Now that the dust has settled...

Now that the dust has settled, can we safely say that despite it's flaws GOTG Vol 2 was a better spacekino than Star Wars TLJ?

I haven't seen either one but yes

I haven't seen TLJ yet, and probably never will but yes.

I have lots of objections to this film but overall I enjoy the series more than the new Star Wars.

I've never see a movie before, but yes.

Marvel at least has a plan, the people in control of Star Wars clearly do not.

despite pandering baby groot, characters received a lot more emotional development and arcs reached natural conclusions

yondu is still a huge fucking asshole and child trafficker but still probably a better father figure to a rogue like quill than anyone could ask for

haven't seen either but I thought GOTG 1 was a better Star Wars movie than TFA

I'm in the same boat. It's a beautiful but disorientating mess. More characterization was always a plus though, something I think new Star Wars fails at.

I just watched GOTG 2 last night on muh Netflix. It was extremely boring and had more forced CGI than your typical Snyder film. 3/10, won't watch again.

GotG > RO > GotG2 > TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ

But I like GotG2 more than the first.

I never thought I'd actually agree with that statement

But SOMEFUCKINGHOW GOTG2 turned out better than Last Jedi

Bautista is surprisingly GOAT as Drax.

Yeah, by far. We all thought literally r*ddit was bad but little did we know about the terrors of literally faceb**k.

Imagine how much more talent and charisma Drax would have if Disney could have afforded The Rock instead.

From what we know about vol. 3 it will probably be a lot better. Without any ties to infinity stones or staying on one planet for almost the entire movie. And still focused on characters.

Jesus what a scary thought. Bautista is so much better as an actor.

That guy is phenomenal, he was great in GotG, great in BR2049, and pretty good in Spectre (Despite he has like 10 minutes of scenes only).

Haven't seen TLJ, but GoTG is better than Star Wars in general. And I actually like Empire and TFA.

I don't think the Rock would've fit. There's already plenty of characters with that smooth sort of charisma like Quill already. They really needed that boisterous but simple personality that Bautista seems more fit for. The Rock might have been pushing it.

I'm convinced people like The Rock are genetically grown and don't have souls. That's why he's such a terrible actor.

GotG2 was shit. When I saw the first one I didn't know that it was a comedy but the sequel...too much comedy and moments that are meant to be fun but they aren't...and the laughs too...burn it. I will see TLJ this saturday it can't be worse.

Nu-Wars is more like "literally tumblr"

>GotG2 was shit. When I saw the first one I didn't know that it was a comedy but the sequel...too much comedy and moments that are meant to be fun but they aren't...and the laughs too...burn it. I will see TLJ this saturday it can't be worse.

a lot of people have said TLJ has exactly the same problem

Rewatched last night, still a solid fun space movie. A few too many forced jokes, but fuck everything swells up so well by the end of the film
