Finish a movie

>finish a movie
>look up every actress on wikifeet
what's your post-kino ritual Sup Forums?

>Uses "kino"
>Uses Pepe in 2k17
Hi r3ddito

>using Sup Forums after 2006
You're just as bad, soygoy.

About the same, tbqh.

Google "[movie name] ending explained reddit"

This but ironically


>finish movie
>instantly forget about it and move on with my life

Pepe be like "oo-hoo-HOOH!"

Why do autists like feet sound much?

It's like the most embarrassing fetish honestly.

It was a simpler time back then.

>reddit spacing

Autist tend to not look at people in the face, so they look at their feet.

>finish movie
>look up the summary on wikipedia
>missed a major plotline

>bush era Sup Forums
no thanks

watching interviews and trailers, sometimes bloopers and behind the scene bits or features if i really enjoyed the film

then talk about it with my friends for a while

Checked and underrated

>finish movie
>search hot actress's name on /r/watchitfortheplot

Checked and also this.

>finish movie
>read up the trivia on IMDb

>finish movie
>go to sleep
>no idea what I watched last night

>end up coming across the movie while i browse the web
>get a strong sense of deja vu

>first three timestamps 08/12/05
>fourth timestamp 08/12/06

>IMDB trivia

we may never know

Are you me?


>finish movie
>read reviews on lbg
>log the movie

>finish movie
>kick my cat and punch my dog in the face

>finish movie
>look up video essays to try to understand the symbolism
tfw brainlet

Same + look up high quality closeups of them with their mouths open and pretend they're voring me.

>torrent movie i know is trash
>play it as background noise
>ask for discussion in Sup Forums about said movie

>finish watching great movie
>keep thinking about it until I go to sleep
>don't watch anything else before then
And then this :(

This except i just kick my cat and step on it. I give my dog a few treats. I don't like my cat. Dog is great

Do you guys get overwhelmed by the Goofs page or is that just me?

>finish movie
>read tv tropes page
existance is suffering

TVTropes is terrible but every four months or so I spend a day going through it.

this but unironically

and yet here you are. interesting

>It's like the most embarrassing fetish honestly
it's like the most common. you want embarassing try piss and shit

>look up actress on wikifeet
>immediately judge her IRL personality by her feet and ruin any tv/film immersion with her in subsequent roles

i'm not even joking

go on and read the comments

if I really liked it, I might start a thread here.