Why does the new Thor movie look like dogshit?

Why does the new Thor movie look like dogshit?

What the fuck did they do to the Thing?

At least he wears pants

I think that's Korg

Because you need it to.

That's concept art from before October 2016

Because the CGI in trailers is always unfinished and concept art is just concept art.
We've been having this same discussion since the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer in 2014, maybe even longer than that.

Is that concept art for the Warcraft movie?

Fan art*

No, this thing will actually make money on the US.


It's a comic book movie. The definition of schlock.
Your standards are too high.

>tfw there will never be a planet hulk movie.
im ready to fucking end it friendos.

that's Korg, he's literally a Thor character from 1963

Where are the obedience discs?


> i know him from work :DDDDD

It goes "I KNOW HIM, he's a FRIEND FROM WORK", anons. Meme right or not at all.

The quip is that Thor doesn't only believe the Avengers are little more than a 9 to 5 but also The Hulk and him are on amiable terms.

on their backs? who cares

will we ever get a Thor movie that is not a comedy?

Not as long as hemsworth is still in the role and the franchise is a part of the MCU. Hopefully one day they'll reboot it with decent actors.


Hopefully not in this garbage universe. I'd rather not see how they handle him given how they handled thor.

Oh look, let another moron who is getting rustled by unfinished CGI and concept art. We went through this with GotG back in the day. It'll be fine, like usual.

he got hook on crack

>who you calling pinhead?

>>Not wanting Hemsworth as Thor
Fucking end yourself.

Faggots man...

we already had korg in the prior thor movie, guys

They spend all their money on actors so the cgi looks worse than Sega Saturn graphics.

Warcraft had better CGI.

>Thor movie
>Looks bad
Nah man thats about right

Fuck off, landwhale. He's trash and can't act. Literally anyone else would have been better.

Korg has an entire species like him. Thor kicked the shit out of them in his very first comic appearance.