How well did this preach Christianity?

How well did this preach Christianity?

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It was one of the key components of my indoctrination as a kid. Even after I managed to escape christianity, I can't help but have a soft spot for veggie tales despite it being pretty shitty on most fronts. It wouldn't be so popular if it didn't work so well.

It wasn't so much about ingraining christian ideology as it was normalizing open discussions of god and shit, which made you all the more receptive when it was time for your parents or the church to forcefeed you. It's nothing particularly special when it comes to religious propaganda, but it gets the job done. The music is damn catchy.

I remember a comic I did when I was a kid. In it, Bob the Tomato was sliced alive with a knife and Larry the Cucumber was crushed alive under a spiky pair of boots. Their bodies were used in a salad that was eaten by Donald Duck, who then on the next page exploded from within, with Bob and Larry being miraculously saved. "We're alive Bob!" "It's a miracle!" Then they got sat on by a really fat lady.

I was a weird kid.

shit but the music was fire

Pretty good, if only because it managed to pull off being enjoyable in addition to being about Christianity.

Not a lot of these kinds of shows remember they have to be entertaining to keep the kiddos interested.

i honestly think you couldve made up something better

someone needs to draw this

It was first grade mate, my imagination, fucked up as it was, had yet to fully blossom.

If I can ever find it, I'll story time it.

Most of those so called "veggies" are actually fruit. They have seeds and everything!

Pretty decent. It went for entertainment first and then Christian stuff. Kids don't give a rat's ass about Bible stories, they want catchy songs and silly situations

I think it's fairly normal. In elementary school me and my friends had a whole cast of cartoon characters we came up with called "Uglies." We would make flip books of them getting killed in funny/violent ways.

Having grown up in a conservative Christian household... I remember really enjoying the original Veggietales stuff purely for entertainment purposes. Waaaay better (and more self-aware) than any other kids' propaganda.

Never watched anything post-Jonah, though.

I never really thought so but at least everyone wanted to see the songs. Pretty decent watch when you're in a christian elementary school and the substitute rolls in the tv. Not as good as Prince of Egypt but it could be worse.

I don't even believe in God anymore but Veggie Tales deserves respect because it didn't feel like indoctrination, it felt like life lessons about how to be a good person.

Bad Apple rule 34 when?

Post GOAT songs

It was fun shit when I was a kid.

The Christian shit mostly took a backseat to the fun stuff.

It focused more on moral lessons rather than bible shit.

I was athiest growing up and I always wished that veggie tales wasn't so religious so that I could enjoy it more.

Still watched it a bunch though.

Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki are super underrated VAs, considering they successfully voiced about 90% of the cast between the two of them. I think they could easily get more VA work if they wanted to.

I only remember cheezeburgers and pirates

> indoctrination
lmao dont be a faggot dude just say you were a brat that didnt want to go to church and shit. There are worse religions that actually indoctrinate

didn't they censor the bunny song

Well as a kid who was heavily into Christianity as a kid,not very well

There should have been as much violence as the heavily inspired Fruit Fables,i loved the episode where Rob the Orange taught the kids at home how to rig c4 for to yourself.

Venture a bit further midwest, user. There are places in American Christianity where "indoctrination" is very much the right word to use.

I used to draw in my captain underpants books making George and Harold curse, Mr. Krupp vomit every time he opened his mouth, and added a donut steel that was literally just a spider that followed George and Harold around

Eh I guess that's it then.

I grew up in the northeast so my parents weren't really super big on the church stuff.

Granted I had to go quite a bit when I was younger but after like age 12 or so I could do whatever I wanted pretty much.

I'm Orthodox by the way.

(That'd be to bad you might get sad?)
(That'd be to bad you might get mad?)
(That'd be to bad you'd call your dad?)

Veggie Tales had some pretty genuine humor and fun songs. Even when it utilized Bible stories and Christian ideology, it didn't preach it in a condescending way. It was more of "These are good morals that Christians believe in," rather than "Everything you hear in this is how you should act exactly with everything taken literally."

I'd show it to my kids and not care about the religous aspect, it's a good children's show. If my kids wanted to learn about Christianity on their own because of it, that's on them.

Also, personal soft spot for the Promised Land song.

I remember the 2D Larryboy cartoon pretty fondly from when I was a lad, although I don't really know if it actually holds up or not.

From what I remember of VeggieTales itself, it seemed pretty non-aggressive with it's religious overtones. At worst; it just conveyed the gist of various Bible stories to children, and sometimes did other adaptations with a kid friendly morals tacked on (I distinctly remember one Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde parody that actually followed the book's narrative surprisingly better than most adaptations, and even included a Mr. Utterson expy). It was decent and watchable enough in it's own right, but relative to other forms of Christian "entertainment"? It was fucking Citizen Kane.

it wasn't particularly "preachy" in the distracting sense. As a kid, I paid less attention to the words and just liked the cartoons and jokes.

>the one episode where the moral was "let bullies do anything they want to you and eventually they'll get bored"
>the one episode where the moral was "literally do nothing and God will give you stuff
I like the show as a whole but those two episodes... yeesh.

All you had to do was name the song and now it's getting stuck in my head. Damn you Veggie Tales.

Have you seen my hairbrush Sup Forums?
I can't find it anywhere.
You wouldn't be a bad neighbor and just take it from me without asking for my permission, right?

Goodbye, and remember that God loves you!..
...Unless this is a Qubo rerun that edits out the Christianity stuff, then fuck God, we'll just say Goodbye.

*tips fedora*

That's because you have to indoctrinate if you want proper results.

As someone whose actually studied theology with Jesuits, I thought it did a pretty good job.

The creators of the show are actually quite chill dudes and very affable.

Their ability to adapt biblical tales was actually quite entertaining, along with some of the pop culture references that I only noticed as I got older.

The music was pretty well done, as were some of their side skits, like the silent film one where "The piano must go up!"

Heck, I'd show vegetales to my kids if I had any, simply because I had a lot of fun with it.

I still find myself humming tunes from Silly Songs with Larry when my mind wanders.


>Even after I managed to escape christianity


What are you people even railing against? He's literally saying a network cut out all the religious references in Veggietales and that made the ending of episodes sound awkward as a result.

Take a fucking pill.

meant to quote

i'm a practicing sincere christian who holds the Gospel is the good news that while God must rightfully condemn sin, and punish sinners eternally, God the Son became the man Christ Jesus so as to become Sin on our behalf and so receive the punishment we deserve, yet i've never seen veggie tales so i've no idea if the cartoons cover that

if they don't, they're not really 'christian'

It's been a really long time since I watched it, but a lot of the series seemed to adapt Old Testament stories.

>seemed to adapt Old Testament stories


i guess i need to go and actually watch them sometime, then i'll get back to you

>Dad was a raging atheist
>mom wasn't religious
>gma is religious but isn't doing any forceful shit like dragging us to church or always talking about god
>has veggie tales for grandkids, all of us eat it up no pun intended

I still remember it fondly, as the one kid out of all my cousins that went to church maybe twice. Interestingly enough, my parents marriage is the strongest out of all my relatives on both sides, and the only ones that aren't religious.

Veggie tales was still a good show, it had good episodes and nice songs.

The network is the one tipping the fedora, not the user who pointed it out.

Watch these:
Josh and the Big Wall
Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen
Rack Shack and Benny
Daniel and the Lion's Den
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie

This is your daily reminder that Quiverfull still exists.

Ten days after I turned 8,
Got my lips stuck in a gate!
My friends all laughed,
and I just
stoodthereuntilthefiredepartmentcameandbrokethelockwithacrowbarandIhadtospendthenextsixweeksinliprehabwiththiskidnamedOscarwhogotstungbyabee, right on the lip, andwecouldn'teventalktoeachotheruntilthefifthweekbecausebothourlipsweresoswollenandwhenhedidstartspeakinghejustspokePolishandIonlyknewlikethreewordsinPolishexceptnowIknowfourbecauseOscartaughtmethewordforlip: Usta!

Very well, because it was actually fun.

Fuck you I'm from Oklahoma and you're talking out your ass.

They even had the gall to adapt the old testament story where good guy David sent his best friend to die in a war just so he could literally cųck him.

They replace the wife with a rubber duck and make it a pie throwing war. That was weird but not as weird as replacing 'rape' with 'slapped each other with fishes'. It's like they were saying the three stooges were bad.
The friend still came back with literal PTSD in the David story.

I'm not really religious at all but I remember liking Veggie Tales quite a bit. I don't actually remember any episodes or much about the show at all though.

I remember loving Veggie Tales as a child. When I go back an visit them today, they're still clever, wonderful, and made in true faithfulness.

I like them a lot, even if they are a little Protestant.


>How well did this preach Christianity?

It didn't.

It wasn't remotely about Jesus. The Bible stories it retold were all from the Old Testament. And half of the time it wasn't even a Bible story but a goofy story with a moral about manners or doing the right thing.

The stories were mostly pretty tight, the visuals were clever, and the music was outstanding. Mine isn't a religious family, but I bought those DVDs for my kids, and they watched them plenty, and I thought they were great.

In all the videos we had, and we had most of them, not once did it preach that you should believe anything in the Nicene Creed, I don't remember any stories from the New Testament, and it explicitly played the Old Testament stories as fictional fables with a moral. The little Bible verse at the end was usually incomprehensible, so that was not exactly effective indoctrination. And the "God loves you very much" never came off as "you need to love him back."

(When the new series came out recently, I sat with one of my kids to watch it, both of us happily expectant. We turned it off within minutes. It was awful.)

I think post-Jonah it goes downhill pretty fast, though the Pirates movie was pretty good.

> I had to go to the hospital and have my hands replaced. I was too high, too out of my mind to know I had ruined my hands hitting her. But those days are over. No crack for me. No beating my fiancé. No strangling drifters for sex. No! No more. 'Cause Jesus lives in my heart. Yaaay... Jesus!
Wow. That show didn't pull any punches.

>one of my kids
What's a parent doing on Sup Forums?

Fantasizing about animated daughterus



This show got so much hate in the early 2000's until it just sort of gave up and killed itself

Why did it get bullied to death?

About as much as it bleached it

I remember it somewhat vaguely from kindergarten era Sunday school. I still remember some of the songs but not much else.

>Many years later as a teenager
>stuck at some sort of church event for little kids
>Jonah was on
>don't want to watch it because this shit's for babies
>bored to fucking tears though so I watch it
>mfw I actually thought it was funny and ended up enjoying it

It actually has some clever writers and has great comedic timing. As for the Christian stuff it's pretty okay. Most of the time children's Christian media has to suffer at the expense of getting some shitty Bible story told. VeggieTales manages to actually make it work though.

>the movie ends with the main character alone in the desert wishing he was dead

they made a few different versions, like the one that user posted changed a few lines from the original where he says things about not loving his mom and dad and not going to church or school.
then on a sing-a-long vhs they had a new version chaning the whole song to make it so Mr. Nezzer has learned his lesson

I remember watching it when I was a kid, the christianity parts mostly went over my head when they were talking about specific books/passages/whatever, I just liked watching talking vegitables hanging out.


this really.

It's fun but if you want to actually learn about what Christians believe then you shouldn't be watching cartoons.

That said, it was interesting how they're one of the few versions of Jonah that has the actual ending where Jonah wants God to smite the Ninevites with divine fire afterwards, except that it doesn't happen since they believed in him

Why can't other religions step up their cartoon game?

Their Lord of the Rings parody was entertainingly bad.

There are christians and then there are christians.

That scene were Mr. Lunt jumped out of the bushes, moaning "my precious". Scared the crap out of me and made me shut it off. I think i was 11...

It's nice when most morals in a show boil down to, Don't be a fucking faggot, kid.

What do you need it for you bald faggot?

Really? That's just sad. The actual ending was cute.

Thats not very christ-like user

Unlike most Christian shows you really got the sense that real effort went into each episode.

So this is where we're at now?
Just admitting to not being Christian is enough to get you a fedora meme spouted at you?

That faggot got crucified. Why would I want to be anything like him?

Jesus didn't become sin, he took the blame for all sin. This is coming from someone who doesn't really believe in this stuff. Get your cubits together.
makes me crie evry time

Not as good as this


No they really aren't, the actual midwest has a shit ton of christian enclaves that really do go full cult. Hell that's where they keep all the "pray away the sin" camps and shit still for the most part too, you know, the ones where parents can basically have some motherfuckers straight up abduct their kids and keep them locked up there until they're "fixed" and in reality they just get mentally/emotionally tortured and physically abused but that's good enough for long gone fundie moms and pops.

Great show but I don't know what they were thinking bringing in a robot character. I hear this dude eats batteries.
I love them

I still have a soft spot for it despite being an atheist. Wouldn't show it to my kids, but it's pretty much the top tier christian cartoon.

Yeah all ten of 'em. Unfortunately In the U.S. the Church is kind of hobbled when it comes to putting down heresies of that nature.


I drew my own self-insert blob character in every single page of my Calvin & Hobbes books.

I love the theme song

Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

Yeah, I don't get why they thought they could pull that one off.

They are very protestant.

I've watched like every single old movie they had and owned multiple CDs such as Veggie Rock.
I hear the new ones have slightly different animation and a bacon character and stuff, which is pretty disappointing.

Also a tomato being the co-star of a thing about vegetables never ceases to make me laugh.

Anyone else always thought Junior the Asparagus was a broccoli even though his name clearly stated otherwise? I knew his name but never made the connection that it meant he was indeed an asparagus.

>That episode where Larry breaks up a child prostitution ring and goes on a pedo killing spree in the name of the holy fire.
Nice, light, fun for all the family.

Reading comics and talking about protecting smiles?

>Bob is a fucking fruit you hacks!
was it autism?

So how is the Netflix edition. Heard Mike Nelson wrote some of the material.