The Lion King is mysoginist


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Henry IV + Hamlet + Anime, no shit it's misogynist.

The class is right. Female-centric movies are boring.

He also doesn't mention they're animals, so it basically becomes Hamlet, which is boring as fuck.

Wow, I guess Oceans 8 is going to be amazing. Just like how Ghostbusters was.

Literally none of that sounds like a "chick flick" I'm thinking maybe that guy is lying and just throwing his male students under the bus for internet points

>______ is misogynist
What else is new?


But who would do such a thing?

It does sound like a chick flick. Was Maleficent not a chick flick? That film was also boring as shit.

Do you really want to underestimate how little people think about the terms that they use in daily life?

>I'm thinking maybe that guy is lying

A chick flick mostly deals with relationships

lion king is just hamlet tho

News Flash: People are fucking stupid

woah if i reduce a movie down to its base elements then gender flip it and deliberately try to make it sound boring it will be boring sounding!

it would be just as boring if you said, king, brother, son etc.

>Hamlet is boring

>Random twitter post

All he described were relationships.

It's his fault for describing it in a boring as fuck way.


Couldn't possibly be that the dry synopsis of the story this person told was boring, not the actual implementation of the story

On the internet?! No way

>three hours of quips, sword fights and dick jokes written for illiterate peasants

Shakespeare is capeshit:patient zero.

Because this is incredibly unrealistic. Men are the protags of such movies because it makes sense, a woman wouldn't go through the trouble of doing all of that.

>I'll take Things That Never Happened for 500, Alex

how is Lion King anyones fave Disney movie?

>i suck at storytelling
>students predictably find it boring
>and that teachers name was Albert Einstein

The Lion King actually is boring though

Because women aren't capable of being complex characters like this. So of course no one would believe that this story exists.

Not to mention that the story would still sound boring if you described it like this, even if the characters were men. Reading a dry summary is almost always less interesting than experiencing the story itself.

>all the girls clapped

WOW truly everyone is spouting propaganda these days, it's like 1984. To think the Brecheen show reaches billions of people every day.

Thanks for keeping an eye on the lugenpresse OP, I only wish there were MORE screenshots like these, to expose these sick fucks who rule over everything and own everything.

(((Chris Brecheen)))'s media empire will collapse one day, I just know it. In the meantime we need to stay woke.

Then everybody clapped because nobody got shot.
Fuck murrica is a great country.

But if you told me they were all talking animals that sang catchy as fuck songs and it was full of great jokes all voiced by great actors and not just celebs du jour, I'd think it sounded great.

Lion King is a pretty boring story, its all the extra dressing that makes it so good.