How would Alex Mercer survive in the DC and Marvel universes...

How would Alex Mercer survive in the DC and Marvel universes? Would he fare pretty well or would he get crushed in a second?

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He'd get rekt by anyone with fire powers.

Why? Fire isnt particulary effective on him. Fucker took a nuke and walked

Are we going for pre-Prototype psychopath Alex Mercer, Prototype 1 confused Amnesiac Alex Mercer, or Prototype 2 evil-dumb Mercer? 1 has a chance of lasting longer.

Superman punches him into the sun.

Not op, but I guess Prototype 1 amnesial alex

How long did it take him to infect new york in the first game a couple weeks?
As soon as anyone with any brains wises up to the outbreak he would get countered and then found and then contained or cured

He got nuked and was reduced to almost nothing before eating a crow.
Isn't Blacklight supposed to be weak to fire?

He came back from getting nuked

He'd survive. He'd have to stay out of the fights against gods but he'd be a top tier planet hero/villain.

Without anything to personally motivate him like regaining his memories or revenge he'd just disappear from the public eye and probably wouldn't bother anyone.

One would probably do pretty well he'd make a pretty cool anti-hero.

Isnt the new AMAZO basically Mercer? Hes organic, and a virus. Though Alex is broken as fuck, I would imagine Snarts cold gun could restrain him, and Lex could create something to kill the virus

What if he's a villain like in the second game? Wasn't his goal then to infect all of humanity?


Not OP, but let's say Prototype 1 Alex. I prefer to work with a somewhat sympathetic protagonist.

You can't really cure Alex. He doesn't have the virus, he is the virus. The real Alex Mercer is dead, the protagonist is just a biological weapon that has imprinted his identity onto itself. Ironically, it's a better person than the real Alex ever was.

OP here. Thought it'd be cool to speculate on how well he'd do as both an anti-hero and a full on villain.

cured means kill

The second game is shit and we should all pretend it never happened

I think he'd fair pretty well in Marvel for the most part but the heavy hitters would be on him in seconds in DC.

What were his capabilities again? Shapeshifting and biological matter absorption?

He cant absorb non biological matter, right? Sounds like ironman would just put his ass in a test tube for later studying

A majority of his enemies were just normal dudes. He almost died from a nuke.

Speaking of which, both games are on sale right now on psn. Never played the second one, is it fun?

Really didn't know what they were thinking with that. Felt like the were setting the stage for Zeus becoming an individual with an actual conscience and that telekinetic kid, but then they sidetracked it with Alex become a dumbass and a very stereotypical angry black man.

removed all video game mechanics he would be number 1 if he can get memory's from eating people he could get super powers by at least getting a blood sample if the powers are DNA based like supermans

yes if you liked the first is a good upgrade game wise

Its not too different from the first, but the new guy is insufferable.

If he was a villain in DC he'd probably fair the same as Parasite

He absorbs people and their memories. He's a perfect shapeshifter, he has super human strength, speed, regeneration, can make armor, blades.

have to disagree read a little bit on parasite and while he can absorb powers there not permanent which could not be the case for other universe versions of him idk while alex would be permanent

Alex hasn't had any superheroes to absorb so we don't know if he'd get them or not.

What was the game with the guy with the electricity powers out at the same time?

lets see what everyone else thinks i would like to know your opinions

I think there are certain powers he could replicate and certain ones he couldn't.

Kryptonian biology seems almost mystical in how complex and advanced it is. But, on the other hand, I could totally see him successfully absorbing many mutant powers. Maybe not psychic ones, but biological ones, certainly.

He's basically Carnage but slightly less insane. Nearly identical powers.

No chance in DC but Marvel would be fucked

But Mercer wasn't really a bad guy especially for a conscious virus he felt bad for killing so many people and killed all the huge virus monsters at least

A Prototype comic would be rad as fuck though, shame Prototype 2 was so bad it killed literally all of the potential the franchise had

That's a massive extrapolation considering there ARE no superpowers in his franchise that do not stem from the exact same source that his do.

I think there was a comic that somewhat linked Prototype 2

basically something along the lines of Zeus Alex Mercer getting betrayed and fucked over time and time again by humans during his travels leading him to the point where he goes FUCK THIS SHIT by the second game. Its kinda dumb

that's what i was thinking but do you think if he absorbs enough different types of dna and evolve enough he could get supermans?

ya there was a comic it shows why he went evil

There was the the comic that took place between 1 and 2 which explained how Alex became evil

So anyone else don't feel too particularly sympathetic towards notAlex? Sure real Alex is arguably worse and the zombie infection was more of an accident then anything but he still goes around killing everyone in his path, including innocents, and lets be real when you're not doing the story missions you're torturing the AI for shits and giggles.

How much dissonance is allowed between the story and the gameplay, because I have a hard time feeling bad for the guy who has the superpower of eating people.

Actually Its more of him seeing certain situations where he deems people are selfish and horrible

The one time he go directly betrayed was when he rented out a room at some place from a family. The father's rival tried to have him killed to get his land but Alex saves him and goes to kill the guy who ordered it. After absorbing him he realizes that the father was once a criminal and goes back and kills the father (even though the father insists he put all of that shit behind). He then tries to convince his daughter (who he developed feelings for) to run away with him but finds that she was trying to steal his money...and then she shoots him in the face after saying she only looks out for herself etc. You can guess what happens next[/spoiler>

Isn't he basically the thing but better?

He's basically the thing if it took the personality of a 14 year old going through a phase.

He is more Venom / Carnage but better

Pretty sure there are quite a few Marvel heroes that would crush Mercer pretty easily.

Thor, any of the high tier telekinetics, etc. He has a mind, so one of Mahvel's many telepaths could just force him to kill himself.

So shadow the thinghog?

>Ironically, it's a better person than the real Alex ever was.
Well, until the second game, where he inexplicably decides to take over the world.

Huh, now that I think about, yeah.
He is exactly like Shadow the Hedgehog personality and storywise.

Amnesia, tragic past, accidentally create the apocalypse, driven by revenge, help stop apocalypse despite acting like they don't care for 75% of the game.

Yeah, that's lame. I would have preferred if they did something where all the people he's absorbed and memories he's gained gradually caused his personality to break down until the virus kind of developed its own personality separate from those of its victims.

if he was stupid ya but if if he was dropped in the world it would take only one person to absorb to know the world is full of supper powers remember hes not an idiot tord end game hes probably one of the smartest people in the world thank to all the people he has absorbed like scientist witch he was one to begin with and all the doctors and other people we don't know the background of he would know who to go after and what order to overcome even telepaths not to mention a teleapath looking in his head probably could not shift thru the thousands of lifetime of memory's he has

He tried retiring and living on his own between the two games, but he saw selfish people everywhere, even up in the boonies the few people acting kind to him only did it so they can shoot him in the back (he shacked up next to some ex mafia goon).

So he said fuck it, let's take over the planet, leading to the second game.

This was actually told in the comics released for the second game.

>Couple years after New York
>Nobody really knows what happened, just that all of a sudden the biggest city in America stopped existing
>Life goes on for the rest of the country
>One day, a huge fucking alien ship shows up
>Thousands surround it as nothing happens for a few days
>Alien King finally steps out and does the whole "we're taking over" deal
>Regular looking businessman steps out of the crowd
>Turns into pic related
>Jumps up onto the ship, consumes and turns into the King
>Tells the rest to go home
>They leave, he jumps down, walks into the crowd
>Turns into someone else and they lose track of him
>Life goes on

nothin personnel kid

There were two Prototype comics. One had two random cops during the time of the first game. The other explained why Alex did a full 180 in the second game.

Saw this thread on other forums. Those threads became a 200-page dissertation on how Superman can kill him and every other super hero just because.

Nope. (possible) Aversion to water, though that just could be him jumping from the bottom to gtfo. Was once easily countered by Bloodtox. Is speculated to be killable by Whitelight, another virus, theorized to be from Pariah, which was Virus-Mercer's goal ("The Truth" that he seeks, other than his past)
Though I guess you put a hot enough flame against him and he'll turn microscopic.

Man I would love another Prototype game that forgets the second even existed.

Or some comics, or some stories.

Mercer vs Venom?

The virus already has its own personality, it's why all of Alex's friends and family are confused by him not acting like a dick

>a very stereotypical angry black man.
What were they thinking man? At one point he said something about not knowing how computers worked, but in a very angry black man way and I just cringed. Fuck, it was so hard to play through that.

Would he get powers from eating superpowered people? He can copy peoples genes and memories.

At one point he shouts how he is going to skull fuck Mercer. First time I ever heard that phrase used in any media.

He copies people well enough to be able to turn into them, have all their memories, and fool retina and fingerprint tests. So it's safe to say that he'd get superpowers too, assuming they are genetically based and not the kind that would directly conflict with the virus.

As long as he doesn't end up getting the Marvel Zombies or the Crossed virus, he'd do okay in any other comic book universe.

Who would win?

>At one point he shouts how he is going to skull fuck Mercer. First time I ever heard that phrase used in any media.
You were quite a sheltered kid.

How about Mercer vs [spoilerAnti Venom?[/spoiler]


I don't watch movies about angry black mans gang fighting.

Alex would do fine in Marvel Zombies or Crossed considering he himself is the embodiment of a virus and can't get infected

Even if he could get infected, he can encase himself in an armor way too tough for the Crossed to do anything and a version of Frank survived in an AU very similar to Marvel Zombies so I like Mercer's odds there

I knew i wasen't the only who made connection. Is Rex inmune to Mercer powers with his own mutant DNA i mean Mercer couldn't absorb Heler, maybe he can't absorb other mutant genes

What if he met VENOM?

Mercer gets cured. Becomes a real boy.

point is he wouldn't realise he could get infected... until he gets infected. Mercer going full Crossed or actually hungering to eat people like MZ would be fucked up.

>a version of Frank survived in an AU very similar to Marvel Zombies

That one just made them turn into primitive tribesman, not as bad as MZ. Frank survived only because he was patient zero.

I would like the idea of Alex finally puting a end to the Marvel zombies by just eating them, it would be also quite satisfactory to see the zombies runing for their lives for once

Could an X-Parasite copy Mercer?

Well the Crossed virus would be kinda like 28 Days Later where it aggravates the rage part of your brain so the question is, does Mercer actually have a brain?

Fair point about MV

hand swords vs hand swords

I'm so mad the 2nd game didn't end up being Alex and Heller vs Pariah. They built up Pariah as being this mega threat, and maybe Alex was just testing Heller to see if he was strong enough to help him beat Pariah

Such a sheltered child.

Rex's power comes from having the super special control nanite. If Mercer got that he'd presumably have the same powers as Rex.

Rex cures people by controlling their nanites. Since Mercers power isn't nanite based Rex wouldn't be able to cure him.

But, could Mercer absorb Rex?

yes defiantly rex has nanites sure be he still is human

I feel like Mercer would be one of the special cases for telepathy. Dude has hundreds of minds in him all screaming out in their final moments of terror. He'd probably cause some kind of backlash against Professor X or the like

2 was a mess. Also, if he regenerated from a single cell, what are the chances that there are many of him running around right now?

this.. just like i said in and its not like he would get to the dc or marvel world and immediately go for the power houses he is NOT stupid

It's like the writers forgot their own story.

Hell, I would have taken a contrived way to depower Alex over "Well he's too strong now, so we need another protagonist."

Especially since they 180'd his character development and pretty much made him a different character, along with forgetting the PARIAH plot entirely.

The comics between the two games not only ruin Alex's character development, they're just poorly made in general and actually contradict certain elements of the established story.

I wonder if they had a completely different team of writers make it.

That's the real issue here. We as the audience grew attached to Alex only for him to be discarded and replaced by a generic character. If anything, 2 was a better Shadow the Hedgehog game.

never read them any major contractions

If ever something was "Wasted Potential: The Game", it was this.

Fun, Ultimate Destroyer-like gameplay, a good plot, and you actually get to see the main character undergo a considerable amount of character development.

Then the second game happened and we got "wisecracking, angry black guy" and Mercer as a Bond Villain.

For an example, one of the stories has humans being captured for the super soldier program.

Except that they don't USE captured humans for that program, they use volunteers from Special Forces. Because wasting that on a regular, untrained human against their will is POINTLESS. This was well established in the first game and continued into the second.

>prototype 2 was so shit the studio that made it closed

That's partly because the sale expectations were set so high, there was no way they could have met it.

am i the only one that like prototype 2 it was good

I prefered the gameplay, but the story was balls

The gameplay was definitely an improvement, it's everything AROUND it that was the problem, from the story to the DLC cavalcade.

That's one of the biggest hurdles sandbox games face, managing to marry player actions and character development. Watch_Dogs 1 and 2 has a serious problem with it as well. At least GTA excuses it by making the characters more or less sociopaths.

You guys DO know what Mercer is, don't you?
He is a walking, talking colony of the single most dangerous and adaptable virus that somebody actually fucking weaponized before it gained sentience. He doesn't have any organs or the like, and he can't actually be infected by any other kind of virus or bacteria because he's simply too evolved for that.

Does anyone remember how that thing that he got hit with in the first game that sapped his power worked again?

That was a parasite specifically made to combat the Mercer virus. It didn't function like a typical virus

Alright, I'd completely forgot how it worked. I thought it was related to Greene or something.