
Post characters who have accepted that there is no god.

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He seems more like he believes in him but just kind of hates him considering his life.

ok, you first

Not necessarily. Arthur Clarke said he prayed for the first time in decades when Apollo 11 was trying to find a spot to land. And I find myself thinking of praying right before exams start (like I used to, admittedly).

It's not real belief, it's just being emotionally compromised.

Is a guy who does not worship gods but fights with them against evil an atheist?

It's just a way of dealing with stress. Prayer is essentially meditation. It forces you to examine your own mind and root out the problems you are facing and addressing them. So those of us who used to practice a religion find ourselves leaning on familiar habits when shit gets real. Before I eat I still sometimes pause a moment to organize my thoughts.

But Rick hasn't accepted that. That's why he's a drunk



He believes in god. He said so in the Christmas episode.

He said the opposite in an earlier episode. Same with Farnsworth.

Hardcore atheist liberal doge

Get a mind filofax lad

Rick is far too flip floppy to have a stance on anything truly major

>Is a guy who does not worship gods but fights with them against evil an atheist?
No, you would just be a heathen/infidel.
Note that this is concerning what the religious organization thinks. It is very possible you might be the best friend of their god in question, but the religious organisation is still liable to be hostile to you. The fact is a church doesn't care what their god actually wants, and never did.

>All this salt

Good to know ever religion from santaria to Shinto are fucking identical

>Good to know ever religion from santaria to Shinto are fucking identical
Well if you actually want to talk about polytheistic faiths then yeah, then they don't care. But I really have no reason to think someone on Sup Forums would ever refer to a non-Abraham deity.

>But I really have no reason to think someone on Sup Forums would ever refer to a non-Abraham deity.

It's kind of exhausting that this is just the internet at large really and not just here. You have be a "fedora tipper" or a "christfag" or a "mudslime" or whatever other horse shit the politicunts of the moment want to sperg out over, that or if you claim to be anything else they wheel out the definitely not beat to a pulpy puddle dead horse of "hipster" or something.

Frankly I have determined that calling someone fedora tipper is just a self defence mechanism. Basically it is a justification to ignore facts that hurt them.


I've always enjoyed Beta Ray Bill.

Mister Terrific doesn't believe in god even after thsi stupid panel he still does not believe in god.

In the very first episode he says there is no god within the first few minutes


>In the very first episode he says there is no god within the first few minutes
The guy had literally destroyed entire worlds. At this point he has the reason to believe their is actually no god, or that the god doesn't care what he does. Further he had seen multiple versions of himself die, many by his own hand. And multiverse theory is simply contrary to most major religions.

Rick prayed to god when he was fixing Mortys collar and about to die.

>Rick prayed to god when he was fixing Mortys collar and about to die.
And no god answered.
And many Morty's and many Ricks have died without divine intervention. The 4th dimension, dimensional cop creatures are as godly as it gets, but Rick beats one up too.

>tfw at the rate atheism is declining, it will be completely eliminated by 2055
>tfw atheists' pathetic attempts to stay relevant did nothing to stop the trend
>tfw you will live to see the day atheism dies forever


That's what the atheists said about religion. That it was declining and would die out. But in the end, ideas and beliefs never die.

>>tfw at the rate atheism is declining, it will be completely eliminated by 2055
What the fuck are you on about?

The most likely scenario of a world dominant religion is Buddhism. Because Buddhists are the most common in India and China, two countries together holding the majority of humans on Earth.

I always find it bizarre that Abraham followers think they are the majority. They never were. And in fact, back in the days of British Empire they KNOW they were the minority. But somehow idiots today like to think there is more of them than they actually are.

(That reminds me of that really bad scifi film, saying that the representative of Earthlings to space aliens need to be religious because the majority of humans are religious. But then the film had the gall to say a Christian had to be the chosen one because Asian religions don't count.)

He also prayed to god to save his life, admittedly he went right back, but think his spiritual beliefs are still very much confused.


Atheism had no foundation, no long-term appeal. It will become a meme just like it became a meme in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. People need religion like fish need water.

I think he also say "my god is a jerk" in the episode where he powers his spaceship with a tiny universe to a guy living in it. He probably just pretend to not believe in God to appear edgy.

Take your kike on a stick and leave

>I always find it bizarre that Abraham followers think they are the majority.
but they are

Beliefe in god is independent of belief in religion and if you believe the universe magically sprouted out of nothing, I question your intelligence

>And no god answered.
>And many Morty's and many Ricks have died without divine intervention.

is your basis for belief in a god whether or not they respond immediately to worshippers every time?

I ain't even trying to start a debate here, but if that's your basis for if a god exists then you're fucking retarded

>I think he also say "my god is a jerk" in the episode where he powers his spaceship with a tiny universe to a guy living in it. He probably just pretend to not believe in God to appear edgy.
How is the first sentence anything to do with the 2nd? Does he acts like a guy who cares about divine retribution? He had seen death, he had technically died multiple times. He had been in many different bodies. He had met and beaten up 4 dimensional creatures. If there is a god then there would be a different god in every universe, in which case he is more powerful than the god. He gets to pick which universe to go to, gods can't.

Take your normalfaggotry and leave

True enough. All is Azathoth's creation and dream.

>And multiverse theory is simply contrary to most major religions

Yet it might also be the biggest proponent used by them to assert their claims. Infinite universes, infinite chances of an all knowing, all seeing God.

You're right friend. Sup Forums is only for mature atheists such as ourselves.

Why believe in god when you could be a god yourself?

Weak mined people like you need religion. Dont think all people are as payhetic as you

>is your basis for belief in a god whether or not they respond immediately to worshippers every time?
>I ain't even trying to start a debate here, but if that's your basis for if a god exists then you're fucking retarded
No, I am merely pointing out some of the reasons why Rick doesn't care. And since no god ever claimed to be the creator of the multiverse, he technically have power over gods every time he warps to a new world.

>Yet it might also be the biggest proponent used by them to assert their claims. Infinite universes, infinite chances of an all knowing, all seeing God.
Infinite chances doesn't mean everything exists. Your argument doesn't even make sense.

Are you saying you want to believe out of all the universes, there might be one with a god? That's not very convincing. And useless for the purpose of establishing a religion.

Spot on, my fellow humanist. Only weak minded people would ever believe in some phony god, unlike superior specimens such as ourselves.

>not the ultimate form of normalfaggotry
Id rather put up with atheists than nuwave redditors so far up their own asses that shitposting about religion is the only way they can sleep at night

Nope not superior. Just dont need someone/a group of people to tell me how to live my life

I sincerely hope you're not a socialist then

He admitted to no god then we had that bit in season 2 where after praying to god then going right back to saying there is no god after they mamaged to make it.

But he fought the devil you can't admit there is no god after meeting the devil himself. Even if him and summer beat the shit out of him in the end

No I'm a registed repblican but I dont share 100% of my opinions with them, im a small governemt type of person. (I pretty much have to be rep or dem, im in a closed primary state)

I mean the funniest thing about this stupid fucking argument is that God DOES exist in the Rick and Morty universe, because Satan does.

Your first mistake is limiting the concept of god to one universe. Ominpotece isn't omnipotent it it's restricted in any way. Your second mistake is easily accepting that the universe came into being simply out of thin air and refusing to believe that in a world filled with so much order and rigidity needed to make it work, no intelligent design is in place.

>But he fought the devil you can't admit there is no god after meeting the devil himself. Even if him and summer beat the shit out of him in the end
That made no sense, why can't there be a devil without a god? Lovecraft had no problem coming up with what amounts to devils running the universe by themselves.


>Your first mistake is limiting the concept of god to one universe.
Oh, then you are not talking about a worshipable deity, but of just very powerful creatures. Then by that account the R&M show is filled with gods. And Rick himself definitely qualifies as a god. Quite possibly the most dangerous god.

Lovecraft was a nihilist who was necessarily an atheist. He didn't believe that there was no God but that humans in general were arrogant in believing that they mattered in the infinite grand scheme of the universe as a whole where we are literally but an atom in an ocean of stars, systems, and galaxies.

>Lovecraft was a nihilist who was necessarily an atheist. He didn't believe that there was no God but that humans in general were arrogant in believing that they mattered in the infinite grand scheme of the universe as a whole where we are literally but an atom in an ocean of stars, systems, and galaxies.
And? That doesn't change the fact that a Devil CAN exist without a counterpart.

Do you not know what omnipotent means?

Why is it that people get so godamn buttblasted by R&M?
>Oh no he said there is no god! Fucking athiests!
>Oh no she's divorcing jerry! Fucking women writers!

>Do you not know what omnipotent means?
Yes, and that is Rick. His feats are staggering, and it is a miracle there isn't a Rick cult in-universe. The Council of Ricks is nearly overpowered, but Rick destroy them too. Answering the question of "can a god can defeat himself?"

Rick did.

Omnipotence is a state of all knowing, all seeing, and all capable. Rick is none of those


1. He probably said "There is no God" as a throwaway gag or just to be a dick.

2. We've seen him pray in desperation.

3. He had a pissing contest with the Devil.

4. He acknowledges the Supernatural.

5. He referred to Jesus Christ as "Our Lord and Saviour" but this is probably just another throwaway gag and means nothing.

The thing about Rick is that he knows and has experienced so much that he probably believes in the fantastic and incredible, he probably just has a greater understanding of them than most.

>Omnipotence is a state of all knowing, all seeing, and all capable. Rick is none of those
He definitely fits. That was why he managed to get his daughter's husband to be divorced, he planned it out to a quantum level.

Just because ghosts doesn't mean Jesus, and just because space ghosts doesn't mean supernatural.

>4. He acknowledges the Supernatural.
No he doesn't, everything is natural to him. From Rick's point of view, creating a new universe is something he can do faster than 7 days.

I've noticed that many atheists seem to think that the Devil is some sort of good VS. evil thing when it's not. Most religions place their underworld figure as a being who simply has a job to do, even Satan is still a servant of God in Christianity whose job is to tempt the faithful.

You clearly dont comprehend what omnipotence is. He could litteraly manipulate reality. Could he turn his physical body into a gas, merge 6 universes, create matter, or make 2+2 = fish all without using a gadget or even moving? If he can't do literaly anything he wants without moving or using a gadget he is not omnipotent.

You should take a philosophy class, maybe that would help you wrap you head around these profound concepts

Planning something to a minute detail isn't the same thing as being all knowing. All knowing means you know what's going on for every single living being in this conceivable reality.

You are arguing about different sizes of infinity, even your truly omnipotent being stil has to will it before it happens, how is that omnipotent compared to my omnipotent being who has things already be the way they want before it required it to be?

You dont comprehend it. The omnipotent being doesnt have to will anything. It wouldnt have a "will" and there is no possible way a human could even being to understand its thought process (I use the term thought proccess even though thats not accurate). It's like a worm trying to figure out the thought proccess of humans. Impossible.



Maybe in the hicksville of the world, aka the US.

oh yeah man that's totally something every christian agrees with you on

So your saying rick planned his birth before he was born? You're delusional. Rickfags are officially worse than dickfags when it comes to powerlevels

>the existence of apples proves the existence of oranges

It probably has to do with the fact that in the civilized parts of the world atheism has already hit peak growth and is now that growth is shrinking.

>Most religions place their underworld figure as a being who simply has a job to do, even Satan is still a servant of God in Christianity whose job is to tempt the faithful.

Go outside your basement once in a while and speak to actual living breathing humans instead of reading wikipedia articles, you massive mongoloid autist. You'll find way more Christians that think exactly this than you will atheists.

I have a hard time buying it when it comes to rick. I mean with all the weird shit he's seen. What's so unbelievable about god?

I mean if rick REALLY wanted to he could invent a time machine and just back and check for himself if their is any weight to the Bible or not.

doesn't he start praying to god when he is about to die in that episode.

Now you are a fool, nothing in having omnipotence implies that they wouldn't have an internal want.

Why did your retarded ass reply to me, what does your hate boner of a show have to do with me? What does Bateman have to do with anything. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.

I didn't say there aren't religious people who think that way either, I just pointed out that it's more likely to come up in an atheists argument against religion. Reading comprehension.

Nothing implies they would have an interal want, no one has ever met one so saying it does and doesn't is equally vaild. Assuming it does is just ignorant

Uh in this case, it's more like the existence of an Apple proves there's an Apple Tree.

Lovecraft himself stated he was not a nihilist. Technically he was but he didn't embrace the label, he just thought scientifically.

the fedora tipping here is maximum overdrive


If your stance only works if we assume it doesn't!

Alright im done arguing the logistics about a thing that I dont even think exists lol

>Now you are a fool, nothing in having omnipotence implies that they wouldn't have an internal want.

You seem to keep making the mistake of putting a human thought process and applying it to a supreme being. You can't, you have no idea what's behind the thought process of a omnipotent being or what they consider important, if they even "consider" things. There is a no will for a supreme being, there simply IS because whatever they want, they will have because nothing is out of reach to them. That's why I laugh when people try to apply subjective human morality to things like God because there's no way for them know what God even considers right or wrong or if those things even mean anything to them.

Sure, when he was seconds from death with absolutely no options for even attempting to get out of it. He may not have believed it would do anything but Rick's not the type to sit patiently and await death.

Guys the person claiming Rick is Omnipotent/Omniscient is baiting you. Stop replying to him.

perhaps he is an Agnostic?

So which if the shitskin religions that are out-breeding all the others do you belong to? Or are a Christian that is also being eliminated along with the atheists?

That's fair, lol.

>mathematical equation somehow proving that deities don't exist
>implying there is no deity in the fucking marvel universe

I wouldn't say he doesn't believe in god so much as he doesn't put trust in him.

He's more of an Anti-Theist than an atheist.

It's most accurate to say Rick is a pragmatist at heart. He doesn't believe in any kind of higher power but he's willing to pray if he has a 0% chance of success and only random happenstance can save him.