Ok so these are obviously Woolies, who else can we expect to be back in the next episode?

Ok so these are obviously Woolies, who else can we expect to be back in the next episode?

The jump good monkeys? The Spartans? Maybe Ashi finds the Lava Monster's tablet with 'FREE' written on it?

spoil your shit you unbelievable underage faggot

No spoilers here you mongoloid

Back to /rebbit/

Both. Of. You. NOW.

Maybe Extor or the Triceraquins?
I'd LOVE if she met the princess bounty hunter

I mean, it could be pretty much anyone if the woolies of all critters appear, but I'm betting on the talking dogs at the very least, and probably the Scotsclan with Scotsdaddy.

It's in the promo they just released, you dunce. Blame AS if you're worried about shit getting spoiled.

my god give that girl something to eat

She has the perfect thin, yet still shapely body.

Extor would be too old, unless he's like a brain in a jar or something

The Guardian better be back eventually, Genddy can't just let that unadressed.

All the time portals were destroyed, so we can assume Aku killed him.

His portal was out in the middle of nowhere and you need to ride 3 magic monsters to get there. Aku probably doesn't know about it

The Guardian episode implies that Jack's fate is to use the portal eventually, hence him saying "not yet", so I'm still hoping he shows up.
It would be a missed opportunity to not use him to some effect, even if Jack doesn't use his portal, since a big part of the fanbase has expectations about him returning on Season 5.

>Remembering canon
Remember the bounty hunters from the Princess Mira episode?
Remember that they were mostly aliens?

yeah well he remembered the Woolies at least

You LE THICC days have enough to keep you happy already.

>who else can we expect to be back in the next episode?
Well who do you think is going to find Jack's sword?

Why are they in burqas?

the scotsman I'm 100% sure

maybe blue dog

Jack is? With help from Ashi possibly.

Have you even seen the new episode?
Scotsmans dead.

Only his body, he'll be back.

Woolies appeared in one episode, one of the weaker ones(read: not bad, jut not as good) from season 1. By that criteria, ANYONE can show up.

>Scotsmans dead.

Scotsman is one with the force now

I'd love to see all the people Jack has helped over the series come back to rally behind him. Feels like it'd be a great way to end the series, showing how much he has influenced Aku's world with good.