Heathcliff pounces on a robin

Heathcliff pounces on a robin.

I missed these threads
I don't know why I ever left




There are better cartoon cats out there, just saying





At least heathcliff updates

Ahh the Bach phase, we all had one.

This is baffling. They're attending something that would be analogous to a HumanCon and the punchline is just saying something that a stereotypical nerd would say

Haven't you heard of Anthrocon? Those aren't rats, those are actually birds and stuff wearing mice suits.



>First Robin
but it's an Oriole...

It's been 15 months since the last update now?




The punchline is Heathcliff's intense disdain for these basic nerds. The next level of the joke is the juxtaposition between that and how happy all the mice are being basic nerds. There's a whole lot in this one to unpack.


>me when I'm happy
I think I have some kind of mental illness/PD

this one's kind of funny

>i feel good when im happy
>better diagnose myself with a mental illness lmao


After enough Heathcliff strips, suddenly something in my mind reorients and they become utterly hilarious. It's like I have to work myself into a trance of Heathcliff. This one is the one where I broke through the barrier this morning.

>There will never be an hour long analysis unpacking all the different layers found in a single Heathcliff comic

Welcome, user. We've been waiting for you to join the fold.

Anyone got any Garbage Ape comics?

Why did I laugh at this?

I should start a vlog

because your one of us now.

Or we could do a heathcliff podcast