Has there ever been this much of a gap between critics and audience score?

Has there ever been this much of a gap between critics and audience score?

i just saw it for a second time and it is a lot better the second viewing! I noticed a lot of subtleties that I completely missed before.

I recommend seeing it in IMAX 3D too!

I wanted to like TLJ with all my heart. I kept telling myself 'It's not that bad', but it's just a letdown. Simple as that. Go see it and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about as you're walking out of the theater.

Why can't permavirgin Star Wars fans just stop being closeted alt-right sympathizers?


Not a real one no in fact there still isn't

Fuckins mouse shills


>he thinks some autistic virgins bombing the reviews with bots means shit

It unironically should be lower. Like is the 40s range.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is simply amazing, and inspiring. Just watched the premiere and the moment the traditional opening crawl came on with the Star Wars anthem - the hall just erupted with cheers. There was so much excitement and joy, and it felt good that the wait was finally over. True enough, it was well worth the wait. The Last Jedi is a very emotional ride from start to finish. It is filled with humour and tears, great dialogue and acting. When the film ended, everyone just clapped. Yes, it was very satisfying. Superb story telling, and this is where Disney always gets it right: the CGI supports the story and never overwhelms it. The Last Jedi is rich with allegory, a remarkable feat to be showing this eighth episode, very much like for a modern generational myth with a Shakespearean narrative created for difficult modern times such as this. The Last Jedi inspires with great stories of heroism, hope and purpose in the face of loss, tragedy and despair. There's plenty of incredible battle and action scenes and of course, light saber sequences from start to finish, and well paced with great character development. The editing is tight, and the direction is impressive. There's so much detail and hard work poured into the CGI that any fan would feel so very satisfied. I'm watching again for sure. The Star Wars universe was created for cinema, and what a tale this has been, as the story unravels across the generations, watching the actors passing on the baton, and we fans growing up with this franchise and now sharing with the next generations to come. This in itself is a feat. Thank you, George Lucas for creating this. Thank you, Disney for taking this to the next generation. Can't wait for Episode IX.

>comparing a obscure poll that can easily be manipulated to RT
i've replied to a lot of dumb posts today, but you're actually fucking retarded as a person in general

it really is getting massively downvoted by memers, same thing happens when a meme album is disliked on Sup Forums, people go to rym to downvote the fuck out of it out of spite. I doubt the movie is that bad.




I literally saw a dude give a thumbs down to his friend after the theater let out. It was an overlong piece of shit with 2 or 3 good scenes sprinkled throughout the runtime.

I didn't like it myself, but this comes to mind.





thats where I get my film ratings from too and it's already as low as TFA on there

Well that's because Boondock Saints is a work of art and very few critics have actually reviewed it for RT

It's getting downvoted because people are finally going out to see it and they are jaded beyond belief.

That average rating is nearly the same as the rt audience rating you moron.

Of course.

P.S. I trust the audience way more.


Why are the Russians hacking rotten tomatoes?
The viewer rating can't be legit and should be either reset or made so the public can't rank it.

That's a much smaller gap, but it's in the same ballpark.

>OP thinks a 34% critic/audience disparity on RT is large and unheard of.

I trust my own judgement.
Justice League was awful trash.

do they make you guys work on the weekend?

>Marvel fanboy detected
Justice League was awesome. You want awful trash? Look no further than Superman 4.

justice league was god awful dude, stop it

Even more proof that the audience knows better than critics.

>justice league was god awful dude, stop it

Disney damage control scrambling to get any kind of foothold on the situation. It's not going to work, the public have turned on you.

No. God awful is something like Ghostbusters 2016 or Howard The Duck. Justice League was amazing. It's not a perfect film, but definitely enjoyable.

>Justice League was awesome
This is neo/tv/, this is reddit, this is Sup Forums, this is Sup Forums, this is estronaut, this is anti-Sup Forums

on a movie this big? no. It highlights the fact that the mouse is paying critics for good reviews.

>this movie is creating atomic levels of butt hurt on Sup Forums.


>my shitty movie can't be trash because this other shitty movie also exists!
No, Justice League is garbage, and The Quest For Peace doesn't make it anything less.
You're legitimately defending WB pandering to Marvelfags out of desperation.

I got a question. What's the plot of these movies like the overarching plot? I understood the prequels and the OT. But I'm not getting these new ones. Like what's the cohesive story? Rey the strongest force user ever goes on random wacky adventures?

Fuck off

>laughing at a trainwreck=butthurt

Only thing that hurts is my sides

>Has there ever been this much of a gap between critics and audience score?
Not even close.

>Sup Forums legitimately wants it to be bad
>it turns out to be bad
>therefore Sup Forums is butthurt about it being bad
I saw shit like this after the election, too, when Hillary voters were convinced that Trump voters were angry that he won.

It's because Disney has grown so large that no critic dares bash their movies, because then Disney will block them from events

Just like they blocked LA times

This. And don't forget the majority of people who are getting pissed off about people hating TLJ are 100% shills. Disney is in full damage control everywhere.

False. I'm simply stating facts. Just because you're a brainwashed Marvel/Disneyshill, doesn't mean I have to take an alliance with what the critics says. I made my own judgment and I enjoyed Justice League.

It's fucking beautiful. Best Christmas I've had in years.

>I'm simply stating facts.
No, that's what I did when Is aid WB was desperately trying to make Justice League a Marvel quipfest.

It's amazing how many people in the real world love this movie. They genuinely love it. It's going to cause Sup Forums raging ass pain for years to come. I'm really happy about it.

The Orville and STD

>the reviews are written by Nazi's
>Nazi's are everywhere taking over the internet
>the movie makes sense on the tenth viewing
>Rian Johnson's vision is bold and takes risks
>you have to get used to change guys
>it's about the new characters you all know and love so much

False. You said WB was trying to pander to "Marvelfags", not "desperately trying to make Justice League a Marvel quipfest". If they were trying to pander, they would of had Stan Lee cameo in the film. There's literally nothing stopping them from making that happen.