Same old shit, but I am compelled to start another thread

Same old shit, but I am compelled to start another thread.
I have been a die hard Star Wars fan for 21 years. I saw A New Hope in theaters in 1997. It changed my life forever. It was my connection to another world. It was my inspiration. The used future. The mystery. The adventure.
They were the movies that got me through the worst moments in my life. These films were my role model in life after my dad left us. Rekindling my love for Star Wars even helped me kick my heroin addiction.
Those movies effected me in everyway imaginable. They made me believe in magic.
The Last Jedi....
The Last Jedi was SHOCKINGLY offensively bad.
I am a grown fucking man, other than my star wars manchildness, I am typically normal.
I cried during this film.
This film succeeded in killing something in me. I feel raped.
Seeing this movie has made me realize that not even an idea can live forever.
My spirit is completely broken.
There is no hope for this planet. We will live on repeat, without identity, until heat death.

George, the prequels, I forgive you.
You were telling your story. You finished your story. I am so thankful for your existence.

(This is the most autistic thing I have ever posted on a chan in a decade, I just need other star wars fans to know how I feel)

Other urls found in this thread:


I completely feel you. I'm younger, grew up with the prequels, and even I feel the same.

I didn't even realize how much of a big deal Star Wars was to me until I watched this. I feel raped.

How old were you when you first saw Star Wars? This film is for the kids growing up, in 20 years, if this site is still around, newfags will be around posting how TLJ was magic, affected them wherever they went, and how Episode 27 killed something inside of them. It's ok to grow out of something, just accept it and move on. It's happening to most of the franchises around here, they want to keep it in the age group it's made for, and push the old fans out to make way for the new ones. It's profitable..

Nobody will care about TLJ in 20 years. The OT captured something universal that's continued to resonate with people and neither the PT nor Disneywars have been able to tap into that so that people resonate with the movies the same way.

?People who grew up with the original trilogy felt the same way about the prequels.
>People who grew up with the prequels feel the same way about the new sequels.
>Safe to assume people that grow up with these films will feel the same about episode ?, ?, and ?

This is how long lasting things go, and how they make sure it last, always target the younger audiance, if the kids like it, the parents are forced to watch it, more money.

Because the original trilogy is something special. I was 5 in '97, I thought star wars was fucking real. The prequels came out 2 years later and I didn't give one fuck about them.
Anybody can tell you those movies have a profound effect on any mind.
My girlfriend didn't see them until 4 years ago, and she has more merch than me now. I know I should move on, but I cant believe this is going to be the legacy of star wars.

r u a biology teacher?

And uh, just a couple years ago nobody cared about the prequels and how god awful they where and how they ruined star wars, and here we are, forgiving Lucas for the prequels because something worse has been made. It's just going to be a continued cycle of praising/forgiving the last 3 movies because the next 3 movies are going to be garbage.

Not your personal blog friendo.

Forgiving Lucas != praising the prequels. They're still shit, it's just nuwars is even more shit. Fuck both trilogies though. SW died with ROTJ.


Campbell is the shit.

Oh fuck the Prequels forever.
What I really mean by that, is that the prequels at least carries vision. They weren't offering false hope in a manufactured package.
Although Lucas ironically became exactly what he hates, he always said the best movies are made beyond the really of the corporate system. He knew this would happen when he sold it.

>I saw A New Hope in theaters in 1997. It changed my life forever.
Unless there was a theater shooting,and you got paralyzed,you are a fag.

I'm deeply sorry you never got to experience the magic.

On the plus side, he didn't get to experience the pain we are feeling now.

I haven't seen The Force Awakens and don't plan on seeing this one. Are they really worse than the prequels?

lmao bye

True, now I envy him.
Well,I don't know what's worse now actually.

You still have the OT. Let the kids of the present have the new movies. It's what they'll grow up with and enjoy.

you're probably a fucking white male and a fucking coward. you're just as pathetic as Luke you fucking failure.

Hush nigger.

There there OP... just breathe in the gas and will be like going to sleep.

haven't seen this one yet (not going to see it in the theatre), but i'd say TFA is worse than the prequels. in terms of substance and presentation, it's maybe a bit less obnoxious than the phantom menace, but it was a real kick in the guts for a fan of the series because within the first five minutes everything that the old heroes fought for and achieved is undone and the status quo is restored in a display of total disrespect for the characters and the audience. this theme of failure is all through the new films - han and leia are broken up, failed parents with a murderer for a son; luke is a jaded failure in hiding who has lost all of his wisdom and sincerity. also, the new protagonists are worse than anything the prequels ever came up with.

The prequels were more gripping at the very least, not as perfect but there was more emotion and a well executed plotline of turning to the dark side. These movies seem too cookie cutter now, also can't believe snoke is dead. They blew their load early, now it will be an anti climatic end in the next episode because you know kylo is no real threat.

TLJ is just bad at it's best. There was just too many beyond cringy parts to really enjoy it. Credit where credit is due though. I really enjoyed the plot involving Rey and Kylo, but was disappointed in the end.

The biggest problem with this movie, is I don't think the writers and directors know that Star Wars is not a comedy.

user... This made me feel better.
Wow, that was a profoundly stupid scene.


This is where all their movies are going. Quips, comic relief until every single film has the same pastiche. These movies need to be digestible by people around the world, and an overt drama isn't enough to get big audiences in China.

I feel your pain OP. I really don't know what else to say other than I'm in a similar boat. People joke about it, and nerd culture has become a cancer, but Star Wars is a part of me, a part of many people in a very positive way. The OT was like a culmination of thousands of years of storytelling. Just know that no amount of Mouse rape can take that away from us. We still have the originals, whether the new shit makes billions or fades into deserved obscurity. Don't let the terrorists win, OP.

That was the point

Kylo Ren Had a whole speech about killing off old shit and he was not talking about the plot itself he was talking about muh nostalgia goggle faggots

Trust me, I fucking watched nerd culture grow into the cancer it is today. It's terrible. But Star Wars predates this garbage. Star Wars is the most powerful trilogy to those who resonated with it, I would say more so than other fans and other franchises. It's part of us, and it makes us human to watch it be ripped away and beat to death by the long arm of marketing.

>People who grew up with the original trilogy felt the same way about the prequels.
No we don't.

The prequels were disappointing, but nowhere near this bad.

Nah man, I grew up with the OT and I can see the prequels were far more competent films compared to this utter piece of shit.

Even the side characters who died got decent send offs, or horribly violent ones you don't forget.

Ackbar is just gone. Luke constipates himself to death. Snoke is lol nothing personelled. It's so fucking bad.

Archiving thread for future kek

Apathy is death.

Imagine how i feel. I saw rotj in theater in the fucking 80s. My childhood was ruined in1997 with the fucking special editions that is when all this shit started!

i grew up with the prequels and their shit like the new sequels. Fuck off.

I loved this movie. It was truly great. The audience loved it too. I’m sure I’ll see it several times

The infuriating thing about the prequels is the wasted potential.

OTOH, once I grew up enough to appreciate storytelling as an art, I never understood the point of sequels even in concept: the OT tells a single story arc to its completion, and the PT fills in backstory and makes the ending of the OT more profound (or would have had it been better executed).

But once Disney bought the whole thing, we knew it would just be a soulless cash-in effort. Some of us (including myself) may have been naive enough to wonder if even that might result in something better than the prequels, and perhaps in a sense they are, in terms of visual presentation. But as stories they are sorely lacking, whereas the prequels were a solid story told in a clumsy manner.

I grew up during the prequels, I liked the video games but the movies themselves were not good at all. Not as bad as this new trash but the original was far better IMO even though ive never seen the nonedited version even the shitty one was better then anything after and I was born in 1996.

Funny, everything you just said is wrong.

Absolutely not. Do not get trolled. Just go watch them.

Same here, but I won't go so far as to say that either the SEs or the prequels "ruined my childhood." Outside of "Jedi Rocks" I could mostly make peace with the SEs (though I prefer the original versions). As far as the prequels go, aside from my annoyance with the CGI, I was still able to enjoy them to an extent, especially II and III. My main complaints with the story (post TPM) were the plothole concerning Leia's memories of her mother, and the corniness of the DO NOT WANT moment, which I felt seriously undercut Vader's character.

The thing that made me more angry with Lucas was the continued post-SE tinkering with the OT, and his steadfast refusal to at least offer remasters of the original versions for those who prefer them. That's the ONE thing to be hoped for out of this Disney-Fox merger: with all of the rights in one place, we may in time actually get a HD remastered theatrical OT. Which it will be a quality remaster or a hack job is another question, though.

Remember, thanks to the infinite multiverse theory, there's one where you personally saved the Star Wars series.

So daydream on about your ideal star wars movie, as it only reinforces that universe.

and it'll help keep at bay the depressing reality of this one.

quit being such a fucking loser, it's a dumb movie about nerds in robes swinging around laser swords get over it


>yo dog quit being a bitch dumb nigga watchin star wars fuk aha

Hi Disney.

OP here
Just remembered the scene where Yoda comes back and burns those ancient books we never even learn anything about and says "WELL OUT WITH OLD IN WITH NEW HUH?"








How does it feel to hold nothing sacred in your empty, ironically detached little life?

You're talking about STAR WARS, christ


TLJ is literally Empire Strikes Back in reverse with sprinkles of key moments from ROTJ

It's almost kind of insulting

I agree that the Kylo/Rey plotline was the best one and actually felt like a genuine human connection rather than people running around and yelling (which was just about everyone else)

If they want to do humor in Star Wars, they're gonna need to write some better jokes, because they were a lot of unfunny parts that were meant to be "humorous".


I've been telling people all day about how Nu-Wars doesn't care about the Heroes Journey.

I've been a star wars fan since I first seen episode 4 as a young teen.
I actually liked the prequels...
I thought TFA was a nice nod to the originals..
I thought Rouge One was actually pretty good..
I just saw TLJ and am left utterly disappointed

I left this film feeling completely indifferent about seeing the next one and have been a life long fan since the originals.

I didn't mind that it was different, but to completely shit on the iconic legacy of Luke Skywalker was unforgivable. The guy represented nothing but hope and heroism and instead they turn him into a pussified bitch having an epic pity party. No better way to shit on one of the greatest film heroes of all time.

TFA wasn't perfect, but it was still fun and reflected the star wars legacy. This seemed intent on taking all that had been done and wiping one's ass with it. Snope was pointless, Rey legacy pointless and instant jedi master, sword play was horrible, Ackbar ba-bye, Leia indestructible suddenly (but actually dead), Luke now a pussy, what Abrams tried to set up was flushed, rebellion now 25 people, where the hell do you go with this?

Indeed to feel and write things such as this is perceived as autistic, lately. But I think there's a very human and mature honesty to it.

It's the feeling of finally surrendering and waking up to the dark dark reality of the society we live in. While still primitive pop culture artifacts, the original Star Wars were examples of the last pieces of well-intentioned myth, of symbolized shared ideals and dreams, that our civilization produced.

The fact that our culture has been finally rendered completely materialistic, idiotic, superficial and tied in bondage by some kind of global, consumerism-based dictatorship, is made evident by the way these corporations destroy every bit of good in these stories and change them into the equivalent of intellectual fast food, aimed to the brainwashed, media-controlled masses.

It's no coincidence they literally burn the Force Tree and the Sacred Texts of the old order on screen. That your childhood heroes die pathetically, without fulfilling their promised destiny. It's all very symbolic and very deliberate. It's an malevolent attempt at meme magick. An act of cultural warfare, as someone here put it.

>Seeing this movie has made me realize that not even an idea can live forever.
heroin might be a good escape from these feelings

God forbid Luke's character be a real person who makes mistakes and not some perfect legend.

-Kylo acting and character
-Rey acting and character
-Poe acting and character
-Some of Lukes scenes
-yoda scene kind of.
-snoke scene

-jumbled story, way too fast pace
-repetitive scenes
-complete lack of surprises or plot development since the last movie
-Rey arch and story (or lack)
-kylo arch and story
-Snoke lack of story
-asia girl was useless (big theme being mis-use of time)
-everyhting with purple hair woman
-much of Leia
-theres only 10 fucking rebels in the galaxy
-Lukes fake death then real death, what the fuck.
-the ending
-the major lack of conflict left to be had in the final movie

I legit enjoyed TFA,
They set up the new trilogy perfectly.
Tonight I am bitterly disappointed
Rian made JJ look like a fucking king tonight.

You're talking in ebonics, on a vietnamese image forum dedicated to stuff on television and movie screens.

How sad do you have to be that star wars is "sacred" to you?

so it's basically confirmed that Rottentomatoes is bought out by disney, right?

there is no way this shit is above 90%. It should be in the 60-70% range at best.

sums it up desu

Do you know what ebonics are?

This is depressing, and freeing to read.
Thank you for reinforcing that fact.
Star Wars OT truly is the last of an era, a relic of honesty and creativity. A triumph of spirit.

The fact the credits rolled in TLJ, after that random kid gets a rebel ring and pretends to be Luke Skywalker, and everyone in the audience clapped.....

I felt betrayed by the planet.

>Implying they can feel something if they're empty.

Holy Christ I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just got back from seeing it and I'm in the process of getting blackout drunk. I'm fucking miserable. I feel defiled. Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson can both burn in hell.

I take an oath unto god that the young kids in my theatre a couple rows in front of me got up and walked out to go play outside. They were completely disinterested in the movie

You have completely and utterly failed disney

as everyone said, future shit movies will come out and everyone will be praised TLJ.
You can even see that happening now with TFA. Complete garbage and now suddenly its starting to be considered decent beceause at least its not TLJ.

gas yourselves

stop making star wars threads you fucking insufferable faggots. we’ve had probably 200 in the last 2 days. You’re massive fucking faggots

>The most blasphemous movie of all time just released.
Get used to these thread for the next few weeks-decades

by becoming attached to it when it was WAY better in the 80s, and intertwined with important events in your life, as is with anything you like very much, something aspies who got lost in 5 layers of ironic shitposting and have nothing to hold on to
it's indiana jones all over again, user, I feel your dread, everything is a copy of a copy of a copy

Youre gonna have fun for the next three weeks

I was 4 when I saw a new hope in theaters. I saw people leaving the theater dressed up as han, leia, and c3po and I thought they had literally come out of the movie. I thought star wars was real.

I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, I'm on my second pack now.
I need these feelings to go away.
I know I shouldn't care, I always have the OT, but my god, they raped Star Wars.

How naive can you be? There are millions of kids for whom Disney Wars will be their magic movie. Of course they will be remembered just like the prequels are.

Go bury you bastard father millenial piece of shit

Don't take the blackpill just yet.
The fact that there's still people capable of feeling what you feel, of perceiving what you perceive, is the proof there's still hope. Turn that feeling into anger and action.

>Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

It's pretty fuckin hilarious to be honest. Just watched the whole spanish bootleg and I could follow the entire story and what was happening without even knowing what the fuck they were saying. Simple movie for simple brains. I kinda dug it though. Gonna see it in the theater so I can shut my brain off for a bit.

Why did they have to take Star Wars?

It was my life as a nerdy, bullied kid and now it's ruined. I fucking waited in line to see the prequels while all the girls shouted gross, I bought the shitty toys and vidyas for years, I wrote SW fanfic while people threw stuff at me, I pretended I was darth maul in my rool with a yard stick.

Now I sit here, seeing the worst piece of SW media bar none (Even worse than the absolute worst of the old EU), and I see the dwindling numbers of fans like me shake their heads in disgust while the crowds applause and critics give it a 100%. It's now a "social event" apparently and faggots who used to trip me in gym for drawing pictures of darth maul in study hall get married at star wars themed weddings.




Holy fuck you just roasted that asshole.

Also, I appreciate the comradery . Not everyone will understand this unique pain.

Is there an original thought left in this world?

Star Wars is real. When it said A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I believed it.

>he was bullied as a kid

Link pls?


I just got back from the film. Thought it was "good". Nothing exceptional. The entire premise and most of the plot development was a rehah of Empire...but not as good.

The film had a better emotional core narrative than Awakens, but fell flat with Finn's comedic adventure with the mousey Asian sidekick and the merry band of SJW resistance (Poe and Leia were great. The problem is that they dialogue for a lot of the Resistance - I'm looking at you Admiral Triggered - felt too on the nose.

The film was great when it focused and explored it's emotional core, i.e. any scene with Luke, Rey and Kylo. When the film veered away from that, especially with Finn, it nose dived in quality. And the Finn scenes were bad. Way too much fucking cartoon humour that didn't fit the tone, and broke the tension. Why does Disney live action writers try to make their live action films the same way they do their cartoon films? Cartoon humour works in children's cartoons. It doesn't work in live action films meant for a generally older audience. It's the same fucking problem Marvel films have: too many fucking jokes.

Actually it is, thanks for reaching

you know something is made by disney if you dont need to understand the language to follow the plot.

Watch any MCU movie bootleg from Hong Kong, and you'll understand it perfectly too.

I fucking feel you user.
I know this fucking feeling.

Clone (1,2,3) Sidious and Cade Skywalker are better than this.

I can't believe I'm saying this....
The Vong are 100000000x better than this trainwreck I witnessed.

What critic on Earth would give this a positive fucking review? Money bought them. You would have to have a completely empty head to like these new films. Esp. TLJ.

To me it felt like a Star Wars fan story, directed on a Star Wars budget. It didnt feel right or real. There were some definite pros, but at the end of the day I'm just not thrilled in the direction this series is currently heading. I do hope JJ finishes strong though.

Exactly the same here, user.

It'll be okay Anons...not all tears are an evil.

A soyboy and a feminist ruined Star Wars, along with Jew Jew Abrams. We should have known they couldn't have been trusted with something so precious.

They didn't understand Luke. They ruined him.

>The used future
user, how did you fuck up this badly?

I completely agree, it just did not feel like I was watching a star wars movie. The whole thing just felt like filler. They killed off Luke for filler. The prequels weren't perfect at all but at least George wanted to tell a story. He had an idea first and then he made a movie. This shit does it backwards. First they decide they are going to release a movie then they scramble for ideas to fill it with.

Actually no they're not.