"Picture my daughter naked! Think of her as yours! Think only of my daughter kissing you! Kissing your mouth! She is...

"Picture my daughter naked! Think of her as yours! Think only of my daughter kissing you! Kissing your mouth! She is using her tongue!"

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i love how okay with that he was. if it's to save a life, orpheus's embarrassment doesn't even register.

That is the voice I have always had for Dr. Strange and since I haven't seen the movie yet, it remains so.


This is what made me love Orpheus. Does anything to save the life of his borders sons.

>They smell my cat!

Orpheus is too pure

I love when he meets the Monarch and lights his shoes on fire.

"You dick!'


The DVD commentary on that scene is great. They wanted it to be more uncomfortable.

Couldn't they solve half the problems on that show by calling Dr. O?

It's not too far off at times is the best part. Keep thinking on.

Isn't Dr.O's powers somewhat situational?

Couldn't Marvel just solve all their problems by calling dr. S?

In earlier comics he's usually 'busy' or 'in another dimension' or something.

7 when? Also, why don't I have it on netflix?

In Rusty's case, most of the time he has too much pride to rely on magic rather than solving the problem with science.

It's true. He's so pure it's a miracle he has a kid at all. I'm sure that was just some kind of accident.

He better be in the next season.


For being a scientist he has a very myopic view of the world.

>"This is my duty!"

Well the whole point is that he's not a very GOOD scientist.

Hey, there's an old saying: the only reason why science progresses is because old scientists die. There's no one more resistance to new ideas than someone who has dedicated their entire life to old ideas. Even Albert Einstein hated Quantum Mechanics. Though granted he had valid reasons.

This show has one of the comfiest dvd commentaries ever.
Lets talk about the show for five minutes, then Pink Floyd and different types of fabrics for the rest of the episode.

"The playstation 3 runs on voil" is my favorite joke, and it's from that episode!

"And we're gonna be doing these in character. I am Professor Fuzzy Bottoms, a character I just came up with"
"I'm Boy Roboto"
"Cause they wanted us to do these in character, soo... WHEEEEEEEEE. ISN'T THIS EPISODE DELIGHTFUL"
how can you not love them

>isn't it a bit early for a costume party?
>why, you throwin one dracula?

>yfw this is Octopimp

For reals?
Not bad, not bad at all.
The dude is pretty qt.

Season 7 confirmed for 2025

Is he a parody of Ra Al'Ghaul?

Dr. Strange