
Who is Rick, really?

Morty's actual father. the reason Morty is so fucked up is because Rick had an affair with his own daughter in order to produce the genetic abnormality that makes people like Morty so hard to track... because he's a retarded incest baby you see

Shouldn't Jerry have transformed into a Cronenberg then?

checkmate athiest

i still don't get it , he does not give a single fuck about anyone in his family except for morty sometimes.

if it was something about his daughter he would never let her stay there in the cronenberg world.

and seeing all those mortys who know how many of them he killed before ep1

c137 rick is the original rick that we saw in the flashback, thats why he has memories of baby morty even though he was supposedly gone for 20 years. His original family was killed or something and he took the place of an absent rick.

t. Dan H.

Like the Cronenberg episode in season 1 implied, Rick has jumped universes to replace a Rick before, but it didn't happen when Beth was a kid. Morty is Rick's original Morty, he hopped to what would eventually become the Cronenberg universe with baby Morty years before the series started.

There's something to this; The show regards Rick as the Rickest Rick in all the universes. Implicitly, his Morty would then be the Mortiest Morty.

This show has so much body horror

But the weakest Rick had the strongest Morty

So the Rickest Rick should have the Rickest Morty if the Rick and Morty relationship is inversely proportionate

Who is the weakest Rick?

The one that eats his own shit.

He simply assigned one

And he doesn't eat his own shit, the other ricks are just being a bunch of ricks to him

He doesn't have a Morty

But he totally does eat his own shit.


You don't actually like that Rick that eats his own shit do you?

Which makes him a shitty and weak Rick.

Plus he eats his own shit.

Not all Ricks have a Morty.
Rick stated that "most" universes have a Rick, and "most" Ricks have a Morty. Given how many spare Mortys there are on the citadel, I'm guessing the Ricks have a higher fatality rate than the Mortys.

he's Reed Richards

Oh, I can't wait till he comes back and shows that he's actually the most powerful Rick there is. Especially after he gets his very own Jerry.

Morty's father, Beth is his wife. This was all telegraphed by the cuck episode.

This is pretty much what I figure.

It's amazing the amount of detail that goes into the transformation
>Legs turn to arms
>Arms disjoint leaving the bare bone for a second before being sucked in
>New arms are formed
>Old arms turn into snakes

Just wait till the cockroach episode.

What cockroach episode? So that wasn't just an early escape from the prison that got canned?

a man with great power but no responsibility. a sociopath who will do everything to get what he wants. in wrestling speak id say thats a Heel.