/doag/ - Dumbing of Age - Grabbing Chairs Edition

Last night, we had the continued drawing out of this current episode of the never ending Sal/Amber drama.

Will we finally see some action tonight? Or has Willis completely devoted any creativity he has left to fining new ways to ruin his own characters?

The suspense is slowly killing me inside.

Other urls found in this thread:


I had the genius idea of how to avoid conflict. That is, Sal/Amber conflict.

Simply have Marcie come up behind Sal and pull her away, letting Amber get away scot free.

So here's an interesting bit of the Willis "creative" process he posted to Patreon a short while ago.

Interesting that he thought the last strip was so poor that it required an extended explanation. There were a bunch of confused comments on Patreon yesterday, so maybe that's what prompted this uncharacteristic admission.

...Goddammit, Sal struggling with the chair actually works better.

How does he keep managing to pick the worst versions of his strips?

More importantly, since he doesn't have a day job, why is he drawing his strips in an all-nighter marathon style?

Here, have a Photoshop quickie.

That's how he works, it seems. Get them all into a buffer now, and worry later about how it actually looks.

Spent too much time arguing about Transformers or getting into Twitter tiffs, maybe.


Misanthropy: The Comic

That's about it tonight. No more avoiding the inevitable encounter at least.

What is Amber standing on?

How is Amber still in the upper chair like that?

>Hatin' people don't make ya special.
Finally, somebody starts making sense in this fucking comic.

Too bad Willis treats hate and spite as a positive element.

Also, I just realized that this whole situation is a prime example of how spatially empty the Dumbiverse is. Apparently this four-chair set-up went completely unnoticed by every other student in the hundred-person dormitory, not to mention faculty and staff. It's like everybody but Sal, Amber, Sarah, and the rest of the named DoA cast have blinders on.

>Sarah spontaneously teleports into the area for the sake of a punchline, and will probably have no more lines for the rest of the scene.

He can only get away with this in serial comic strips. If someone tried to adapt this scene to television or a novel, it would look just as awkward as it actually is

She's standing on one of the lower chairs

I'm guessing she dropped down from her spacial-physics-defying pose, and is now standing on the cushion of the bottom chair.

Looks like it's time for a Hate-Off!

Does Willis just stay up all night? Like is he a night owl or what staying up till 6 AM every day?

Ethen's shoulders obviously. I mean I WISH that was is case....

>Who can outhate people more?!

For the last time Willis: outright hating everything and everyone isn't a positive trait for someone! For fucks sake...

He prefers to sleep during the day. The daytime is when his kids are awake, and like pic related said...

The chair that's directly below her?

>stays awake all night so he's tired enough to sleep through the day while his kids are awake

Dad of the year right there....

>Wait a minute, Sal is easily lifting that chair, that simply won't do!
>Completely ignores Amber doing another weird athletic feat in a space that has completely changed in size

They're both garbage, but the lighting and perspective in this one is better than how the other one turned out. I find it especially weird that she's pivoting the chair up against an empty one, but there's no shifting or tilting of the anchoring chair.

Just look at how small the chairs are in this one frame, the previous strip makes no sense if the scale held up.

>Sarah appears
Yeah, keep the train running, Quick! Make Galasso need the chair fort!

>Sarah spontaneously teleports into the area for the sake of a punchline, and will probably have no more lines for the rest of the scene.

You'd think that in a university with over 48,000 students, we'd see more than the main cast in public spaces

>Dad of the year right there....
A keystone of the Willis philosophy is that all parents are evil.

Self-fulfilling prophecy's a bitch, mang.

Gee, Sarah got to that common area pretty fast from where she was last scene. Really, couldn't Willis just draw some throw away background character to do what Sarah did (also said character would call Amber a bitch for hogging all the chairs)?

This is what I wa saying last thread. From the angle that she'd be lifting the chair, we shouldn't see the lit side of the corner of the chair that her hand is under, because it would be lifted outward from the fort, as shown in the original "struggling to lift the chair" panel. But now we know why he made the mistake. He was tired and rushing it.

There are plenty of other students, but they're all victim-blaming, misogynist, and probably racist scum, like Tan-Hoodie here that the Willy fans tore to shreds.

You'd think Willis would consider a sort of Kickstarter campaign tier reward for the purpose of allowing fans to become background characters.

The whole "Amber and Amazigirl are different personalities/people" thing is such a stupid, stupid idea and I can't believe it has gotten the legs it has.

He did that for a couple of the early DoA books, but I guess drawing new things got too hard.

Kids, man.

Doesn't Willis's wife have a day job? Who takes care of the kids?

Nah, it's more that the other students are just NPCs, moving around and not interacting with anything the main cast does unless they initiate contact first.

where the fuck did ethan go?

So WAAAAGH! is now canon to DoA.

Amber caught him in an imaginary Pokeball

Or maybe he just left when he saw Amber constructing her hate-cave

One or the other

She is also an artist.

Okay, so I typed something up earlier today about this, but crap happened, and it was lost. So. I'm here. Let's talk about DID. Long post incoming shortly.

Willis next Slipshine will be hardcore anal vore.

Great, now I'm thinking about a DoA Persona game.

>So let's figure this out; how accurate is Willis' representation of DID here? We should try to set tumblr loose on him and see what happens.

First, let me make this really clear: Willis's depiction of DID is totally and completely wrong. Amber is just a person who talks to herself and uses her superhero persona to absolve herself of blame.

>DID is an exceedingly rare mental disorder brought about by long-term psychological trauma. Its very existence is the subject of debate and there are few agreed upon diagnosis criteria. Setting tumblr loose on him would do nothing as his depiction of DID fits completely within the pop culture idea of DID and DID is a frequent self-diagnosis among the mental illness chic crowd. That being said, Amber doesn't have DID due to the lack of memory impairment associated with switching personalities.

>Shockingly, Willis has done no research whatsoever into a topic central to his characters and plotlines.

>A few months back, we had a poster whose boyfriend had DID and she talked about the condition in some detail, how Willis's portrayal of Amber fell fall short of reality, how if he ever outright stated that Amber had DID, she was going to go nuclear on him, or even if he started trying to push Amber's condition too far towards DID without ever saying that's what it was.

>Girlanon, are you there? Can you answer 's question? And should we run to the fallout shelters yet?

Here are links to my original posts on the matter:

Someone else said this:
>Amber has legit mental issues, but it's not DID. It's an exceedingly maladaptive coping mechanism featuring extreme compartmentalization and projection; she's defining actions and attributes of the whole into two distinct personas and her personality is disintegrating.

More incoming soon. I am nowhere near done.

Keep it coming, user. It's nice to have an informed perspective other than the Mental Illness Chic Queen, Cerberus.

I'm pretty sure Willis didn't set out to make Amber have DID, but his moronic fans complimented him for his realistic portrayal of mental illness, and if he contradicts them, he'll lose diversity points. It's just like the stupid "Dina is asexual" angle that Cerberus is also pushing.

As we've seen since then, Amber doesn't really know which one is which. I still assert that she is using it to avoid responsibility. She's angry with Danny as Amber, but he was dating Amazi-Girl. If the identities were separate, Amber wouldn't give a crap. It would not be her problem.

As that other person mentioned, she doesn't have any associated memory loss. It can be the simplest things they don't remember. Sometimes, people with DID will get taken over when they're totally tired and can't function properly. The other identity (alter) will essentially pitch in to take care of their host.

For example, let's say Amber stayed up late playing Mario Kart. She forgot that she had class at 8 AM. Amazi-Girl could have forced her way to the front to make sure that she got some sleep. (This is something that has happened with my DID boyfriend.) Then, in the morning, if Amber is still too exhausted, Amazi-Girl would get her sorry butt out of bed, eat breakfast, and take her to class. Class might be halfway over by the time Amber wakes up and takes over again.

The point of the alter is to share the load. Usually, they are formed because of something psychologically damaging. While Amber has that covered (however weakly), she does not have an actual alter. For one thing, she literally talks to herself. She is talking to herself in that strip where she's in the dark trying to figure out what to do about Sal. If you talk to an alter, you're doing it in your head. And even then, it's really not common.

They occupy a separate headspace, hence the memory issues. I know someone who was able to look down at her body from the back of her head while she was taken over, but she wasn't able to come to the forefront. This is less common, but it is the closest you're going to get with them interacting like this.

My boyfriend occasionally refers to himself in the third person, but he doesn't like... ask the other guy for his opinion out loud.

See more from me soon.

There was this one post. This one faint, passive-agressive glimmer that Willis secretly resents certain fans of his.

>Amber's headspace is not so unfamiliar to me

This comment chain was in response to the 2/14/17 comic, "Pokestop"

My boyfriend and the other guy kind of communicate with each other inside his head, but he has never, ever talked to him out loud.

And back to Amazi-Girl and Amber breaking up with Danny. Okay, so Danny was talking to Sal. Amber is the one who hates Sal, not Amazi-Girl. Amazi-Girl, in fact, says to Sal that she is protecting her from Amber. Amazi-Girl--if she were in fact a separate entity--would hold no ill will for Danny talking to Sal without knowing the significance of doing so. (In fact, Amazi-Girl might even be grateful for Sal, or she wouldn't have existed otherwise.)

If Amazi-Girl really were separate, she would tell him what Amber's relationship with Sal is, and everything would have been fine. Amazi-Girl was dating Danny, not Amber. Amber should not have had any say in the matter. Amazi-Girl could consider her feelings, sure, but it wasn't Amber's decision to make. But it's VERY apparent Amber is who broke up with Danny for talking to Sal.

This is further emphasized when Amber talks to Danny about it after class. Even Amber doesn't know who broke up with him. Because they're the same dang person. This is how you can tell someone is a liar. They can't keep up with their lies. Amber can't remember who broke up with Danny, because she's lying about Amazi-Girl being her own person.

If Amazi-Girl were her own person, there would be no question. Because Amber just wouldn't have been there. OR Amber could have told Danny that Amazi-Girl was going to break up with him.

In "Mask or No Mask," we very clearly see that there is no difference between who she is with and without the mask on.

More coming, guys.

When Amazi-Girl catches Pokemon in the middle of busting crime, she doesn't say "Oh, I should do this for Amber." She reacts as Amber but with the Amazi-Girl speech bubble. They can't switch back and forth that easily. Swaps don't just happen every few minutes just because you can. It often requires specific triggers, or it can be shown with certain actions, like suddenly dropping your head onto a desk and sitting up, seeming confused.

Amber is not confused when she comes out of being Amazi-Girl. Amber knows where she is at all times. She has no memory loss. She doesn't lose time. Losing time is one of the big indicators of having alters. You can go from doing homework in the afternoon to suddenly becoming aware of yourself in a totally different place hours later, with no idea of how or why you are there. Sure, they can fill you in, but there will almost never be any memories of the events that transpired while the main person was away.

Amazi-Girl is a persona, not an alter.

More coming again, dudes. This time, we talk Superman.

Superman is Superman. Clark Kent is a persona. Superman is 100% aware of himself when he's Clark Kent. He is conscious about making sure that he doesn't reveal his secret. He tries to keep his life separate to some extent, so as to not draw any connections between the two of them. Clark Kent is more like a spy and a getaway than anything.

Can you imagine how much relief Superman gets from being Clark Kent? No one expects anything from him. He can just be a quiet, mild-mannered reporter. No one questions Clark Kent. No one is afraid of Clark Kent. No one wants Clark Kent brought to justice because he's a vigilante. Clark Kent doesn't have to deal with the exhaustion of being super all the time. Clark Kent is a vacation, not an alter.

Superman is able to use a second life, much like the titular character of "The Importance of Being Earnest." Ernest knows exactly who he is, and he leads a double life, because he likes the thrill of it. When he's in town, he can act one way, and when he's in the country, he can act another way. This is an example of personas, not alters. Because once again, like Clark Kent, he knows who he is 100% of the time. He has no memory loss.

It's called ACTING. Amber, Superman, and Ernest are all three pretending to be different people. It's essentially lying, pretending, acting, whatever you want to call it.

Sorry, I'm not done yet.

It is the same kind of escape one gets from playing video games and reading books. It's pretend. Everyone does it from time to time. Amber is stressed about being Amber. We get that. It makes sense. She pretends to be Amazi-Girl, because it's a good channel for her anger. Amber is a VERY angry person, and as Mike points out, she's just like her father. She is violent. Amazi-Girl is a way for her to channel her violence into something she sees as constructive.

You might recognize this as the reason for a variety of hobbies. When a poet is sad, they write a poem that expresses their sadness. It's an easy way to separate yourself from your feelings and bring yourself to a more grounded headspace.

An alter, while they provide a reprieve for the person dissociating, does their own thing.

My apologies for these long-winded explanations, but I have a lot to say about this matter.

It is frankly insulting that Willis is trying to make it sound like she just has an imaginary friend or whatever. You don't freaking talk to yourself when you have DID. (Also, why tf isn't Ethan speaking up about this? Did he leave without us knowing about it?)

Alters have their own agenda. Amazi-Girl's agenda is the same as Amber's. While alters can share things with the main person, there are still differences.

As I pointed out in my old posts (DesuArchive links), a person with DID can have an allergy that their alter does not. If Amber is allergic to carrots, then Amazi-Girl might not be. They also are chemically different.

I got more for you coming up, my dudes.

>Sorry, I'm not done yet
Don't be sorry, m8. This is fascinating.

Clearly Willy always envisioned the AG/Amber thing with Supes in mind. Anyone who read Shortpacked! knows that. The whole gag was that no one knew who it was because AG wore a stupid eye-mask. Just like Clark's glasses.

When my boyfriend is swapped out, it is like sharing a space with someone I hardly know. Many times, the other guy can slip through undetected, but it becomes apparent later through memory discussions that he had no idea what the other guy said.

I generally spoon with my boyfriend if we're sleeping next to each other. When the other guy is there, it feels SO awkward. Like... yikes. I haven't had to sleep next to him too many times, but we sleep with our backs to each other, not really touching if possible.

You can tell by the way Danny acts with Amber that it's REALLY apparent to him that they're not separate. Once he finds out Amber is Amazi-Girl, he tries to treat Amber like they're dating.

To Danny, they're the same, and that tells us far more than anything else in the comic can.

Amber reacts negatively when he acts like he's dating her and not Amazi-Girl, but that's because she's protecting her secret from other people. She SAYS "You're not dating me; you're dating Amazi-Girl." But when Danny did something nice for her, she's all like "Amazi-Girl has something ~planned~ for you later."

It's role-playing, plain and simple.


In Shortpacked!, it's also very clear that they're separate people. And if we know Willis, we know one thing: EVERYTHING carries over from other parts of the Walkyverse. Amber came up with Amazi-Girl when she wanted to think about what she would be like as a superhero. Standard geek stuff. Then, she started dressing up as her, because it was empowering.

A similar effect was achieved when she walked around in lingerie (also in Shortpacked!).

I think I'm finally starting to wind down on this train. At least one more (probably 2 or 3) coming.

You need a Tumblr or something to post about this with the DoA tag. These are important points and they shouldn't just be limited to /doag/.

When Superman saves Lois Lane, it's because he loves her. Clark Kent is technically dating Lois, but Superman--being the same person--loves her too. He goes out of his way to save her as Superman. He doesn't have to do that. Lois (depending on the version of Superman) has no idea that they're the same person.

Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" is a closer depiction of DID, and the alter is an ALIEN. The main character's alter is literally an alien, and it's closer to DID than anything Willis has come up with.

Really think about this. That's the author of the "Twilight" saga. And her foray into sci-fi is closer to DID than Amber and Amazi-Girl.

Just so you guys know I'm not completely basing this off personal experience, I'm going to lay down the law with the DSM. The DSM is what people in the psychology use to diagnose people. If it's not what the book says, you can't diagnose them.

There are 5 criteria, according to the current version of the DSM (copied and pasted in the next post).

> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>1. Two or more distinct identities or personality states are present, each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to and thinking about the environment and self.
Amber and Amazi-Girl have the same opinions about everything. They both relate to the world through violence.

>2. Amnesia must occur, defined as gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information and/or traumatic events.
It is worth noting that it's not JUST traumatic events. Amber might not remember eating breakfast, but she feels full. She might set a new record on Mario Kart but not remember doing it.

>3. The person must be distressed by the disorder or have trouble functioning in one or more major life areas because of the disorder.
I'll allow this one. She has a hard time making decisions and deciding what truth to tell because of her insistence on keeping them separate.

>4. The disturbance is not part of normal cultural or religious practices.
Pretty straight-forward. Nothing in modern America says that this is a normal cultural thing, and we know that she's an atheist.

>5. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (such as blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or a general medical condition (such as complex partial seizures).
She doesn't drink--she actively prevents underage drinking. She doesn't seem to take any drugs, other than lack of sleep (which is the same as being drunk if you're sufficiently tired). She doesn't have seizures or anything else.

This page is where I pulled the quotes from:

It succinctly explains what the disorder is and what it takes to diagnose it. Amber could never, ever be diagnosed with this.

More sources coming.

I'll compile all the posts into a screencap tomorrow morning unless someone does it before me, so they can easily be re-posted or posted on somewhere like tumblr.

Right now I have to go to bed and dream of a better world where I never read a David Willis comic.

You can tell I'm getting tired, haha.

Other associated issues (from WebMD):
>Mood swings
>Suicidal tendencies
>Sleep disorders (insomnia, night terrors, and sleep walking)
She just likes staying up late. There's a difference between not being able to sleep and not wanting to.
>Anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias (flashbacks, reactions to stimuli or "triggers")
>Alcohol and drug abuse.
>Compulsions and rituals
>Psychotic-like symptoms (including auditory and visual hallucinations)
>Eating disorders
Definitely not!

These aren't requirements, but they are often associated with DID and/or are caused by it.

More from WebMD:
>Depersonalization. This is a sense of being detached from one's body and is often referred to as an "out-of-body" experience.
Definitely not.

>Derealization. This is the feeling that the world is not real or looking foggy or far away.
Maybe? Hard to tell with a webcomic.

>Amnesia. This is the failure to recall significant personal information that is so extensive it cannot be blamed on ordinary forgetfulness. There can also be micro-amnesias where the discussion engaged in is not remembered, or the content of a meaningful conversation is forgotten from one second to the next.
This doesn't happen at all.

>Identity confusion or identity alteration. Both of these involve a sense of confusion about who a person is. An example of identity confusion is when a person has trouble defining the things that interest them in life, or their political or religious or social viewpoints, or their sexual orientation, or their professional ambitions. In addition to these apparent alterations, the person may experience distortions in time, place, and situation.
Amber and Amazi-Girl have the same views on all these things.

Okay, one last post coming up, because I am exhausted and do not have an alter to take over for me.

Don't worry about sounding tired or sourcing diagnosis, Girlanon.

The DSM-V is basically a fantasy RPG rule book anyhow.


WebMD link:

I haven't checked these websites entirely, but they seem like good additional resources on the subject:

I had a minor in psychology, so I'm no expert. I cannot diagnose you--well, not legally, anyway!

If ANY of this sounds like a problem you have, PLEASE seek help. NAMI.org is a great place to start.

Mental disorders are no joking matter. If you struggle with anxiety or depression or amnesia, you should talk to someone about it. You can go to sites like 7 Cups of Tea if you need someone who's trained as a listener. There are a lot of other sites. Don't be afraid to seek help. I implore you. Someone out there cares about you. I promise. Even if it's just me. (I can provide more resources on these matters if anyone requests them.)

Again, I am NOT an expert, but look how easily dismantled the idea of Amber having DID is. Anyone with a few seconds of Googling could have found some of this information.

Therapy and counseling are good. Medication can be good for some people.

>The DSM-V is basically a fantasy RPG rule book anyhow.
To some extent, yes. But it's an important starting point for getting a genuine diagnosis. The DSM was updated only a few years ago, so it's still pretty up-to-date with current medical professionals' opinions.

One of the reasons I keep coming back to these threads is that they're some of the few instances that my choice of psychology as a major is utilized. Bless you, Girlanon, and best of luck to you and your boyfriend.

Ugh, I'm so annoyed that I posted that one post on a different computer. I thought that was the one where I had the links to the previous threads, but it was this one.

Thank you for all the thoughtful and relevant remarks! I do have a snarky Tumblr where I post stuff like this. Maybe it has a place there. I'm fine with everything being collected as record. Maybe it should go in a separate Google Doc?

Here's a twist for all of you:
I'm also DocAnon. I have OCD, if y'all can't tell.

I hope my verbosity hasn't gotten on anyone's nerves or stifled otherwise interesting discussions.

>One of the reasons I keep coming back to these threads is that they're some of the few instances that my choice of psychology as a major is utilized. Bless you, Girlanon, and best of luck to you and your boyfriend.
Ahh, thank you! I hope I tackled the topic well enough!

And thank you! He is fast asleep right now. I think I shall join him.


I love all of you dearly, and thanks for listening. (◠‿◠)

>And thank you! He is fast asleep right now. I think I shall join him.
Hahaha, I can't sleep because of my anxiety for some reason.

So, uh, hi, late-night/non-American Sup Forums crowd.

(Btw, if anyone wants to archive-dive for the relevant strips when they catalog my posts, that would be interesting!)

So. How are you? Why are you awake?

I slept till 4 P.M. today and I'm not tired again yet. It's probably unhealthy but I love sleep too much to care.

Storms are coming and I have a massive fear of them, to the point that I once spent 11 hours in a 3' by 2' room with three dogs and two cats.

Your analysis and experience is fascinating.

Hmmmmm, if you like sleep so much, why not go to bed earlier? Then you'd be able to sleep the same amount of time but miss less daylight. You should probably get Vitamin D supplements at this rate.

I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule, so I feel dumb for being up this late. Waiting to hear back about my MRI from Friday, so that's probably it.

Yikes! I'm afraid of tornadoes because of this:

It was not a fun time. I was in elementary school. We went to the state capitol and saw one of the shredded flags from the storm. That did not help matters.

It honestly just takes time. I recommend sound-cancelling headphones, a calming music app/website (Calm.com & MyNoise.net are my favorites), and soft pillows and blankets.

Making a nest is the best for when you're stressed. You also might consider some anti-anxiety meds.

I'm horribly claustrophobic (FFS, what *isn't* wrong with me?), so I took a whole Xanax before my MRI. They covered my eyes up and took care of me really well.

Is there anyone you live with/near that is sympathetic to your fear? I find it helps to have someone keep my mind off things, like when my OCD or anxiety goes into overdrive.

Yeah, I'm working on my sleep schedule too, but my depression makes me feel exhausted all the time during the day. My meds help, but sometimes there's only so much you can do.

Agoraphobe. Haven't left my place in six months. Anything I can't shoot I'm concerned about.

Tornado. I was a kid. More concerned about power, it fails, my meat goes bad, and the friends I do have can assume I'm dead.

Don't have headphones and all my music is just shit like Laserhawk and Futurecop.

My state sucks.

I work nights during the week so I'm basically nocturnal at this point (although I did recently start Vitamin D supplements with noticeable effects so I should probably try to get a little more sun)
Also I think if I'm remembering right you're the user who helped me with grad school stuff? If so, thanks again, heard back affirmative from 2 schools. :>

Would you like recommendations for relaxing music/audio/other? I'm sure we'd all be willing to help you out.

For sure. Once I'm not super-poor, I want to get a sleep study done. It's expensive. I've always had insomnia. I had one blessed year without it when I was 12, and then we went across the country and ruined it.

It's freaking tough. It's possible there's other stuff going on, since depression often accompanies other chronic conditions. You could possibly be sneaky and take like... DayQuil when it gets really hard to stay awake, haha.

I'm tired all the time too. Wish I could help more!

>Your analysis and experience is fascinating.
Totally forgot to reply to this part! Thank you!

Ah, yeah, makes sense. If you have Internet, you can get Calm and MyNoise on your phone. Won't be as effective without headphones, but they still help.

For apps, I also recommend The Quiet Place (also a website), PurringCat, Sleep Ambience (sic), and anything else that is supposed to help people sleep or even meditate. They work great during the daytime too.

Can you make jerky out of any of your meat? Or find some other way of preserving it?

I also recommend a site like 7 Cups of Tea. Agoraphobia has to suck. Might help to talk to someone online about it. 7 Cups is free, while some other sites are not.

Yes, do keep up with the Vitamin D! Drink milk too. You should probably get a sun lamp since you work nights, especially if you live alone.

Yep! I spend way too much time on here. And to think I used to be terrified of this place, haha.

Yay!!! I'm so happy to hear that! I'm glad I helped!! Have you picked which one to go to yet?

Also spent so much time on here today that my CAPTCHAs have gotten increasingly weird. I just had to pick helicopters out.

It's just store bought ground chuck and steaks. Nothing to really salt. Oddly enough, I have zero trouble sleeping because early in my teens I learned how to enter a fugue state by closing my eyes and concentrating. I sorta see the patterns you see when you close your eyes and rub them and wake up a few hours later completely refreshed.

Go for it, man.

Thanks. I honestly appreciate the support.

You know, anons come into /doag/ all the time and ask why we're still making these threads. What the point of it all is.

I can honestly say it's for the conversation. For moments like these. THIS is why I come to Sup Forums.

It's awesome that you can at least sleep! I mostly meant to use those to drown out storms and such. Things that are meant to help people sleep are also great for drowning out other sounds.

No problem! I honestly feel the same way. I'm on here almost every day. This is one of the most interesting, supportive groups of people I know.

Lots of love. If anyone needs me, let me know, and I'll try to reply sometime after I wake up. I think I'm finally ready to crash.

Hang in there.

Well, this one's always a good one whenever I want to fall asleep.


Good song. Thank you.

You're welcome. :)

Oh shoot, I need some sexy Mike


I think your assessment of Superman is incredibly wrong if you think Clark is the persona. Clark exists before Superman does, and being Clark first is integral to why there even is a Superman. Superman isn't Clark Kent, Clark Kent is Superman. Sorry to dismantle one of your points.

So it's his spite filled hate sex with that guy he had with to piss Ethen off?

I personally think Superman feels more real and natural to him. Clark is meek for the sake of throwing people off the trail. Being Superman is freedom, because he is more completely himself and doesn't have to pretend.

>Week 24: Mike (with Eric)


Do you even know what an allergy is?

Girlanon, I want to ask you about Cerberus. Do you think she's lying about her experiences with DID since she's insistent that memory problems aren't necessary?

Fucking kino stratergy. I think you're just jealous you don't have the oppurtunity to do the same.

Not girlanon, but iirc, her pov is that Cerbie certainly has mental problems but not DID-related mental problems.

I am going to be upfront and say I haven't read the namefags spiel. I did read a response about psy majors briefly though.

If either of them are pretending DID is real they should resign. The numbers don't fucking lie. DID theory is just that.

The sooner we put the DID meme to rest the better for everyone

Well there is the belief that DID is a physician-induced disorder.

I almost wonder if this is going to be a course of action from now on, where Willis inserts implicit scenes of sexual activity so that he has pin-ups he can churn out later.

If Cerberus took a brick to the braincase I think they'd come out of it extensively more mentally competent than beforehand.

Is my opinion.

>Sal being consistently reasonable
She deserves to be in a better comic strip.

>I haven't read the namefag's spiel

You would rather spout an uninformed opinion than take 5 minutes to look at what you're talking about?

Sarah looks like she has some sort of pelvic cast. Like someone shattered her pelvis from hard fucking.

Maybe he doesn't feel the need to read an anecdote when he's previously spent time studying the topic.

Sarah needs some hard fucking.

I figure she'll never get any before this strip ends.

I can't explain how the allergy thing works. I learned it in class. I just know that it's possible for one alter to have an allergy and for another to not have that allergy. I don't feel like researching it right now.

I think that she THINKS she has DID. Based on what she's said about it so far, it's hard to tell. She spends more time talking about being trans and asexual, so I don't have enough data to extrapolate. It's possible that she has it. I haven't seen where she says the memory problems aren't necessary. They generally are necessary, but it's possible that she can take a backseat to her mind when her alter is out. Not particularly likely, but it's possible.

Have you studied psychology at all?

My boyfriend doesn't talk to doctors about it, because his alter has been around so long that he can't imagine getting rid of him.

Taking hits to the head can drastically change a person's personality.

Here's a fun one for you:

It's not totally an anecdote. I use research and acquired knowledge from my university courses to back up what I'm saying. I know how to show my work.

I'd agree, but I think ....... >I almost wonder if this is going to be a course of action from now on, where Willis inserts implicit scenes of sexual activity so that he has pin-ups he can churn out later.
Might be right.

Except he's already shoved SarahxJacob in favor of JoycexJacob, meaning the only real option she has is Joe.

She says she's been medically diagnosed by four professionals.

Then I would wager it's true. Not sure why she would go to 4 different people for that, but it makes enough sense that I'm not going to question it.

I'm sure there's a lot Cerb says that isn't true, but I haven't been given any reason to think she's lying about DID. Yet. People don't share 100% of their lives, so it's difficult to diagnose someone just by reading their posts.

I don't really know if it's believable that her therapist says she should analyze each strip, panel-by-panel. I don't think it sounds constructive unless it has to do with being trans, asexual, or dissociative.

If it was my comic*, at some point I'd have Joyce realize that Sarah and Jacob isn't going to happen, and just have her go to Roz for a discreet gentlemanly hook up for Sarah because she really fucking needs it.

Then you do the joke where Roz is mock offended that Joyce thinks she knows how to find easy fucks, and then she pulls up an extensive spreadsheet sorted and categorized by salient features and finds a few matches for Sarah.

Then Sarah gets the good D, is happy for about a third of a day and goes back to her misanthropic self.

*But I wanted to ignore online dating stuff to have things be a little more proximity driven, like Willis is doing, and I didn't want Sarah to just find someone else who would like her in a study group, tutorial/discussion session , project group or something like that.

She could simply be diagnosis shopping, it's not uncommon for patients to keep switching therapists until they get a diagnosis they want to hear and a specific kind of treatment they desire.

As for her analyzing the strips, I'd wager her therapist encourages her to comment as a form of writing therapy and as a clandestine way to view her responses outside of a clinical setting.

Only if after an arc of Roz and Joyce failing to find a Sarah a man as Sarah grows ever more misanthropic, the story is capped off with the reveal that Roz fucked Sarah because she was getting tired of her negativity.

All valid points. It's interesting that at least 4 people did diagnose her, though. Makes you wonder how many others she visited.

>the story is capped off with the reveal that Roz fucked Sarah because she was getting tired of her negativity.
Definitely would love to read that.

Don't even know how many gay people even subscribe to slipshine, let alone straight people.

I'm going to assume the gay sex is going to be as tame as possible, just like the gay sex scene in "Tales of Sinterest". Dicks touching, maybe some oral, but ultimately nothing to cry ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRNGH about.