for him.


>What did he mean by this?
Kubrick filmed the moon landing and that the moon landing was fake.

What he's saying is James Cameron's The Terminator was a better film than Stanley Kubrick's filmography.
And that Jimbo is he only true successor in film

wtf I love Tarkovsky now

Lol this retarded slav who poisoned himself while filming in a real biohazard area lol

Slavs are suicidal ork animals


I must admit that I viscerally hated Tarkovsky's "Nostalgia" and completely hated the use of Beethoven in it. I've seen it only once, but none of the Tarkovsky films that I have seen did I think are really good.

>lmao i read something in a Sup Forums thread now i can make memes, am i rite cultured bros?

He's right. Kubrick was a very dishonest filmmaker.

Andrei Tarkovsky... the master of us all. The greatest director to ever live. I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb.

more like tarcucksky

Tarkovsky... the master of us all... the greatest director to ever live. I would undercover my head and kneel before his tomb.

none of you guys are even disussing what he said


That's a rather Lovecraftian opinion.

he’s trying to say that you shouldn’t be able to tell/be able to forget it’s a movie. But it also seems like he thinks Kubrick actually staged the moon landing film too.

Anons avoiding the facts, 2001 is the worst Kubrick movie

He's saying that the movie is less of a work of art than jerking off to how cool future space tech will be, and because we cannot know how good future tech will be, it only has a pretension to truth.

wow I actually understood what he said. interesting opinion

>that the movie is less of a work of art than jerking off to how cool future space tech will be
But that isn't the point of 2001 at all

Was Kubrick too deep for Tarkovsky?

"I can't afford Kubrick's special effects budget"



Yes, but he had no idea that 2001 was so fucking good that it actually predicted exactly how many of the technology would turn out to be, so he is wrong.

Sorry to say but is this.

Kubrick makes good films but I feel Tarkovsky was right about everything he makes being lifeless and robotic.

>But that isn't the point of 2001 at all

Uh...no? Not even remotely. The technology in the movie was a catalyst for the story, not the point of the story.

>Tarkovsky was right about everything

This. He was the master of us all. I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb.

actually you just proved his point. it's not art but just kubrick making a prediction. sure, it's cool that the prediction was correct, but that doesn't make it art

dumb fukin tripfag

Firstly anything can be art and any artist knows not to try and argue otherwise.
Secondly, pretending the whole movie is just about space buses and ignoring the entire plot of the monolith take a special kind of dumb dishonesty.