Why is this guy such a meme, especially among millennial-aged women?

Why is this guy such a meme, especially among millennial-aged women?

Literally every girl between the ages of 20-35 says something to the effect of "I have such a crush on Jeff Goldblum"

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he's just really cool

what religion is he again

Daddy issues. Most millennial women did not grow up with a father.

someone should let them know that he played a rapist

he's alright


that just makes it hotter

>Literally every girl between the ages of 20-35 says something to the effect of "I have such a crush on Jeff Goldblum"

Because he’s a lanklet.

OP's a faggot who got rejected by a girl who's into Jeff.

Because they've been brainwashed to like old Jews. See also: Leonard Cohen.

he's handsome and charming


all the women you know are reddit

Kissinger biopic WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN

An x gf of mines roomate got herpes from Goldblum. 100% serious on this, dude is a major sleaze.

I have literally NEVER heard a girl say she has a crush on fucking Jeff Goldblum. Fuck, most girls just know him as the Jurrassic Park guy.

You should thank him for btfoing your roastie cunt of an ex desu. If my ex got some kind of incurable disease from him I'd say he's pretty based.

Lol stay jelly OP, my Jeff Goldblum impressions litty af and leaves your girl PISSING her pants

Yeah but only rich cunts

He is THE Daddy Dom

hes just a really cool dude and has good fashion sense

You guys don't give Goldblum enough credit

he save us from dinosaurs AND the aliens

a top tier hero, he makes Bruce Willis look like small potatoes

He's right


Imagine looking this good at 65 years old

it's called charisma. You wouldn't understand.

Because he is smooth as fuck. I'm straight as fuck but i would spread my man legs if he suddenly whisper to my ear some shit like
>wanna come to my Jurassic Park, Sam?



MFA would prefer cuck boots, cuffed blue jeans and an oxford shirt.

Jeff just.....finds a way

... Psycho starring christian bale
You need a new business card with linen stock kek

He was the cool, masculine science guy in jurassic park

He's a walking Nazi caricature of a Jew

My gf said that shit the other day when I showed her the Jurassic Park giant poo meme

>cuck boots

never heard of that. someone post a picture

Fun fact, that's Jeff Goldblum.


Anyone else think he looks kind of gross?

He's the dude from Thor

Explain why are these cuck boots? I was just gonna pick a pair of these.
Also what isn't soyboy footwear?

This is the only acceptable Sup Forums look.

30-something Harrison Ford is the quintessential handsome man.

hes trying too hard


because jeff is pure sex you virgin fuck

Because he's sexy as fuck?

Jeff Goldblum looks like the Pajeet that all pajeets think they are when they talk to women. Fuck you, i know he's jewish. He looks like a fucking indian and yammers like woody allen
