Delta Squad is canon

>Delta Squad is canon
>Malachor V is canon
>Mandalorian Wars are canon
>Hammerhead Cruisers are canon
>Some black bitch in EAfront Lootbox 2 is canon
>Revan is not canon
Why is this allowed?

Revan was never canon. And never will be.

Star Wars is about the only thing where non-canon>canon.

Rey wasn't sue enough for you?

>Revan isn't canon why is this?
>Revan isn't canon

Yeah no shit dumbfuck do you always just repeat what people say thinking that qualifies as an actual post?

Were the pants I got in TOR canon?

Isn't Revan a major part of the Mandalorian Wars? It's kind of contradicts the game if you get too specific with him anyway

I'm simply clarify that Revan was never canon. Often EUfags are confused and think that EU used to be canon. In general, under Lucas, only the elements he pulled into the movies are canon, and it is only now that Disney owns the franchise that vast amounts of shit EU material became canon.

The Mandalorian Wars can be canon but Revan still in question. Delta Squad is canon but the events that took place during the Republic Commando game are not canon

Because Revan, Bane, Katarn, and other sith/jedi from the EU are both too OP or add in too much complex crap to Star Wars, especially now that they own by Disney

you're right, because Nu-evan will be

also for legal reasons, I have to state that he's not canon

no mara, no yuzhan vong

no clone emperors, no dark luke, no throwing star destroyers into courscant, no wraith squadron, no enhanced ewok fighter pilots

Bane is still canon though

So Disney can take pieces from the EU, tweak them a bit, and present it as new.

It's a real shame that Disney is able to take EU content, rape it, and present it as their own version. The Rebels version of Malachor was truly disappointing.

No Fel Dynasty, no One Sith, no Cade Skywalker

Luke canonically has to be a virgin now because the prequels established that Jedi are celibate weirdos, even though the OT never even implied it. That means no Mara.

What did they do to Malachor? I haven't played all of Kotor 2 because my game keeps glitching and I can't leave the station in the beginning so I don't know the entire story. Also, I haven't been watching Rebels because it kind of sucks.

Why would any of this matter to you then?

Revan is canon. SWGoH has Nihilus which makes Kotor 1 and 2 canon and they said TOR is canon.

Because I played Kotor 1 all the way through, and I loved it. I don't want my favorite game to be completely raped.

Did you not download the fixpack/restored content mod user? KOTOR2 is good.
Rebels just made Malachor into Pompeii basically, a Sith artifact malfunctioned and petrified everyone on the planet.

I did, but I still get stuck on the station on the beginning of Kotor 2. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The scenes that's suppose to trigger just doesn't happen.

Use the GOG version.


Wait, that's what they did to Malachor? That's so fucking stupid and doesn't make any goddamn sense whatsoever. Malachor was supposed to be the heart of darkness for the Jedi. Goddamn it.

This guy would absolutely flatten any canon Jedi. His display of brutal Sith power in the CGI trailers is magnificent.

>implying nu-canon is canon
user please stop that it's not funny.

I mean, it was a Dark Side artifact which I guess makes sense for the Jedi to be scared of it but it's so much better as a monument to a mass-falling of Jedi to the Dark Side by committing a war crime. It's the most brilliant thing in Kotor 2 probably and there was no reason to change it.

Exactly this. The events of the Mandalorian War were interesting because it hinted at the darkness of the Jedi, and their potential to do great evil in the name of good.

Malachor V was completely destroyed by Bao-Dur, including the Trayus Academy. Perhaps in the Rebels timeline it is nothing more than a bunch of desolate asteroids.

It's supposed to be some thousands of years in the past right? Even if it wasn't blown up I would think whatever they find there is from something more recent

Not to mention they are all white males!

Shouldn't be a problem though since they were all bad guys. Also Bane looks like he could be some kinda Chinese maybe.