The Last Jedi - Discrepance between Critics and Viewers

Anyone else noticed the extreme discrepance between media reviewers and audience critics on IMDB and RT?

On IMDB the movie gets 8.2/10. HOWEVER, the audience is extremely negative about TLJ (pic related)

On RT it is nearly the same with the audience reviews

What's going on? Can you trust public media critics at all anymore?

So like Get Out or Lady Bird which were both decidedly average movies?

The massive critic circlejerk based out of cuckifornia is just another marketing arm for Disney.

Fucking kek. Read a book you fags

>8.2 on IMDB
It is easy for big ticket studios to pay for 10,000+ 10-star reviews in the first week of a movie's release. It's a fucking bargain even at $5 a pop
Paid critics

Lady Bird was good, Get Out was overrated and curved because of race

>people who love the series the most are usually the first ones to see it
>>these are the initial reactions

Disney is screwed. This is a BvS level disaster.

Pre-release reviews are literally paid for in one way or another and only exist to tackle the real damage genuine criticism can do to a movie's profit margins, do you honestly think a behemoth like Disney hasn't done the math on this one?

This film was awful, urge people not to support it.

you have that backwards. Get Out was good but Lady Bird was overrated and curved because muh female writer-director

This seems awfully familiar.


>wow! it's as if... reviewers are being paid for good reviews?!

>Teehee I Have A Vagina: the Movie
The fact that it's some bitches "life """""experiences""""" " put onto film should clue you in to how bad it is. No character arc or development other then "I'm drunk so I'll start calling myself by my real name now teehee".

both are shit

this is why i only watch films that are 25+ years old. the good films are remembered while the shit is lost to history

IMDB is only semi useful for movies that have been out for a really long time, by then the 10/10 reviews will have filtered out and you can get a general consensus. Never look at a movies IMDB score while it's still in theaters. Look at Justice League. It went from an 8.7 to a 7.2 in a month

>this is why i only watch films that are 25+ years old
Imagine being the faggot who typed this

Who is this ugly shit?

Right now is actually the best time to use IMDB, right after the movie has come out and you can gauge earlygoers' reactions. Since those reactions are negative, you can safely say the general public's reactions will be negative too since earlygoers are usually the biggest fans.

>Discrepance between Critics and 3 cherrypicked imdb reviews

>ordered by: most helpful

First 5k """reviews""" are 10/10 shills. This is why ratings are worthless. Every studio has people hired for this crap.

but earlygoers are also the most kneejerk

on RT there seem to be two types of user - fans of the old films who give it between half a star and two stars, and people who just type generic stuff that they would say about any film and give it five stars.

Tbh honest Justice League was better then the new SW. Justice Leagues main downfalls was cutting out some character building scenes, sfx, and a villian people thought was gunna be more complex but he was literally just a conquest hungry douche which is better then your average "i will destroy worlds because the shunned me" we keep seeing. Justice League was an unrefined attempt at steering the DCEU in another direction. SW steered it into a fucking wall in a comically overexplosive crash then pissed on the dead kids in the backseat. Everyone needs to take a look at marvel new direction where they make flawed heroes not terrible people whose actions only make sense to further the plot. I just want more wholesome movies like Big or even fucking Mrs doubtfire

Sure you do bud

reading those salty Star-Wars-Fan reviews is more entertaining than watching the movie

>Disney is gaming professional reviewers
Golly gee willikers Gramps, what will capitalism think of next.

>top one has 17 thumbs up
wow i bet that's at least as many people that saw TLJ

It just goes to show you how shit the film must be if its only got 8.2 at release on imdb. A star wars/capeshit film that only gets score this low already must truly be shit

>141 of 233 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you?

>critics are OUT OF TOUCH
>HUGE disconnect


Watching nu-males flip their shit is the best.

I know, it's fucking great

fuck faggot wars, fuck these fans, fuck everything

Based rock

it's 100% obvious that the review sites are full of completely fake 8-10 star reviews

Disney has also been known to threaten those who review it poorly with not allowing them access to future films. There is no way in hell TLJ has maintained a perfect 8.2 on imdb since yesterday despite hundreds of more negative reviews, it's almost like it's automated to keep it falling below a certain threshold with fake reviews

If you had a billion dollars on the line you'd fake reviews too, obviously

good thing the truth cannot be contained

You imagine being a faggot a lot, do you?


>why do people who watch films for a living and the teeming masses have such different opinions about movies
gee i dunno


While the user's view is a little extreme films from the 1970's are great. They're like an abandoned goldmine.

>being this new to Jewish tricks

OoT is good...but it's so dated. Good game though. MM is timeless.

It was this shit that created the foundation for became Gamergate.
The reviewers were bought, then when they were called out, they turned on the fanbase as a single voice and essentially started a war with the industry's bottom line demographic. Thinking they had an untapped mainstream audience just waiting and willing to come in and replace long time loyal customers.

Mainstream audiences may don the label of "geek" or "pop culture fan", but they don't replicate the consumer and loyalty behaviors of actual fanbases. They dip in and out of whatever's popular that week, then forget all about it.

Disney's trying to work around this problem by buying up all the "hip for a week" IPs and then literally releasing installments a few times a month through every year. But without an honest and enthusiastic cheer squad, these movies will just become anonymous studio product all pushing the same shitty politics, made by sexual predators to present a wholesome front. They'll look different by be the exact same movie over and over again. Fanbases are what polices this "anonymity" creeping into their beloved franchises.

If they want to watch Star Trek, they'll watch Star Trek. If they want to watch Star Wars they'll watch Star Wars. They don't watch Star Trek to get the "Star Wars Experience" and vise-versa.

But Disney is making everything the "Anonymous Big Budget Disney Experience". All the same thing, with different costumes and toy-able sidekicks.

Unironically this. Fall all it's sins, Justice League is just a bit bland, and at least gave us back a Superman closer to the one we love. TLJ is a 'new direction' in the way heading towards Mexico as drug mules when we were expecting a Disneyland holiday.

>tfw when JUSTICE LEAGUE looks better just by the choices made in TLJ.

>waaah contrarians waaah
I usually call out Sup Forums out on beint Cont as fuck but this time i can't
The film was awful