Why doesn't Anakin just talk to Kyle Reno? He idolizes Anakin but Anakin regretted being an edgy cuck...

Why doesn't Anakin just talk to Kyle Reno? He idolizes Anakin but Anakin regretted being an edgy cuck. He can just tell Reno to chill.

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He wants to watch the spectacle. When you spend an eternity as a ghost things ought to get boring. You also stop valuing human life, it's fleeting and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Note that Yoda too appeared only to fuck with Luke one last time

ironically enough having hayden back as a force ghost would probably save the films. But Disney has too much pride to acknowledge the prequels.

This is actually a valid question because communication between the living and the dead has been integral to the series.

And it's not like Kylo is some nobody they don't know about. They partied with his parents at the end of ROTJ.

>When you spend an eternity as a ghost things ought to get boring
Maybe Anakin should be reminded that he's a ghost, and as such, he can possess people

Force ghost possession should be a thing

Anakin was distracting Snoke's mind so that Kylo could enter Rey's lightsaber through Snoke's sides.

I think it has something to do with being on the "light side", force ghosts don't appear to the bad guys and no bad guys are force ghosts. However, I dropped Star Wars after Episode 7. So maybe Rogue One or Episode 8 has changed the rules.

I mean think about it. If force ghosts could appear to people just like that and you were on the light side wouldn't you just constantly annoy siths?

Imagine every jedi force ghost that ever existed hovering in Kylo's bathroom and laughing at his dick size.

White male stealing screen time from women and poc's is bad nowadays. I think that's all.

Because Disney is SHIT!

Dark side users are cut off from the force in some ways. Turning and interacting with force ghosts is one of those.

star wars has always been retarded garbage. T

I was hoping to see an epic scene with Anakin and Kylo, fuck this shit.

So who was Snoke? Just some random guy that dies?

That's not how the force works!

>Source: my ass

Does anyone even remember Exar Kun and the EU stories?

yup, quite literally random

EU is canon, Disney is fanfiction. Fuck these cunts. Thrawn and Yuuzhan Vong ftw.

I thought disney signed Hayden for Episode 8 and 9.. why wasnt he in 8?

>bad guy
you missed the point of the entire trilogy so far user

Yeah it Yoda came back, why not Anakin who was also a ghost at end of 6.


because Hyden is a hunk

Snoke was Sidius' janitor and was just LARPing the whole damn time

you can blame Rian for that

that fucker alone decided he didn't want to flesh out the character that was established in the beginning of this saga, and just basically deleted him

>no bad guys are force ghosts
Vader is. And don't give me the "it's before he turned into Darth Vader" bullshit excuse. That's exactly how he looked when he killed a bunch of kids.

Anakin is unironically may favorite character from the PT

Sith Force Ghosts (from wookiepedia or whatever the name is):
Tulak Hord
Darth Andeddu † (spirit incapacitated in 137 ABY)
Darth Andru
Darth Bane
Darth Caedus (spirit redeemed after 41 ABY)†
Quorlac Fornayh
Githany (possibly redeemed before 5 ABY)
Dathka Graush † (possessed Naz Felyood in 0 BBY)
Darth Iratus
Skere Kaan
Aloysius Kallig
Exar Kun † (spirit incapacitated in 11 ABY)
Darth Krayt
Saalo Morn
Terrak Morrhage
Karness Muur † (spirit incapacitated in 137 ABY)
Freedon Nadd † (spirit incapacitated in 3997 BBY)
Darth Nihilus*
Ajunta Pall (spirit redeemed to the light side in 3956 BBY)
Darth Sidious # (final body destroyed in 11 ABY)
Qordis †
Marka Ragnos † (spirit incapacitated in 14 ABY)
Naga Sadow
Darth Vectivus
XoXaan †
Darth Zash (possessed Khem Val)
Kalatosh Zavros
Darth Marr

Because this shit of the "living as a ghost" thing isn't written in stone, it's a fucking plot device. The same with force. You get overpowered shit if it's needed, new uses if they are needed, fucking Yoda returning for a minute if needed for the plot. It's not physics, it has no rules. Don't expect it to make sense 100% of the time.

I don't want to be the one to tell you this because you won't like knowing it, but your phantasy movie has dozens of inconsistencies like that and the solution is to do the infamous thing of "turning your brain off" during those cases. Or autistically bitch about it.

>no bad guys are force ghosts
Darth Bane is.

Why is Ben so ugly compared to Luke, Anakin, Leia, and Han?

I don't know how it is in current canon, but in legends Siths had ghosts too, but they were bound to their tombs

I still don't understand how such a weird looking guy is the son of Han and Leia

Because this movie had zero thought put into it. It ruins everything.

The one character that needed deleting was Leia.

Especially since she fucking IRL croaked.

But no they wanna be edgy and be all "hurr see we surprised you she doesn't die!" Yeah wooo such cinematic excitement, you kept the dead weight in the fucking series.

He takes after his dad.

Stargate tv show did the whole ascencion thing right.

Anakin's actor does a better job of being an angry teen than Driver does as Kylo.

Kylo just seems off. Looks weird.

He did a good job in Logan Lucky tho

The only good thing in this movie was twin-swords guard guy fucking with Rey.

no, you fucking retard

Vader was is redeemed. According to EU lore that no one cares is no longer canon he should've disappeared after dying though.
On the EU Siths need to use holocrons to leave behind their teachings and thoughts because they can't become force ghosts, but apparently a bunch of writers threw that shit out of the window

Well it's one thing to have the Force allow people to push things and do higher jumps, it's another thing to have it allow shit like Leia untrained to fly and survive in the vacuum of space.

Snoke was the rumored Darth Icky

Say what you will but Hayden did pull off brooding, emotional instability, and rage a fuck ton better than Driver has. Fuck, Hayden's acting in III is better than Ford's in VII's and Fisher's in either of the newer films.

Is he a big guy?

The Vong pissed me off at first but honestly I'd take them back over this dumpster fire Disney made.

Darth Bane appears to Yoda in the last season of The Clone Wars, which is part of the Disney canon. So there's that.

same here m8


plebs. Palpatine was the goat PT character.

It's pretty funny that even as "redeemed" Anakin force ghost, he still has that creepy look.

>It's pretty funny that even as "redeemed" Anakin force ghost, he still has that creepy look.
Because it wasn't shot for the purpose of being a force ghost, just some test shots that George decided to stick in there over the top of the original. In essence: He didn't shoot a force-ghost scene with Hayden, just used some test footage.

They don't have any clear rules about the force ghosts so I'm guessing you have to be attuned to the individual somehow to communicate with their ghost. Luke of course was well attuned with Obi, Yoda, and Anakin, even witnessed all of their deaths which could have had something to do with it. It's a shame they didn't have a Vader phantom speaking to Kylo from his ruined helmet. It could have been an interesting reversal of Luke's dynamic with ghost Obi-wan.

Force ghosts only appear in order to lie to characters or give them meaningless advice.

Ah, that makes sense

>Quorlac Fornayh
>Dathka Graush
>Aloysius Kallig
>Donkey Teeth
The eu's blatant capeshit-tier antics with dozens of strongest EVER x10 do not steal sith lords. People really will shovel whatever shit they can find into their mouths if it comes under a label they like.
Kotor was good, Bane was good, 90% of the old eu was bloat.

Where's space jesus when you need him? Someone needs to cleanse the universe

assuming Kylo would listen to anybody anymore.

Dude has grown up, hes assblasted cause Rey refused to join him and Skywalker taunted him, but his more independent in his actions now than ever.

I want Sheev to call Kylo a faggot and tell him he's no real Sith and should just go back to the light like his grandpappy.

It is, but it has limitations.
All the Sith ghosts were bound to objects or tombs, it was always qualitatively different from Jedi force spirits.

>anakin gave up Padme for power
>kylo will give up power for Rey
It potterates

because disney arent 100% sure wether they are gonna consider the prequels cannon or not.
Even with rogue 1 they were tip toeing around the issue. I guess they hoped their movies would be popular enough that there want to be huge outcry over it

What the fuck are you talking about?
Why wouldn't the prequels be canon?

> Kyle Reno
when your bots advance past the filters to spam more Star Wars shit

because they sucked. And they could have been done better. Didnt you notice how there is literally not a single thing in the disney movies even rogue one that confirms the prequels as being canon. They have yet to come out and say it but I expect they at least planned to remake the prequels at some point

From his point of view Anakin is not Darth Vader

Ah yes, the weather must just be an objectively "light side" phenomenon to be manipulated by force ghost Yoda.


Battlefront 2 is canon and they embraced the existence of Darth Maul.

2 nukes were not enough...

Can someone explain why, when he was force projecting his duel with Kylo Ren, he had a blue lightsaber? Didn't rey have the blue lightsaber that was pulled in half in Snoke's throne room?

Did he just choose blue because he was force projecting and why the fuck not? Or did he actually renounce his green saber and switch back to blue for his master/apprentice duel

That is the grossest thing I've seen in my entire life.

I would say Kylo Ren is more in the grey area and has plenty of Dark inside him still.

He'll come around eventually.

He's a fag in that cartoon, though. The real Darth Bane is tall, buff, and has a glorious voice. Getting Mark Hamill to voice Bane was a mistake. Listen to the Darth Bane audiobook trilogy if you want to have fun.

Unironically, yes. Wears the mask. Has a lotta loyalty to the sith cause. Crashed the entire previous sith order with no survivors and started the fire that lead palpatine to conquering the Galaxy. Darth Bane is literally Bane.

>Listen to the Darth Bane audiobook trilogy if you want to have fun.
Fucking this. Nothing in the Star wars EU comes close to the Bane trilogy.

Bane Trilogy is overrated.

>Thrawn Trilogy
>Hand of Thrawn Duology
>Anything by Stover
>Anything by Luceno

Serious question guys. What kind of force powers would you have introduced into the new franchise?

I'd be more concerned with a coherent plot and fucking likeable characters.

Just copy them from EU/Legends/the old canon, because that's what Disney has been doing anyways.

>TCW was more competently written, directed, and produced than any of Disney Star Wars shows or movies
How is this possible?

Marka Ragnos my nigga

>not Tulak Hord

>not Darth BANE?

Force lifesteal, force cloak, force soul transfer, force life control.

Why would I? Is my boss demanding it?

>Hamill had more fun playing a CGI dark version of his character than he did his most iconic one in live-action
Is Disney going to burn in hell for their mistreatment of him?

Yhuuzan Vong can suck shit. Them and those bug people were just plain boring

Fuck off the Vong were neat.

Jedi dont change often apparently

>entire theme with Luke in RotJ is him coming full circle and realizing that Yoda and Obi-Wan trying to argue that emotions are bad and that love and compassion are weaknesses against hte dark side is him proving them wrong by redeeming Vader and balancing the Force with his love to destroy the Sith
>in the "new canon" Luke becomes an insane disgruntled hermit mimicking Obi-Wan and abandons everything at the first sight of problems solely because Ren/Ben is his nephew
Thanks for murdering everything about Luke, you corporate faggots at Disney.

What is ‘force pull’ bob.


Episode 9

>Kylo gets Rey's sympathy again
>Convinces her to meet him in Crait for her guidance in person
>She arrives at Kylo's co-ordinates, which take her to pic related
>Rey tries to look angry, but she's clearly turned on
>Not to seem too easy, she remains speechless, waiting for Kylo to make the first move
>She eargerly anticipates. What words of seduction has he got in store to win her over?

"I don't like salt. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

>These words summon Hayden Anakin in the corner of the room, behind both of them

"I need you to put this on"

>Kylo hands her Darth Vader's helmet
>Rey, now creeped out, stats to object

"What!? No! That's your Grandda.."

>Kylo force pushes Rey against the bed


>Rey now see's Anakin's ghost, with a perverted smile on his face, licking his lips at the thought of Rey being fucked whilst wearing his helmet

"Look, Ben!"

>Kylo can't see Anakin because he's still too weak in the force

"Nice try Rey. Nobody is here, I made sure it was just the two of us" *wink*

>Rey's now really scared she's going to get force-raped by the both of them, now tries a softer approach to coax him out of it
>Rey caresses Kylo softly

"Ben.. I was just thinking.. let's take it slowly.."

>Ghost Anakin now uses the force to snowly place the helmet on
>Kylo thinks Rey has done this, as he still can't see Anakin

"Oh.. Rey.. you're such a tease"

>Movie age-rating prevents showing explicit sex scenes
>Camera pans on Anakin, now in Jake Lloyd form
>You hear Rey's moaning and screaming whilst looking at little Anny's put on his goggles and give the most perverted grin ever seen in cinema whilst his arm moves up and down

"Now THIS is podracing!"

SWTOR, KotFE and KotET were good. Valkorion was pretty boss.

Valkorion's voice is like pure fucking gold wrapped in silk.

God the fights, the camera work, the emotional investment, dialogue, everything in Episode 6's final duel is perfectly kino.

My niggas.


>even TOR has a better original soundtrack than the Nu films do

God, Anakins outfit is so much better then Kylos rags.