Why did the cob planet freak Rick out so much?

Why did the cob planet freak Rick out so much?

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There's no real reason, it's just funny. They're treating an absurd but harmless quirk as life-threateningly dangerous.

It's just a nonsensical joke.


Because everything is gluten free

If my molecules were made of cob I feel like it would be bad

I assume that since every atom in that planet was a cob, the atoms in their bodies will also slowly become cobs as well.

because they too will be on a cob

Why didn't Rick just build a new portal gun so they could live on an alternate Earth?

But how?

Cause he's islamophobic.

He didnt have materials available to use to make one

Quantum magic.

Because fucking cobs man.

Because atoms on the cob doesn't make sense even in the logic of that show. It's a break in the fabric of reality. Probably something to stay away from.


It was just a parody of those sci-fi plots where everything seems good in a weird society or planet until a scientist discovers something horrible and everyone freaks out.

The mystery is what keeps us alive, user

Reminder that Summer ate one of the cob plants.
This will become deepest lore in season 7.

by eating, drinking and breathing cob molecules over time.

it was a jab at the USA, you bunch of fucking burgers

it's funny because he is generally really passive about death, for him to be so freaked out it would likely have to be a fate far worse than death.

Most of it will be cycled out fairly quickly, she should be fine as long as she doesn't eat a lot of it and for a long time

If you could see the world as indiviual atoms, you'd notice that we are just heaps of ever changing matter. Not a single atom that formed you as a baby is there on you today.


Cob planet gibes me the trypophobia jeeblies. Birdcob was unsettling.

>ywn have a tiny planet to yourself
>ywn have a shrinking/growth ray so that you can have renewable resources

Same way you're made of star dust

Repressed memories of Justin Roiland's younger life, perhaps? Maybe there was an incident with... cob... on the streetside.

1. They would have to murder whatever version of them existed on whatever world they jumped to.

2. Iirc Rick mentioned he could only do that less than 5 more times, and he probably wants to save them for actual, Cronenberg level emergencies.

3. Even if he did there's a chance the same events occurred anyway.

You would eventually go insane from the isolation.