Inb4 he says its a fun action flick

inb4 he says its a fun action flick

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I mean he also loved justice league, so why does anyone care about his honest opinion on literally anything?

“It’s shlock, but in a good way”

RLM will praise it because it's actually quite good. Just because a few samefags on Sup Forums watched leaked clips and are screeching doesn't change that fact.

Go back and watch their TFA review, they care more about Star Wars than Marvel trash, I honestly find it hard to believe they'll be able to give this even a middling review.


Did you see their R1 commentary? They absolutely hated it.

Didn't the approve of TFA? I remember heavily being disappointed in them for that review.

But I think he goes on to rip TFA hard with the plinkett review


They did, but also called out it's seemingly universally acknowledged flaws, as someone who was able to watch TFA without being offended if somewhat underwhelmed I found Episode 8 absolutely unbearable, if our opinions align in any way shape or form, which they seem to from their other reviews I'll be genuinely surprised if they give this film a pass.

These guys would be nothing without Star Wars.

Oh my god shut up who cares? Is this Adam from yourdoggyfucksDOTcom spamming these "Will RLM hate TLJ enough" threads in an attempt to make me not like them?

Cop Dog plinkett is kino.

does this one count?

>So Mike what did you think of star wars?
>It was a good SciFi adventure movie, but a bad Star Wars movie.

They were pretty easy on it in their initial review but have given it shit since then in the TFA Plinkett, Nerd Crew, and random shit in other videos.

Rich Evans is buried to the hilt in a Porg

>I loved it
>i'm a faggot

>I liked it, but in the way of ________
>it worked as ____, but not as ______

You do realize when he said "I loved it..." about TFA he was jokingly referring to a Phantom Menace reaction clip from 1999, right?

>Didn't the approve of TFA?
They recorded their TFA review basically the moment they came back from the theaters. I can imagine that if you just take TFA on its own back then it might've looked like a return to form - it looks like fun, it seems to be purposefully avoiding PT, there's mysteries abound (that SURELY will be explained later), there's even some good cinematography, so on the surface level it seems like they knew what they were doing. Then Rogue One happened and people started to feel disillusionment. At this point I can't imagine hype is gonna cut it for them.


>WELL JAY, I... I...



This. The prequels were already out and Mike had years to judge, study, and review them. With TFA, he was coming off a nostalgia high like most of the people who watched the movie. The only person who didn’t get hit with the high was Max “Mary Sue” Landis funny enough. And while there was (and is still) backlash against his critiques, some people have come around and started agreeing with some of his points (heck, even South Park agreed with Max). Mike still defends TFA because he (like many others) doesn’t want to admit that nostalgia blinded him and that he may have been wrong about TFA. It’s why he was extra harsh on RO (a movie that was equally shit as TFA). He had to make up for his mistakes. Although he will probably still go easy on TLJ because 1). The director is his favorite because he made Jurrasic World 2). The movie has quips/comedy (and Mike loves those). and 3). Mike unironically loves Rey and Finn.

>Although he will probably still go easy on TLJ because 1). The director is his favorite because he made Jurrasic World
What? He made Brick, Brothers Bloom, Looper and directed some episodes of Breaking Bad.