IT HURTS!! 472


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He's lost it, folks.

Proof that english is the most intergalactically known language. Suck it Standard Galactic Alphabet!

Bottom left panel showing Pasq singing the song of his tribe.

150 years and he's still faithful to his waifu. That's dedication.

>Hides Handlie behind his back so she doesn't see the tiny penis horror that's about to happen
Truly Pasq is the bestest of friends even though his friends aren't real.

Doesn't he have two dicks now? One that regenerates and another slapped on by God? He's got to do some figure-8 shit with his fingers if he wants to do both one-handed

this is just too deep

Is this the most perfect webcomic?

Damn, it really is almost the end.

So assuming that each timeskip refers to the time since the previous one, adding up to 199 years, Pasqualo should be about 214 years old at this point. If not, he's at least 165.

As long as Gob sticks the ending, which he seems on track to do.

It's certainly up there for me.

it deserves to be far more popular than it is

>Ally and Katie have been waiting for Pasqualo to return for at least the better part of two centuries
I wonder if they even remember beyond faint inklings, assuming hellfire or other evil hasn't retroactively deleted them.
Pasqualo may be the only living or "living" member of the cast left.

Meh it build up the apocalipse way too much and then nothing happened and space rhinos killed everyone
Other than that it's pretty good except my otp Wich was Trish and the at of zombies never fucked

How much time did he waste going back to earth to check if he was heading into the right direction?

That's a fine piece of fanart.

It looks so troubling seeing Pasq now as compared to what he used to be

Is it okay to touch someone else's dick? I know touching your own dick is verboten but can he touch god's dick?

>he's had that drawing with in for at least 90 years

I mean, presumably. God only said you can't touch your own dick.

I don't want it to end, bros.

If it makes you feel better, 475 will probably be a solid 20 pager
or a half pager

is this rick's real origin?

wait source on it ending at 475?


What if Harmony doesn't exist and God was just sending Pasqualo to improve himself

What if Harmony doesn't exist and it's just bullshit insanity all the way down

>Pasqualo is literally creating Harmony across the universe


Wait... you mean that Drafonforce... LIED to me?!

>Pasq reaches the end of the universe
>He falls off the comic

Man, and I thought the last time skip was crazy.

this is so fucking miserable

Please give our boy a happy, fulfilling ending

Some people theorize that the universe isn't technically infinite, but rather infinitely expanding.

So depending on how slowly it's doing so, he could potentially find the edge eventually.

Wouldn't it be expanding at the speed of light

Either that or the speed of gravity, however fucking fast that shit travels

it's complicated, and has to do with the fact that the universe isn't expanding just in the sense that stuff is moving further apart, but also in the sense that the fabric of space itself is actually getting bigger. the most distant galaxies we can currently observe are actually receding from us at around 3 times the speed of light, which sounds impossible and insane until you realize that relative to their own local chunk of space they aren't moving at all. there's probably even more distant objects than that, but we can't see them because they're receding so fast (again, RELATIVE TO US,) that their light is redshifted down into some bonkers wavelength too long for us to even detect.

Is the universe defined as everything finite (observable matter and stuff) in space? Then that makes sense to me, but unless there's just a wall you hit, there'd have to be an abyss of nothingness after a while right?

the universe just continues forever. If you could teleport 100 billion light years away, you'd find a universe that's essentially the same as the one we know. However, there's a hard barrier of just how far we can actually reach traveling at sub lightspeeds.

Because light takes time to travel, the farther out you look, the older the light is. At the farthest boundary, we see radiation from the early years of the Big Bang, otherwise known as the cosmic background radiation. We can't see farther than that, because there literally was no light before that time.

On top of this, at a far enough distance, objects are expanding away from you faster than light. In other words, not only has their light not reached us yet, but their light will *never* reach us.

gravitational waves travel at the speed of light babe. no more, no less.

why would it be? early universe (as in three seconds old) was expanding way faster than light could have been traveling at the time, or any time, and especially considering that photons didn't exist for a while.

the expansion of the universe is a complex & varied thing ruled by an incredible amount of variables. it has changed & could in the future.

also keep in mind that our understanding of relativity dictates that accelerating an object to light speed or greater is impossible, but nothing about how fast or slow spacetime can expand. space isn't an object.

also the light would just never reach us once it passed that point. it'd be outrun by spacetime.

we don't fucking know. it is safe to assume that the universe is a massive area of spacetime that reflects essentially what we see around us. it is expanding, & appears to have a roughly equal density of matter. (this is not to say that all of space is equally full of matter, but if you zoom out enough, there's a roughly equal distribution of "empty" and "not") at one point in the past, it was entirely contained in a single pointlike singularity. what is has expanded into, we don't know. we don't know what's outside. as far as we know for now, nothing.

if you don't believe in a higher power, the options are no edge and nothing outside, an edge & we are contained by it and alone, an edge and there are other universes on the other side of whatever is between (many worlds theory), and that's about it as far as i know

if you believe in a higher power, the options essentially don't matter. most of the assumptions drawn from that line of reasoning lead to some sort of afterlife external from corporeality, or that life and death are tools along with all that we see, and awareness allows you to shed them. either way, it's not the end goal, & you can probably ask whomever's on the other side.

this is a nice post

it really is.

>if you don't believe in a higher power, the options are no edge and nothing outside, an edge & we are contained by it and alone, an edge and there are other universes on the other side of whatever is between (many worlds theory), and that's about it as far as i know
>if you believe in a higher power, the options essentially don't matter. most of the assumptions drawn from that line of reasoning lead to some sort of afterlife external from corporeality, or that life and death are tools along with all that we see, and awareness allows you to shed them. either way, it's not the end goal, & you can probably ask whomever's on the other side.

That's rather comforting. But at the same time. not. Just like this webcomic.


It Hurts: The Animated Series

The apparent pointlessness of reality is comforting, like a blanket. Notting matters, in any real way, so it doesn't matter what I do. I think I'll try to go to the moon. Become a spacenoid.

I'm curious how many species he's convinced to love Sailor Moon, too.


I fucking swear if this turns into pony fanfiction I will angrily bake some brownies and then eat them with lots of milk after they cool.

I'm here all week babe
whether there's objective meaning is a massive, critical debate & has been for millenia. if you take nothing away from all the arguments & theories about life & meaning but one point, make it this:
if you cause somebody else pain, they will act like it hurts. I can guarantee it. even if there is no objective good, that means there a CLOSE ENOUGH objective bad: everybody of your species doesn't like being hurt. removing pain from your life and that of others must then be objectively better than sitting by & letting it stay.
earth will eventually go away (whether we survive or not the aging sun will expand to embrace it) & the universe very well might but if at one point your life you deliberately decrease the suffering of another of your species, you've done something that everyone else would look at and objectively agree should be appreciated.
you will have, in the history of the universe, done something that another sentient piece of the universe would have liked. whatever happens in the end, that will have happened. nobody can take that away from you.

I don't care what you believe in. improving the lives of others can be proved to be good, & everything we know about time tells us that the past is immutable- nothing erases the fact that good has happened.

tl;dr, the end may be warm, it may be dark, but you can always send an echo of objective good into the space between

you are reality. you are a section of the universe observing itself. youre plugged in inescapably. even if my big fat speech above is wrong, that means that what you decide to follow is just as valid as anybody else or anything else.

if there is no objective meaning, you decide what matters. do me a favor & try to believe in truths that others you believe in would call grand.

>it hurts thread
>detailed discussion on the universe
>a picture of a robot kid jacking off to a crude picture of sailor moon


What if Harmony doesn't exist and god sent him on a quest to become such a good person that he ascended and became Harmony?

Aw man, I was expecting some crazy end with Jen or the Rhinos as end bosses. This is a nice change of pace where everything is calm and Pasq can grow right before the end.

Oh wait FUCK, it's gonna get worse.

what if Pasqualo IS Harmony


>those /trash/ treads
You've Been in dirty places gob

>no comfy what if arcs with older Paqualo and Katie happily together, Allison with Tubsy, Poop 6 feet underground after living a long life with the two of them, Jen beating the snot out of Pasqualo in anime trivia every Thursday, Trisssh ruling with her seat Mark underneath her and Aurora popping in every once in a while to just eat pizza with the group

Truly, everyone has been It Hurts!!! A Webcomic.

I wanna say Gob was in /mlp/ before the scruffening honestly

This sounds like a truly horrible and stupid idea.

I have faith Gob will have an ending worse than that with no one learning anything.

Gob is a Jojo referencer. Wouldn't surprise anyone if he was a an mlp fan. There was even a point where Pasq was willing to go full violent for one of the toys.

You know, a lot of things before this should have gotten me down and depress for him. This shouldn't have been the point to actually got me sad.

Most people who reference the show are also fans of the show. Why would you make a reference to something you don't like?

Also, more people in general like it than have a vitriolic hatred for it that borders on mental illness.

I'm surprised Gob isn't in this thread he usually shows up when here when he updates

Well he usually, answers questions too. There aren't really that many that other anons haven't taken care of. We must ask questions to summon him.

Betty or Veronica?

>also the light would just never reach us once it passed that point. it'd be outrun by spacetime.

scientists like to call this the "cosmological horizon". the distance beyond which we can never observe anything, because no information emitted there could EVER reach us. at the rate space is currently expanding we've only got about 100 billion years left before the entire universe besides out own galaxy passes beyond that threshold and becomes unobservable forever.

>Pasq's journey is a point and click adventure game
Sam and Max would be proud.

My favorite webcomics are ending, I'm running out of shit to obsess over.

asking questions summon him ok

Peanut Butter and Jelly OR Butter and Jelly

>Betty or Veronica?



I thought that the time between the big bang and now was not enough timedistance for events to have redshifted beyond observable limits at the edges of the distant past
I guess it did redshift gamma+ all the way down to microwave. That's pretty significant.
>that brief time in cosmological history when the microwave background radiation would have been visible to the non-existent human eye
Ouch my eyes hurt already

I think he said in a podcast or somewhere that he chose it because it seemed like the most childish shit that of course Pasq would be into it.

>I'm running out of shit to obsess over.
Star Vs. No, seriously.

This reminds me about finding so much r34 during my youth. Since a lot of it was sailor moon or dbz back then.

And preserved for posterity.

>Pasq becomes harmon
>also goes insane
>creates an Aurora Tulpa
>hears/remembers his own prayers from the distant past
>doesn't even remember that kid is the same person as himself. sends Aurora tulpa
>Aurora tulpa causes the apocalypse
>it really was Pasqualo's fault on every level

im pretty sure there is no edn of the universe and pasqualo got sent into a become a better person quest
maybe then he will meet whatever

Haha, oh wow.

Still doesn't explain why she caused the apocalypse.

because she was the poorly-constructed thought form of a gibbering ancient machine god convinced he's never allowed to be happy

Wait, if this is ending in 3 strips, and Gob has a definitive ending planned out that he's following through on in a concise and timely manner, how can this be the new homestuck?

because It Hurts! is comic 2
comic 1 was the one that ended with Pasqualo getting nuked by God

and we got seven more comics to go

>hiding massive and blatant in-comic spoilers in what appears to be a random 'le pony reference' joke

Gob I can't believe you've done this.

I would be so goddamn hype for this.

I do like MLP but I've only watched the first season of The Magical Friendship Hour
PB&J please.

Happy Monday my budzos.

Happy Monday to you too Gob!

bob you faggot, where's my aurora

Yes I too relate to this page about a resurrected cyborg masturbating in the void of space after over 150years of being distracted from finding the edge of the universe.

Gob should post 25 updates of concept art and fanart.
Just to make it an even 500.

Still one of my favorite jokes.

Happy Discount Easter Candy Day, Mr. Gob.

Once It Hurts!! is done, do you plan toake a new webcomic or branch out to do anything else?
Perhaps a flash animated It Hurts!! pilot?

I plan on a new comic series plus maybe some goofy videos and music. :)

calling it now, it's going to be It Still Hurts!! or something like that


BTW would you be willing to pad out It Hurts!! to 500 if you found 25 other artists willing to redraw pages of your comic?
I'm sure if we bother enough of we could get 25 of them.

I would prefer it to end on comic 475. I was hoping for 500 as well, but this is just how it happened. I wouldn't want to stretch it out, y'know? Thank you very much for offering though

i just started reading your comic about a month ago Gob, i gotta say its been a wild ride.
Cant wait to see how it all comes together.
Also When do you plan on making more It Hurts! Books?

You're making the right call Gob. Take your time, do it right, quality > quantity, end it where it feels right and all that shit. Been following for years, and I'm glad just that I'm getting to see it through to the end.

A livestream afterparty to celebrate when 475 goes live would be pretty dope though.

Pull a Mark Waid and make all your subsequent series titles variants (It Hunts, It Curtseys, It Herds, I.T. Hertz). No don't thank us, you've given so much.

In all seriousness what made IH so great was the unending bantz which I suspect will continue through your other webcomics. Let's just hope that like fellow bantzmaster John Allison, you don't get a brainlet copycat.

>A livestream afterparty
I wonder how expensive the live animation rig Star Vs. used for chats is.

Does John have a shitty copycat?